These mini scripture readings are meant for families with young children, to have something to read daily with them and start the wonderful habit of reading the scriptures as a family!
1. December 9-15 || Moroni 7-9
Moroni 7
Once, a man named Moroni wanted to share something special that his dad, Mormon, had taught. Mormon loved teaching people about how to have faith, hope, and love, and Moroni thought it was important for everyone to know.
Mormon stood in a big building where people came to learn about God. He smiled at them and said, “God has chosen me to teach you, and I’m so grateful for this chance. I want to talk to you about how we can follow Jesus and be happy.”
Mormon told the people, “If you follow Jesus, you can feel peace in your heart and rest with Him in heaven one day. I see that you are kind and gentle to others, which shows that you’re following Him.”
He explained, “When we do good things, it shows we have good hearts. But if someone gives a gift or prays without meaning it, it’s not really good. God cares about what’s in our hearts, not just what we do.”
Mormon continued, “Good things come from God, like kindness, love, and happiness. Bad things, like being mean or selfish, come from the devil. It’s like a tree: a good tree gives yummy fruit, and a bad tree gives rotten fruit. That’s how we know what’s good or bad.”
Mormon smiled and said, “God gave us the light of Jesus to help us know the difference between good and bad. When something helps us love and follow Jesus, it’s good. When it doesn’t, it’s bad. If we choose the good, we’ll become more like Jesus!”
Then Mormon talked about three important things: faith, hope, and love.
“Faith,” he said, “is believing in Jesus and trusting Him. Hope is knowing that, because of Jesus, we can live with God forever. And love—real love—is the most important of all. It means being kind, patient, and thinking about others before ourselves.”
Mormon told the people, “God sent angels and prophets to teach us about Jesus so we could have faith. And because of faith, miracles can happen. Jesus helps us every day if we believe in Him. He wants us to repent, be baptized, and follow Him.”
Finally, Mormon said, “Love, or charity, is the pure love of Jesus. It means being good and kind, even when it’s hard. We should pray and ask God to fill our hearts with this kind of love, so we can be like Jesus and live with Him forever.”
The people listened carefully. They knew that Mormon was teaching them something very important. When Mormon finished, he said, “If you remember one thing, remember this: love is the greatest of all. Hold on to it, and you’ll always feel close to Jesus.”
And from that day on, the people tried their best to have faith in Jesus, hope for His promises, and love everyone around them. They felt happy, peaceful, and close to God as they followed His teachings.
And you can feel that way too! By believing in Jesus, trusting Him, and being kind and loving to others, you’ll be His special child forever.
Moroni 8
One day, a man named Mormon wrote a letter to his son, Moroni. Mormon loved Moroni very much and wanted to share some important lessons with him. He started his letter like this:
“My dear son Moroni, I am so happy that Jesus has called you to do His work. I pray for you every day, asking God to help you stay strong and faithful.”
But then Mormon wrote about something that made him very sad. “I heard there’s been some arguing about baptizing little children. This is not right, and I prayed to God to know what to do. The Holy Ghost told me the answer.”
Mormon explained what he had learned from God:
“Jesus came to help people who have done wrong, not little children. Little children are pure and don’t need baptism because they can’t do bad things. Jesus’s love takes away anything that could hurt them, so they are safe in Him.”
He went on, “Baptism is for people who can choose right or wrong and need to say sorry for their mistakes. Parents should be baptized and become humble, just like their little children, so they can all be saved together.”
Mormon reminded Moroni of something very important:
“Little children are alive in Christ. God loves all His children the same. He is always fair and unchanging. It’s wrong to think some children are saved because of baptism while others are not. That denies Jesus’s love and the power of His sacrifice.”
Mormon’s heart was full of love as he said, “God’s mercy covers all little children because they are pure. Baptizing little children doesn’t make sense because they don’t need it. Instead, we should trust Jesus and teach repentance to those who need it.”
Mormon also warned, “Anyone who says little children need baptism is not following God’s ways. We must not forget how much Jesus loves every single child. We must teach what is true and trust in His mercy.”
Before ending his letter, Mormon shared his worry about the people around them. “My son, the Nephites are full of pride and turning away from God. Pray for them, that they might repent before it’s too late. If they don’t, they will face destruction, just as the prophets have said.”
Finally, Mormon said, “Farewell, my son. I will write again if I can. If not, I hope we meet again one day. Remember what I’ve taught you and keep following Jesus.”
Moroni held the letter close to his heart. He knew his father loved him and wanted him to share God’s love and truth with others. And so, Moroni continued to teach what his father had taught: that little children are precious, loved, and alive in Jesus Christ.
Moroni 9
Mormon wrote another letter to his son, Moroni. This time, his heart was heavy with sorrow. He began:
“My dear son, I am still alive, but I need to share some very sad news with you.”
Mormon explained, “We fought a hard battle against the Lamanites, but we lost. Many of our best men have been killed, including Archeantus, Luram, and Emron. I’m afraid the Lamanites might destroy our people because they will not repent. Satan keeps making them angry and stirring up fighting.”
Mormon sighed as he continued, “I’ve tried to teach them God’s word, but they don’t listen. When I speak firmly, they get angry. When I speak gently, they ignore me. I’m afraid God’s Spirit has stopped trying to help them because they are so hard-hearted. They don’t love each other anymore, and all they think about is fighting and revenge.”
But Mormon didn’t give up. He encouraged Moroni, saying, “Even though it’s hard, we must keep working. If we stop trying, we’ll fall under God’s judgment too. While we’re here on earth, we need to fight against evil and stay faithful so we can rest with God one day.”
Mormon then described the terrible suffering he had seen. “The Lamanites have captured many men, women, and children. They killed the husbands and fathers, and they’ve done horrible things to the women and children, even making them eat the flesh of their own family members. But as awful as this is, our own people have done things that are just as bad. They have hurt innocent people and done cruel and evil things. My son, I can hardly bear to think of it.”
Mormon’s heart ached. “How did our people, who were once so good and happy, become so wicked? How can God hold back His judgment any longer? My heart cries out, asking God to hide their terrible sins from His sight.”
He then shared more tragic news. “In the city of Sherrizah, many widows and their daughters have been left with no food because the armies have taken it all. They wander, looking for food, and some die along the way. My army is weak, and the Lamanites are so cruel that anyone who tries to escape to safety is captured or killed.”
Mormon’s sorrow deepened. “Our people have lost all order and kindness. They don’t care about anything good. The suffering of women and children is more than I can describe. I can’t even recommend them to God because of how far they’ve fallen into wickedness.”
But even in his sadness, Mormon turned to hope for his son. “My dear son, I pray for you and trust in Christ that you will be saved. I pray God will protect you so that you might live to see the people either repent or face their destruction. If they don’t change, they will perish just like the Jaredites did, because they love fighting and revenge too much.”
Mormon ended his letter with love and faith:
“If I don’t live to see you again, I trust you will continue to be faithful in Christ. Don’t let my words make you lose hope. Instead, remember Jesus—His suffering, His death, and His mercy. Let the promise of eternal life bring you peace. May God’s grace and Christ’s love stay with you forever.”
Mormon signed off with a heavy heart but a hopeful prayer for his son, Moroni, to continue in faith and love, no matter how dark the world around him became.
December 16-22 || Moroni 10
Moroni sat alone, knowing his time was short. He decided to write one final message to the Lamanites, hoping that one day they would read his words and turn to Christ. He began:
“My dear brethren, I want you to know that it has been over 420 years since the sign of Jesus Christ’s birth was given. I will seal these records now, but first, I want to share some important truths with you.”
Moroni wrote with great care, pouring his heart into his words:
“When you read these things, I hope you will remember how merciful the Lord has been to all people, from the time of Adam until now. Think about it deeply in your hearts.”
He urged them, “When you read these words, pray to God in the name of Christ. Ask with a sincere heart and real intent if these things are true. If you have faith in Christ, the Holy Ghost will let you know they are true. The Holy Ghost can teach you the truth of everything.”
Moroni continued, “Anything that is good comes from Christ and helps us believe in Him. I urge you not to deny God’s power, for He works miracles through faith. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Moroni reminded them about the gifts of God. “God gives many gifts through His Spirit to help His children. Some people are blessed to teach wisdom, others to have great faith, heal the sick, or perform miracles. Some can prophesy, see angels, speak different languages, or interpret them. All of these gifts come from Christ and are given to help us.”
He added, “Remember, every good gift comes from Christ, and His gifts will never go away as long as people have faith. Faith, hope, and charity are essential. Without them, we cannot be saved.”
Moroni explained why these qualities were so important:
“Faith helps us believe in Christ and trust His promises. Hope gives us confidence in eternal life. Charity, the pure love of Christ, helps us love God and others with all our hearts. Without charity, we cannot be saved.”
He warned of the dangers of unbelief:
“If people stop believing in Christ and reject His gifts, there will be no one left to do good. This leads to despair and destruction. But with faith in Christ, we can do all things He asks of us.”
Moroni ended his message with a powerful call to action:
“I urge you to come to Christ and take hold of every good gift. Leave behind anything evil or unclean. Awake and arise, O people of God, and fulfill the covenants He has made with you.”
He shared a promise:
“If you come to Christ, deny ungodliness, and love God with all your might, His grace will make you perfect in Him. Through Christ’s sacrifice, your sins will be forgiven, and you will be holy and clean.”
Finally, Moroni said goodbye:
“I say farewell to you all. Soon, I will rest in the paradise of God until my body and spirit are reunited. On that day, I will stand before the great Judge, Jesus Christ, to meet you again. Until then, may you remember these words and turn to Him.”
With those final words, Moroni sealed the record, trusting that one day, his message would reach the hearts of those who needed it most.