In this post, we’ll be looking at some activity ideas you could do with your little ones to better learn the principles in Doctrine and Covenants 10-11.
1. God’s Wisdom Is Greater Than Human Plans (Doctrine and Covenants 10)
Principle: Trust in God’s wisdom and timing.
- Practical Life: Puzzle of God’s Plan
- Create a simple puzzle with an image or message that represents God’s plan (e.g., a heart, scripture, or sunburst). Discuss how sometimes pieces are missing, but God sees the full picture.
- Art: God’s Path Drawing
- Provide paper and crayons for children to draw a winding path with stops along the way (e.g., prayer, kindness, trust). Emphasize that God knows the full path even if we don’t.
- Sensorial: Sand and Water Jar
- Fill a clear jar with layers of sand and water. Explain how the water represents God’s wisdom, which can seep through and guide us, even when life feels uncertain.
2. Repentance and Returning to God (Doctrine and Covenants 10)
Principle: God allows us to repent and come back to Him.
- Practical Life: Cleaning Activity
- Provide a chalkboard or laminated heart-shaped paper. Let children scribble “mistakes” on it and then clean it to symbolize repentance.
- Art: “Turning Back to God” Craft
- Have children create a “before and after” heart. One side shows a scribbled, messy heart (representing sin), and the other side shows a clean, bright heart after repentance.
- Movement: Repentance Walk
- Set up a small path with steps labeled “I’m Sorry,” “I’ll Do Better,” and “I’ll Try Again.” Let children walk through the steps of repentance while discussing how God forgives us when we try to do better.
3. Sharing the Gospel (Doctrine and Covenants 11)
Principle: God invites everyone to share His gospel.
- Practical Life: Sharing Basket
- Create a basket with small objects (e.g., toy scriptures, hearts, or star tokens). Let children practice “sharing” these with others in the group, symbolizing sharing the gospel.
- Art: Good News Poster
- Provide materials for children to make a poster with images or drawings of people praying, reading scriptures, and serving. Label it “Sharing God’s Good News.”
- Role Play: Sharing Kindness
- Role-play situations where children can share kindness (e.g., inviting someone to play, helping a sibling). Relate these actions to sharing God’s love and gospel.
4. Relying on the Spirit (Doctrine and Covenants 11)
Principle: The Spirit guides us in what to say and do.
- Sensorial: Candlelight Activity
- Use an electric candle or tea light to symbolize the Spirit’s guidance. Turn off the lights and guide children in “following the light,” representing how the Spirit leads us.
- Practical Life: Listening Activity
- Play soft music or sounds of nature. Encourage children to sit quietly and listen, then discuss how the Spirit speaks softly, requiring us to listen carefully.
- Art: “Listening Ears” Headband
- Help children create a headband with large paper ears. Discuss how listening to the Spirit can help us know what to say or do.
5. Waiting on God’s Timing (Doctrine and Covenants 11)
Principle: Be patient and wait for God’s timing to do His work.
- Practical Life: Patience Activity
- Use a simple activity like transferring beans with a spoon. Emphasize the importance of slow, careful work and relate it to waiting on God’s timing.
- Art: Growth Chart
- Provide materials for children to create a “faith growth” chart, where they add leaves or flowers as they learn to wait patiently for God’s guidance.
- Nature Connection: Planting Seeds
- Plant seeds and discuss how, just like the seeds need time to grow, we need to be patient and trust in God’s timing.
6. Treasure the Word of God
Principle: God’s words are a treasure to guide our lives.
Provide slips of paper with short scripture phrases. Children can pull one out and memorize it, storing God’s word in their hearts.
Sensorial: Scripture Treasure Hunt
Hide small scripture-themed objects (e.g., toy scrolls, paper hearts with scripture phrases) around the room. Let children find them and discuss how God’s word is like a treasure.
Art: “Treasure Chest of Scriptures” Craft
Create a paper treasure chest and let children fill it with “gold coins” or “jewels” (cutouts) with words like “love,” “truth,” and “faith.”
Practical Life: Scripture Memory Jar