Over the past two years, I’ve spent an absurd amount of time brainstorming and testing different General Conference Activities with my children, friends, and relatives. After much trial and error, these are the General Conference Activities that came out on top!
1. General Conference Guessing Game
Think March Madness but for General Conference. This game is all about trying to guess what will happen during General Conference. With questions like, “What songs will be sung”, “where will the next temples be built”, and “which apostles will speak in each session”, an excitement is born and engagement in General Conference sky rockets!
For the last couple of conferences, we’ve played this amongst our adult friends, with the winner getting Chunky Cookies (La’ie, Hawai’i) and it’s been a blast! This would be especially useful for anyone wanting to create engagement and unity amongst youth or ministering groups.
To access this tool for free, click here or click the button below!

2. General Conference Kids Booklet
I feel like I had just as much fun making this as my kids had using it!
This booklet is absolutely perfect if you’re in Primary or have young children and want your kids to be able to have something they can do with their hands while General Conference is going on!
The booklet is absolutely loaded with games and activities such as:
- General Conference Notes
- General Conference Word Scrambles
- General Conference Word Searches
- General Conference ISpy Games
- General Conference Connect Four
- General Conference Bingo
- General Conference Mazes
- Quorum of the Twelve Tie Coloring
- Christian Art Coloring Pages
- Thirteen Articles of Faith Coloring Pages
To access this tool for free, click here or click the button below!

3. General Conference Nerf Gun Game
This is a great game for homes with older kids or teens! During the last session of Conference, we tape these posters to the walls all around the living room, hand each kiddo a nerf gun (and let’s be honest, the adults too), and any time the word on the target is said, the first person to shoot it gets a point. The person with the most points at the end of that session wins!
To access this tool for free, click here or click the button below!

I hope these ideas help you and your family get excited about this upcoming General Conference! I’m excited to hear which ones you’ve tried! Have any other great General Conference Activity Ideas? Shoot ’em in the comments below!

New April 2025 General Conference Note-Taking Journals are now available! Click here to see more!