We’ve all been there—you need an activity fast. Maybe plans changed, maybe you just got put in charge (surprise!), or maybe life happened, and now you’re scrambling for something meaningful and fun. Don’t worry—I got you! 🙌 The 2025 Youth Theme, "Look Unto Christ", is packed with powerful ...
“Follow the Prophet” Primary Music Flip Chart
As a family, we've been trying to be better at teaching out little ones music from the Children's Hymn Book, especially as we're teaching alongside Come, Follow Me. We've decided to create flip charts for each of the songs as our kids are very much visual learners. To download this "Follow ...
Valentine’s Day Activity – Five Love Language Competition for LDS Youth
If you’re wanting to create a very memorable and fun…. And let’s be real, NOT cheesy…. Valentine’s Day Activity for the youth, consider this 5 Love Languages activity! Activity Breakdown: Two teams will battle against each other in different competitions inspired by the five love languages: Acts ...
50 Backup Primary Talks from Doctrine and Covenants
Sometimes, things happen before Primary starts and you're short a Talk. No worries, that's what this post is all about! Here's 50 backup talks for Primary Children centered on Doctrine and Covenants. 1. Heavenly Father Loves You Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 18:10"Remember the worth of ...
Doctrine and Covenants 10-11 Hands-on Activities for Little Children
In this post, we’ll be looking at some activity ideas you could do with your little ones to better learn the principles in Doctrine and Covenants 10-11. 1. God’s Wisdom Is Greater Than Human Plans (Doctrine and Covenants 10) Principle: Trust in God’s wisdom and timing. 2. Repentance and ...