In this article, weʻll be deep diving into Doctrine and Covenants 10-11. To download our free lesson help + customizable Canva Template, click here: https://otherthanamom.myflodesk.com/dc10-11

God “will not suffer that Satan shall accomplish his evil design.”
Engaging Questions:
- What do Doctrine and Covenants 10:43–46 teach you about how God’s work will prevail over Satan’s plans? How does this bring you comfort?
- Have you experienced a time when you felt that God’s power helped you overcome a challenge or temptation? What did you learn?
- How can knowing that God will not allow Satan to accomplish his plans give you courage in the face of trials?
- In what ways do you see evidence in the world today that God’s work is moving forward despite opposition?
- What role does personal faith play in resisting Satan’s efforts to discourage or distract you?
- How can you stay focused on God’s plan for you, even when it feels like obstacles or temptations are in your way?
- What do Doctrine and Covenants 11:12–14 teach about the role of the Spirit in helping us discern truth and resist evil?
- What can you do to strengthen your spiritual defenses against Satan’s influence in your life?
- How can you support others in recognizing and overcoming the ways Satan tries to interfere in their lives?
- What steps can you take this week to trust more fully in God’s power to protect and guide you, even when challenges arise?
Object Lessons:
1. The Shield (Protection from Satan’s Plans)
Materials Needed: A small shield or a picture of one.
Show the shield and explain how it protects against attacks. Compare this to how God’s power and promises protect us from Satan’s efforts to harm or deceive us. Emphasize that when we stay close to God through prayer, scripture study, and obedience, Satan’s plans cannot succeed.
Lesson: God provides spiritual protection, and when we rely on Him, Satan’s designs cannot prevail against us.
2. The Candle and Darkness (Light Always Dispels Darkness)
Materials Needed: A candle and matches or a flashlight.
Turn off the lights and light the candle. Explain that no matter how dark a room is, even a small light dispels the darkness. Compare this to how God’s truth and power always overcome Satan’s deceptions.
Lesson: God’s light is stronger than Satan’s darkness, and as we stay close to Him, we can always find clarity and truth.
3. The Rock and the Wave (Immovable Foundation)
Materials Needed: A large rock and a bowl of water or a picture of waves hitting a rock.
Show how the rock remains unmoved even as the water splashes against it. Compare this to how God’s purposes are unshakable and cannot be thwarted by Satan’s efforts.
Lesson: God’s plan is firm and unmovable, and Satan’s efforts cannot overcome it when we build our faith on Christ, the “rock.”
4. The Puzzle Piece (God’s Plan is Complete)
Materials Needed: A puzzle with one piece missing and the final piece.
Show the incomplete puzzle and explain how it represents God’s plan. Satan tries to disrupt God’s work, but the final piece will always fit into place because God’s purposes cannot be frustrated.
Lesson: Satan’s attempts to derail God’s plan are temporary and futile because God’s purposes will always prevail.
5. The Weeds and the Gardener (God Removes Harmful Influences)
Materials Needed: A small potted plant with weeds or pictures of a garden and weeds.
Show the plant and explain that Satan’s plans are like weeds trying to choke the growth of good things. The gardener (God) identifies and removes the weeds to protect the plant.
Lesson: God is aware of Satan’s efforts and will intervene to protect His work and His children.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when you felt tempted to give in to discouragement or doubt, but the Lord helped you overcome. How did you recognize His power in helping you resist the adversary?
- Think of a time when you faced setbacks or challenges but saw the Lord’s hand in turning them into opportunities for growth. How did that experience increase your trust in His ability to thwart Satan’s plans?
- Think of a time when you felt inspired to take action that protected you or someone else from harm, spiritually or otherwise. How did that prompting confirm God’s power to counteract Satan’s influence?
- Think of a time when you experienced opposition while trying to do something good. How did the Lord strengthen and guide you to move forward despite the adversary’s efforts?
- Think of a time when you felt the Lord protect you from spiritual danger. How did His guidance help you stay on the covenant path and resist Satan’s designs?
- Think of a time when a scripture, priesthood blessing, or prayer gave you power to resist temptation or fear. How did that experience strengthen your testimony of God’s ultimate authority?
- Think of a time when you witnessed someone overcome adversity or temptation through the Lord’s help. How did their story inspire you to trust in God’s power to defeat evil?
- Think of a time when you felt reassured that the Lord was in control, even when the adversary seemed to have the upper hand. How did that reassurance bring you peace?
- Think of a time when you relied on the Savior’s Atonement to recover from a mistake or sin. How did that experience teach you that Satan’s designs can be undone through Christ’s power?
- Think of a time when you felt inspired to share truth or light in a situation where the adversary seemed to be influencing others. How did your actions make a difference, and how did you see the Lord’s power at work?
The Lord’s “wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.”
Engaging Questions:
- What does Doctrine and Covenants 10:43–45 teach you about how the Lord’s wisdom overcomes Satan’s cunning? How does this strengthen your faith?
- Can you think of a time in your life when you saw evidence that God’s wisdom helped you overcome a difficult situation? What happened?
- Why do you think it’s important to trust in God’s wisdom, especially when Satan’s deceptions seem convincing?
- How does knowing that God’s wisdom is greater than Satan’s cunning help you face challenges or doubts in your life?
- What do Doctrine and Covenants 11:12–14 teach about how the Spirit guides us to recognize truth and resist Satan’s deceptions?
- Have you ever experienced a moment where the Spirit helped you discern between truth and error? How did that impact your testimony?
- What can you do to rely more fully on God’s wisdom when making decisions or seeking guidance?
- How can studying the scriptures and following modern prophets help you recognize and avoid Satan’s cunning strategies?
- What role does humility play in trusting God’s wisdom over your own understanding? How can you develop greater humility?
- What actions can you take this week to align yourself with God’s wisdom and avoid the traps of Satan’s cunning?
Object Lessons:
1. The Light and the Shadow (Truth Always Overcomes Deception)
Materials Needed: A flashlight or candle and an object to cast a shadow.
Shine the light and show how it reveals what is hidden in the shadows. Explain how Satan uses cunning to deceive, but God’s wisdom (like the light) exposes the truth and dispels darkness.
Lesson: God’s wisdom and truth always overcome Satan’s deception when we seek His guidance.
2. The Puzzle and the Missing Piece (God’s Perfect Plan)
Materials Needed: A puzzle missing one critical piece.
Show the incomplete puzzle and explain how it represents Satan’s attempts to disrupt God’s plan. Then place the final piece into the puzzle to complete it. Emphasize that God’s wisdom ensures that His plan will always succeed, no matter what Satan tries.
Lesson: Satan may try to disrupt God’s work, but God’s wisdom ensures His plan is always fulfilled.
3. The Magnet and the Metal (Attracting Truth)
Materials Needed: A magnet and small metallic and non-metallic objects.
Demonstrate how the magnet attracts only the metal objects, not the others. Explain that God’s wisdom is like the magnet, drawing those who seek truth and righteousness while resisting Satan’s cunning deceptions.
Lesson: By staying close to God, we are drawn to His wisdom and protected from Satan’s deceit.
4. The Gardener and the Weeds (Removing Deception)
Materials Needed: A small potted plant or garden tools and a picture of weeds.
Explain how weeds represent Satan’s cunning efforts to choke out good things. The gardener (representing the Lord) knows how to remove the weeds without harming the plant, ensuring its growth.
Lesson: God’s wisdom allows Him to overcome Satan’s cunning, protecting His work and His children.
5. The Maze and the Guide (God Knows the Way Out)
Materials Needed: A simple maze drawing or printed worksheet.
Show the maze and explain that navigating it alone represents trying to overcome Satan’s cunning on our own. However, with a guide who knows the way (representing God’s wisdom), we can easily find the correct path.
Lesson: God’s wisdom guides us through the challenges and deceptions of life, helping us stay on the right path.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when you faced a situation where things seemed to go wrong, but the Lord turned it into something good. How did this experience show you His wisdom in overcoming adversity?
- Think of a time when you saw the Lord guide you or someone else to avoid a trap or temptation set by the adversary. How did that guidance confirm your trust in His greater wisdom?
- Think of a time when you felt the adversary working to discourage or deceive you, but the Lord provided clarity or strength. How did His wisdom help you discern the truth?
- Think of a time when the Lord’s timing helped you see through a situation that the adversary may have tried to use against you. How did that experience strengthen your faith in His perfect knowledge?
- Think of a time when you felt inspired to act in a way that later protected you from spiritual harm or temptation. How did that prompting demonstrate the Lord’s wisdom in your life?
- Think of a time when you relied on scripture or the words of prophets to combat doubt or fear. How did those truths help you see past the adversary’s cunning and trust the Lord?
- Think of a time when you saw someone overcome Satan’s deception through their faith in the Lord. How did their example strengthen your belief in the Lord’s wisdom and power?
- Think of a time when the adversary tried to use guilt, shame, or discouragement against you, but the Lord reminded you of your worth and His love. How did that reassurance help you move forward?
- Think of a time when the Lord provided a solution or path forward that you hadn’t considered. How did His wisdom exceed your expectations and help you overcome the adversary’s influence?
- Think of a time when you felt peace and confidence in the Lord’s plan, even when things seemed uncertain or challenging. How did trusting in His wisdom help you see beyond the adversary’s tactics?
“Put your trust in [the Lord’s] Spirit.”
Engaging Questions:
- What does it mean to you to “put your trust in [the Lord’s] Spirit” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:12)? How can this guide your daily decisions?
- Have you ever felt the Spirit guide you during a difficult situation? What did you learn from that experience?
- Doctrine and Covenants 10:5 teaches to “pray always.” How does consistent prayer help you trust in the Spirit more fully?
- What do Doctrine and Covenants 11:13–14 teach about how the Spirit works in our hearts and minds? How have you experienced this in your life?
- What challenges make it difficult to trust the Lord’s Spirit, and how can you overcome them?
- What role does the Spirit play in helping you discern between truth and error in your life?
- How can you create more opportunities to feel the Spirit’s guidance each day?
- Have you ever felt unsure about a decision but found peace through trusting the Spirit? How did that experience strengthen your faith?
- What habits or practices can help you hear and follow the Spirit more consistently?
- What’s one way you can act on the promptings of the Spirit this week to strengthen your trust in the Lord?
Object Lessons:
1. The Sailboat and the Wind (Trusting the Spirit’s Guidance)
Materials Needed: A small sailboat or a picture of one.
Explain how a sailboat relies on the wind to move forward. Without the wind, the boat remains still, but when the sail is raised, the boat is guided by the wind. Compare this to how the Spirit moves and directs us when we trust in its guidance.
Lesson: Trusting in the Spirit is like raising the sail on a boat—we allow the Lord to guide us toward His purposes.
2. The GPS (Relying on the Spirit’s Direction)
Materials Needed: A GPS device or a phone with a maps app.
Demonstrate how a GPS provides directions to a destination. Compare this to how the Spirit provides clear guidance in our lives, helping us stay on the right path even when we don’t know the way ourselves.
Lesson: Just as we trust a GPS to guide us to a destination, we can trust the Spirit to guide us in life’s decisions.
3. The Blindfold and a Guide (Trusting Without Seeing)
Materials Needed: A blindfold and a volunteer.
Blindfold a volunteer and gently guide them around the room while they follow your voice. Explain that trusting the Spirit is like following a guide when you can’t see the path—it requires faith and willingness to listen.
Lesson: Even when we can’t see the way forward, we can trust the Spirit to guide us safely.
4. The Seed and Growth (Trusting in the Process)
Materials Needed: A small seed and a potted plant.
Show the seed and explain how, when planted, it must rely on water, sunlight, and time to grow. Compare this to how we must trust the Spirit to help us grow spiritually, even if we don’t see immediate results.
Lesson: Trusting in the Spirit’s guidance allows us to grow and progress in God’s timing.
5. The Lantern in the Fog (Clarity Amid Uncertainty)
Materials Needed: A lantern or flashlight.
Dim the room slightly to create a “foggy” atmosphere and use the lantern to light the way. Explain how trusting the Spirit is like following a lantern in the fog—it doesn’t reveal everything at once, but it provides enough light to take the next step.
Lesson: The Spirit may not reveal everything immediately, but trusting its guidance allows us to move forward with confidence.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when you faced a difficult decision and trusted the guidance of the Spirit. How did following that prompting bring peace or clarity?
- Think of a time when you felt hesitant to act but were reassured by the promptings of the Holy Ghost. How did trusting the Spirit’s guidance lead to a positive outcome?
- Think of a time when you prayed for help and felt the Spirit’s presence give you comfort and direction. How did that experience strengthen your trust in the Lord?
- Think of a time when you felt prompted to share your testimony or reach out to someone in need. How did trusting the Spirit’s prompting bless both you and the other person?
- Think of a time when you didn’t understand why you were being prompted to do something, but later saw the wisdom in following the Spirit. How did that experience build your faith in the Lord’s guidance?
- Think of a time when trusting in the Spirit helped you navigate a challenge or trial. How did the Lord’s guidance bring strength and comfort during that time?
- Think of a time when you felt the Spirit guide you to resolve a conflict or make peace with someone. How did trusting the Lord’s Spirit bring healing or unity?
- Think of a time when the Spirit warned you of danger—spiritual or physical. How did acting on that warning protect or bless you?
- Think of a time when you felt the Spirit guide you as you taught or shared the gospel. How did trusting in the Lord’s Spirit strengthen your ability to communicate His truth?
- Think of a time when you doubted your abilities but relied on the Spirit to help you succeed. How did the Lord’s guidance help you accomplish something you couldn’t have done on your own?
As I seek to “obtain [God’s] word,” I will receive His Spirit and power.
Engaging Questions:
- What does it mean to you to “obtain [God’s] word” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:21)? How do you strive to do this in your daily life?
- How have you experienced the Spirit and power of God in your life as you’ve studied His word or followed His guidance?
- Doctrine and Covenants 11:22 teaches to “treasure up” God’s word. What are some ways you can treasure His teachings in your heart?
- Why do you think the Lord connects obtaining His word with receiving His Spirit and power? How have you seen this in your life?
- What role does scripture study play in helping you feel the Spirit and understand God’s will for you?
- How can you make time in your busy schedule to consistently “obtain” God’s word? What strategies work best for you?
- Have you ever faced a challenge that was easier to overcome because you were seeking God’s word? How did it help you?
- What do you learn from Doctrine and Covenants 10–11 about the relationship between seeking God’s word and preparing to serve others?
- How can seeking God’s word help you strengthen your testimony and share it with others?
- What is one thing you can do this week to focus more on obtaining God’s word and inviting His Spirit into your life?
Object Lessons:
1. The Sponge and the Water (Absorbing God’s Word)
Materials Needed: A dry sponge and a bowl of water.
Show the dry sponge and explain that it represents us when we are spiritually empty. Dip the sponge into the water and show how it absorbs the water, symbolizing how studying and seeking God’s word allows us to be filled with His Spirit.
Lesson: When we seek to obtain God’s word, like the sponge absorbing water, we are filled with His Spirit and power.
2. The Lamp and Oil (Spiritual Preparation)
Materials Needed: A small lamp or flashlight and a battery or oil.
Show the lamp and explain that it can only shine if it has a power source. Compare this to how obtaining God’s word (through scripture study, prayer, and revelation) provides the spiritual “oil” or “power” we need to receive His Spirit and strength.
Lesson: As we seek God’s word, we prepare ourselves spiritually to receive His Spirit and light.
3. The Key and the Door (Unlocking God’s Power)
Materials Needed: A key and a door or lockable box.
Demonstrate how the key unlocks the door or box. Explain that God’s word is the key to unlocking His Spirit and power in our lives. When we seek and apply His word, we gain access to the strength and guidance He offers.
Lesson: God’s word is the key that unlocks His Spirit and power in our lives.
4. The Seed and Growth (Nurturing Spiritual Strength)
Materials Needed: A small seed and a potted plant.
Show the seed and explain how planting it in good soil and providing sunlight and water allows it to grow. Compare this to how obtaining God’s word nurtures our faith and spiritual growth, allowing us to receive His Spirit and power.
Lesson: Seeking and applying God’s word is like nurturing a seed—it leads to growth, strength, and spiritual vitality.
5. The Funnel and the Bottle (Receiving God’s Power)
Materials Needed: A funnel and a bottle.
Show how the funnel channels water into the bottle without spilling. Explain that God’s word acts as a funnel, helping us receive His Spirit and power more directly and effectively. Without the funnel, we might miss the full blessings He offers.
Lesson: When we seek God’s word, it channels His Spirit and power into our lives, filling us completely.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when studying the scriptures helped you feel the Spirit and gave you the strength to overcome a challenge. How did obtaining God’s word empower you?
- Think of a time when prayerfully seeking answers in the scriptures brought clarity and guidance to your life. How did that experience help you feel God’s Spirit?
- Think of a time when preparing to teach or speak about the gospel deepened your understanding of God’s word. How did the Spirit guide you as you prepared and shared?
- Think of a time when a specific verse or teaching from the scriptures came to mind at the exact moment you needed it. How did that experience remind you of the power of God’s word?
- Think of a time when you received strength or comfort from reading the Doctrine and Covenants. How did that section or verse inspire you to rely on the Spirit more fully?
- Think of a time when you sought revelation by immersing yourself in the scriptures. How did seeking God’s word invite His Spirit into your heart and life?
- Think of a time when you saw someone else grow spiritually by diligently studying and applying the scriptures. How did their example inspire you to seek God’s word more intentionally?
- Think of a time when you felt spiritually strengthened by memorizing and pondering a scripture. How did that scripture help you face a specific trial or decision?
- Think of a time when you acted on inspiration you received while studying God’s word. How did obeying that prompting help you feel the Spirit’s confirmation and power?
- Think of a time when the Spirit helped you understand a gospel principle more deeply while studying or pondering. How did that insight change your perspective or actions?