In this post, we’ll be looking at some activity ideas you could do with your little ones to better learn the principles in Doctrine and Covenants 12–17; Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75
1. Serving in God’s Work (Doctrine and Covenants 12)
Principle: God calls everyone to serve in His work.
- Practical Life: “Helping Hands” Activity
- Provide a tray with child-sized cleaning or serving materials (e.g., a small broom, a pitcher for pouring). Let children practice serving by tidying up, pouring water for a friend, or setting the table.
- Relate this to how everyone is called to help in God’s work.
- Art: “My Hands Can Serve” Poster
- Have children trace their hands on paper and decorate them. Label the hands with ways they can serve (e.g., “Help my family,” “Be kind,” “Pray for others”).
- Movement: Service Relay
- Set up a small relay where children carry “messages” (simple paper slips) from one station to another, symbolizing how we share God’s work with others.
2. The Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon (Doctrine and Covenants 17)
Principle: God provided witnesses to testify of the Book of Mormon.
- Practical Life: “Witnessing” Activity
- Provide a magnifying glass or binoculars for children to observe something closely (e.g., a small object, a nature item). Discuss how the Three Witnesses saw the golden plates and bore testimony.
- Art: “Three Witnesses” Drawing
- Give children a paper with an outline of three figures. Let them draw or place images of the Three Witnesses and the golden plates.
- Matching Game: What is a Witness?
- Create simple matching cards where children match an event (e.g., “I saw a rainbow”) to a witness (e.g., “I can tell others about it”), reinforcing that witnesses testify of what they have seen.
3. The Book of Mormon is a Sacred Record (Doctrine and Covenants 13–15)
Principle: The Book of Mormon was prepared by God for all people.
- Sensorial: Golden Plates Exploration
- Provide small wooden boards or cardboard wrapped in gold foil to represent the golden plates. Let children feel and hold them while discussing how sacred they are.
- Practical Life: Book Care
- Teach children how to handle a book with care. Let them practice gently opening and closing books, turning pages carefully, and placing them in a designated spot.
- Art: Book of Mormon Cover Design
- Provide blank paper and let children design a Book of Mormon cover using stickers, markers, and cut-out pictures.
4. Receiving the Aaronic Priesthood (Doctrine and Covenants 13)
Principle: The Aaronic Priesthood was restored by John the Baptist.
- Practical Life: Passing the Power
- Set up an activity where children pass a small object (like a key) around a circle to symbolize the passing of priesthood authority from John the Baptist to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.
- Matching Activity: Priesthood Blessings
- Create simple cards with priesthood blessings (e.g., baptism, blessing the sick). Let children match the blessing to a picture of what it represents.
5. God Knows Each of Us (Doctrine and Covenants 14–16)
Principle: God knows us personally and has a mission for each of us.
- Practical Life: Name Recognition
- Provide letter tiles or name cards for children to spell out their names. Discuss how God knows each of our names and has a special plan for us.
- Art: “God Knows Me” Mirror Craft
- Let children decorate a paper “mirror” (a reflective foil-covered cardboard). Write “God Knows Me” at the top.
- Movement: Personalized Path
- Set up a path with signs labeled “Faith,” “Service,” “Prayer,” and “Love”. Have children walk the path, learning that God leads us in our journey.
6. The Work of the Lord Moves Forward (Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75)
Principle: The translation of the Book of Mormon continued, and many people helped.
- Practical Life: Translation Activity
- Provide a coded message (symbols representing letters) and let children “translate” it using a simple key.
- Relate this to how Joseph translated the Book of Mormon with God’s help.
- Group Activity: Working Together
- Give each child a piece of a puzzle to put together. Explain that, just like many people helped in the Restoration, we work together in God’s plan.