Looking for a fun and faith-filled way to engage youth in friendly competition? Try these Minute-to-Win-It games, inspired by scriptures from the Doctrine and Covenants! Each game encourages teamwork, quick thinking, and a connection to gospel principles. Whether for a youth activity night, seminary class, or family home evening, these games will bring laughter and spiritual insights!
1. “Doubt Not, Fear Not” Balance Challenge
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.” (D&C 6:36)
Supplies Needed:
- Plastic spoons (one per player)
- Ping pong balls or small marshmallows
- Masking tape (to mark the start and finish line)
How to Play:
Players must balance a ping pong ball (or marshmallow) on a spoon and walk from one side of the room to the other without dropping it—all within one minute! If they drop it, they must start over.
Spiritual Connection:
Just like we need focus and trust to keep the ball balanced, we must keep our thoughts centered on Christ and not let doubts or fears shake us.
2. “Called to Serve” Cup Stack
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.” (D&C 64:34)
Supplies Needed:
- 10 plastic cups per player
- One rubber band and four pieces of string per team
How to Play:
Players work in teams of four to stack 10 cups into a pyramid using only a rubber band tied to four strings (each player holds a string). They must work together without using their hands to touch the cups!
Spiritual Connection:
Missionary work and serving others require teamwork, patience, and a willing mind and heart. This game reminds us that we can do great things when we work together in the Lord’s service.
3. “Feast Upon the Words” Scripture Search
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom.” (D&C 88:118)
Supplies Needed:
- Printed scripture verses from Doctrine and Covenants (cut into individual words)
- Envelopes or small bags to hold the scrambled words
How to Play:
Each team is given an envelope containing the words of a mixed-up scripture verse. Their task? Put the scripture in the correct order within one minute!
Spiritual Connection:
Just like studying the scriptures takes effort and diligence, this game teaches that seeking wisdom from God’s word brings clarity and guidance.
4. “Press Forward” Obstacle Course
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.” (D&C 64:33)
Supplies Needed:
- Cones, chairs, or other items to create an obstacle course
- Blindfolds
How to Play:
One player is blindfolded while a teammate verbally guides them through the obstacle course. The goal is to reach the finish line within one minute!
Spiritual Connection:
Life is full of spiritual obstacles, but as we listen to the right voices (prophets, scriptures, and the Spirit), we can navigate challenges and keep pressing forward.
5. “Endure to the End” Cup Flip
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “He that endureth in faith and doeth my will, the same shall overcome.” (D&C 63:20)
Supplies Needed:
- 10 plastic cups per player
How to Play:
Players must flip all 10 cups from an upside-down position to right-side-up using only their fingers within one minute.
Spiritual Connection:
This game reminds us that staying faithful requires persistence! We may not succeed on the first try, but by enduring and trying again, we can overcome challenges and grow spiritually.
6. “Stand in Holy Places” Island Hop
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved.” (D&C 87:8)
Supplies Needed:
- Hula hoops, paper plates, or carpet squares (one per player)
How to Play:
Players must move across the room stepping only on “holy places” (hula hoops or plates) within one minute. If they touch the floor, they start over.
Spiritual Connection:
Just as we must choose to stand in holy places spiritually, we must be intentional about where we step in life.
7. “Gathering Israel” Ping Pong Toss
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect.” (D&C 29:7)
Supplies Needed:
- Small plastic cups
- Ping pong balls
How to Play:
Players must bounce a ping pong ball into each of the cups within a minute.
Spiritual Connection:
Just as we bring scattered ping pong balls into the cups, we help gather Israel by bringing people to Christ.
8. “Faith Like a Mustard Seed” Cotton Ball Blow
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.” (D&C 64:33)
Supplies Needed:
- Cotton balls
- Straws
How to Play:
Players must blow a cotton ball across a table using a straw within one minute.
Spiritual Connection:
Even the smallest faith can grow into something powerful!
9. “Strength in Unity” Paper Chain Race
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” (D&C 38:27)
Supplies Needed:
- Paper strips
- Tape or glue
How to Play:
Teams build the longest paper chain possible in one minute.
Spiritual Connection:
When we are unified, we are stronger—just like a longer chain is harder to break!
10. “Let Your Light Shine” Glow Stick Ring Toss
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Let your light so shine before this people.” (D&C 115:5)
Supplies Needed:
- Glow stick bracelets
- Water bottles or cones
How to Play:
Players must toss glow stick rings onto a water bottle within a minute.
Spiritual Connection:
Our light (faith, kindness, example) can reach others when we aim in the right direction.
11. “Build Upon My Rock” Cup Tower
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Build upon my rock, which is my gospel.” (D&C 11:24)
Supplies Needed:
- 20 plastic cups per team
How to Play:
Players must build the tallest cup tower within one minute.
Spiritual Connection:
A strong foundation (Christ) keeps everything stable!
12. “Knock and It Shall Be Opened” Balloon Pop
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (D&C 6:5)
Supplies Needed:
- Balloons
- Chairs
How to Play:
Players must sit on and pop as many balloons as possible within one minute.
Spiritual Connection:
When we ask, seek, and knock in prayer, God answers!
13. “Be a Light” Flashlight Search
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the light which shineth in darkness.” (D&C 11:11)
Supplies Needed:
- Flashlights
- Hidden objects
How to Play:
Players use a flashlight to find hidden objects in a darkened room within a minute.
Spiritual Connection:
Jesus Christ is the light that guides us through darkness.
14. “Multiply Your Talents” Dice Stacking
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Ye are to be taught from on high. Sanctify yourselves.” (D&C 43:16)
Supplies Needed:
- Dice
- Popsicle sticks
How to Play:
Players balance and stack dice on the end of a popsicle stick held in their mouth.
Spiritual Connection:
God multiplies our talents when we use them faithfully!
15. “Lift Up the Hands That Hang Down” Balloon Keep-Up
📖 Scripture Inspiration: “Strengthen the feeble knees.” (D&C 81:5)
Supplies Needed:
- Balloons
How to Play:
Players must keep a balloon in the air for one minute using only their heads.
Spiritual Connection:
Just as we help the balloon stay up, we should lift others who are struggling.
Final Thoughts
These 15 gospel-inspired games will engage, uplift, and strengthen any youth group, seminary class, or family activity. Which game will you try first? Let us know in the comments!
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