Here are 16 Montessori-inspired activities to help young children learn the principles in 3 Nephi 20-26 from the Book of Mormon:
Activity 1: Remembering Covenants – Rainbow Craft
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 20:25
- Materials:
- Construction paper in rainbow colors
- Scissors
- Glue
- Markers
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 20:25, discussing the covenant God made with Abraham.
- Help the children create a rainbow using construction paper strips.
- Write or draw symbols of covenants (e.g., baptism, sacrament) on the rainbow.
- Discuss how God remembers His covenants with us.
Activity 2: Gratitude for Blessings – Thankful Jar
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 20:22
- Materials:
- A jar or container
- Slips of paper
- Pens or crayons
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 20:22, focusing on the blessings of the covenant.
- Encourage the children to write or draw things they are grateful for on slips of paper.
- Place the slips in the jar.
- Discuss how recognizing our blessings helps us appreciate God’s love.
Activity 3: Sharing the Gospel – Missionary Badges
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 21:1-2
- Materials:
- Cardstock or heavy paper
- Safety pins
- Markers
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 21:1-2, discussing the role of missionaries in spreading the gospel.
- Have the children create their own “missionary badges” using cardstock and markers.
- Attach safety pins so they can wear their badges.
- Role-play sharing a message about Jesus with others.
Activity 4: Building on the Prophets’ Teachings – Block Tower
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 20:23
- Materials:
- Building blocks
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 20:23, discussing how Jesus is the prophet like unto Moses.
- Use building blocks to create a tower, with each block representing teachings from prophets.
- Discuss how building our lives on the teachings of Jesus and the prophets helps us grow strong.
Activity 5: Prayer and Guidance – Prayer Journal
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 21:7
- Materials:
- Small notebooks
- Pens or crayons
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 21:7, discussing how prayer and guidance are key in following God’s plan.
- Give each child a small notebook to create a prayer journal.
- Encourage them to write or draw things they want to pray about or ask God for guidance on.
- Discuss the importance of prayer in seeking God’s will.
Activity 6: Trust in God – Trust Walk
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 22:10
- Materials:
- Blindfolds
- Safe area for walking
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 22:10, discussing how God’s kindness and covenant will never depart from us.
- Set up a trust walk where one child is blindfolded and another guides them through a safe area using verbal instructions.
- Switch roles so everyone has a turn being guided and guiding.
- Discuss the importance of trusting in God’s constant care.
Activity 7: Light and Truth – Candle Lighting
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 23:5
- Materials:
- Small candles or LED candles
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 23:5, focusing on the importance of seeking light and truth.
- Light a candle and pass the flame (or light LED candles) to each child, symbolizing the spreading of truth.
- Discuss how we can seek light and truth in our lives.
Activity 8: Remembering the Prophets – Scripture Scrolls
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 23:7-14
- Materials:
- Paper
- Markers
- Sticks or dowels
- String
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 23:7-14, discussing the importance of recording the words of the prophets.
- Help the children create simple scripture scrolls by writing or drawing messages from the prophets on paper, then rolling it up and tying it with string.
- Discuss how the words of the prophets guide us today.
Activity 9: Forgiveness – Erase the Mistakes
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 24:7
- Materials:
- Whiteboard or paper
- Markers or crayons
- Eraser or cloth
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 24:7, discussing the importance of returning to God and seeking forgiveness.
- Write or draw examples of mistakes on a whiteboard or paper.
- As you talk about forgiveness, erase each mistake, showing how repentance clears away our errors.
- Discuss the joy that comes from being forgiven.
Activity 10: Tithing – Counting and Sharing
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 24:10
- Materials:
- Coins or small objects
- Small containers
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 24:10, discussing the principle of tithing.
- Give each child ten coins or small objects.
- Teach them how to set aside one-tenth as a “tithe” in a separate container.
- Discuss how giving back to God helps us recognize His blessings.
Activity 11: Unity in Christ – Group Art Project
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 25:5-6
- Materials:
- Large sheet of paper or canvas
- Paint, markers, or crayons
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 25:5-6, discussing the importance of turning hearts to each other.
- Create a group art project where each child contributes to a large picture representing unity in Christ.
- Discuss how working together in unity brings us closer to God and each other.
Activity 12: Faith and Blessings – Planting Seeds
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 24:12
- Materials:
- Small pots or cups
- Soil
- Seeds (flowers or herbs)
- Water
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 24:12, discussing how faithfulness brings blessings.
- Provide each child with a pot, soil, and seeds. Let them plant the seeds, water them, and place them in a sunny spot.
- Talk about how faith, like seeds, needs to be nurtured to grow and bring forth blessings.
Activity 13: Keeping the Commandments – Commandment Chain
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 26:11
- Materials:
- Strips of colored paper
- Markers
- Stapler or glue
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 26:11, discussing the importance of keeping God’s commandments.
- Write different commandments or good deeds on paper strips (e.g., praying daily, being kind).
- Create a chain by linking the strips together with staples or glue.
- Hang the chain in a visible place, adding a new link each time the children follow a commandment or do a good deed.
Activity 14: Sharing the Light – Lantern Craft
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 23:5
- Materials:
- Paper lanterns or construction paper
- Markers, stickers, glue
- LED candles
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 23:5, discussing how we can be a light to others.
- Help the children create paper lanterns and decorate them with markers and stickers.
- Place an LED candle inside the lantern to symbolize sharing the light of Christ with others.
Activity 15: The Importance of Scripture – Scripture Treasure Hunt
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 23:1
- Materials:
- Small scripture verses written on paper
- Hidden “treasures” (small toys or treats)
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 23:1, discussing the importance of searching the scriptures.
- Hide small scripture verses around the room or yard along with small “treasures.”
- Let the children go on a treasure hunt to find the verses and discuss their meanings.
Activity 16: Family History – Family Tree Craft
Scripture Inspiration: 3 Nephi 25:5-6
- Materials:
- Large paper or poster board
- Markers, crayons
- Pictures of family members (optional)
- Directions:
- Read 3 Nephi 25:5-6, discussing the importance of turning hearts to family.
- Help the children create a family tree using pictures or drawings of family members.
- Discuss how knowing our family history helps us feel connected to our ancestors and to God’s plan.