In this post, we’ll be diving into Doctrine and Covenants 12–17; Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75. To access our free Lesson Help PDF and Canva Template, click here: https://otherthanamom.myflodesk.com/dandc12-17-jsh1-66-75

I can participate in God’s “great and marvelous work.”
Engaging Questions:
- What do you think it means to participate in God’s “great and marvelous work” (Doctrine and Covenants 12:1–7)? How can you be a part of it today?
- How do you see the Lord preparing ordinary people, like Joseph Smith and the early Saints, to do extraordinary things in His work?
- What talents, gifts, or experiences has God given you that can help you contribute to His work?
- What do you learn from the calling of the Three Witnesses (Doctrine and Covenants 17) about the importance of testifying of truth?
- How have you seen the Lord’s hand in your life as you have tried to serve Him and build His kingdom?
- What can you learn from Oliver Cowdery’s, David Whitmer’s, and Martin Harris’s willingness to be witnesses of the Book of Mormon? How can you be a witness for Christ today?
- Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75 describes Joseph’s baptism and receiving the Aaronic Priesthood. How does baptism prepare us to participate in God’s work?
- What opportunities do you have to share the gospel and help others come unto Christ, even if you are not a full-time missionary?
- What obstacles might prevent you from fully participating in God’s work, and how can you overcome them?
- What is one thing you can do this week to actively participate in God’s “great and marvelous work”?
Object Lessons:
1. The Puzzle Piece (Every Contribution Matters)
- Materials Needed: A puzzle with a missing piece.
- Demonstration: Show a nearly completed puzzle with one missing piece. Explain that just as each puzzle piece is needed to complete the picture, each person plays a role in God’s work. Even if we feel small or insignificant, our participation is essential to His plan.
- Lesson: Every effort to serve, no matter how small, contributes to God’s great and marvelous work.
2. The Candle and the Match (Sharing the Light)
- Materials Needed: A candle and matches or a flashlight.
- Demonstration: Light a candle and use it to light another. Explain how sharing light doesn’t diminish the first flame but rather increases the brightness. Compare this to sharing the gospel and participating in God’s work—we bring more light into the world.
- Lesson: When we participate in God’s work, we help spread His light to others, making the world brighter.
3. The Domino Effect (Small Acts Lead to Big Results)
- Materials Needed: A line of dominoes.
- Demonstration: Set up dominoes in a row and knock down the first one, showing how one small action leads to a greater chain reaction. Discuss how small acts of service, testimony, or faithfulness can have a far-reaching impact.
- Lesson: Our small efforts in God’s work can start a chain reaction that blesses many lives.
4. The Farmer’s Field (Planting and Harvesting in God’s Work)
- Materials Needed: A seed, soil, and a small plant.
- Demonstration: Show a small seed and explain how planting it with care leads to growth over time. Compare this to missionary work, temple work, and acts of service—our efforts may start small, but they contribute to God’s great harvest.
- Lesson: When we plant seeds of faith and service, they grow into something much greater in God’s timing.
5. The Toolbox (Different Gifts for God’s Work)
- Materials Needed: A toolbox with different tools.
- Demonstration: Show different tools and explain that each serves a unique purpose. Compare this to how we all have different talents and abilities, but each is needed in building God’s kingdom.
- Lesson: God gives us unique talents to serve in His work, and all contributions are valuable.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when you felt inspired to share the gospel with someone. How did that experience help you feel part of God’s great and marvelous work?
- Think of a time when you received a calling or opportunity to serve in the Church. How did fulfilling that responsibility help you recognize your role in the Lord’s work?
- Think of a time when you participated in temple or family history work. How did that experience deepen your appreciation for the work of salvation?
- Think of a time when you helped strengthen someone’s faith by sharing your testimony. How did that experience teach you the power of even small efforts in building God’s kingdom?
- Think of a time when you supported or encouraged a new convert or returning member. How did witnessing their spiritual journey strengthen your own testimony?
- Think of a time when you felt the Spirit guiding you to take action in the Lord’s work. How did following that prompting bless you and others?
- Think of a time when you saw the Lord magnify your efforts in sharing, teaching, or serving. How did that experience teach you that God qualifies those He calls?
- Think of a time when you felt a strong witness that the Church is true and that you have a role in its mission. How has that testimony influenced your decisions and service?
- Think of a time when you studied about early Church leaders, like Joseph Smith or the Three Witnesses, and felt inspired to be part of the Restoration. How did their sacrifices help you appreciate your role in God’s work today?
- Think of a time when you sacrificed something—time, comfort, or convenience—to participate in the Lord’s work. How did that sacrifice bring unexpected blessings or growth?
Jesus Christ sent John the Baptist to restore the Aaronic Priesthood.
Engaging Questions:
- Why do you think it was important for John the Baptist to restore the Aaronic Priesthood instead of another heavenly messenger?
- What blessings have you or your family received because of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood?
- In Joseph Smith—History 1:68–69, John the Baptist speaks of the power and authority of the Aaronic Priesthood. What does this teach you about priesthood authority?
- How does the Aaronic Priesthood help prepare individuals to serve in God’s kingdom?
- What do you learn from the humility of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as they followed John the Baptist’s instructions to be baptized?
- How can those who do not hold the Aaronic Priesthood still benefit from and support its work?
- What is the connection between the Aaronic Priesthood and the ordinance of baptism? Why is baptism so important in God’s plan?
- How does the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood strengthen your testimony of Jesus Christ and His continuing involvement in His Church?
- What does Doctrine and Covenants 13 teach about the purpose of the Aaronic Priesthood? How do you see these purposes fulfilled today?
- What is one thing you can do this week to show greater appreciation for the restored priesthood and its blessings?
Object Lessons:
1. The Unlit and Lit Candle (Passing Authority)
- Materials Needed: Two candles and matches.
- Demonstration: Light one candle and use it to light another. Explain that the first flame represents priesthood authority, which must be passed from one who already holds it, just as John the Baptist passed the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.
- Lesson: Priesthood authority is given by God and must be conferred by one who already holds it, just as John the Baptist restored the Aaronic Priesthood by laying his hands on Joseph and Oliver.
2. The Key and the Lock (Priesthood Authority Unlocks Blessings)
- Materials Needed: A key and a locked box or door.
- Demonstration: Show the key and explain that it has the power to unlock something that is otherwise inaccessible. Compare this to the Aaronic Priesthood, which unlocks specific blessings such as baptism, the sacrament, and repentance.
- Lesson: The Aaronic Priesthood is the “key” that allows certain ordinances to be performed with God’s authority.
3. The Relay Race Baton (Passing Priesthood Authority)
- Materials Needed: A relay race baton or any object that can be passed.
- Demonstration: Have two people stand apart. One hands the baton to the other, symbolizing how John the Baptist conferred the priesthood on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Explain that authority is not taken but must be given by one who holds it.
- Lesson: The priesthood is passed from one authorized servant of God to another, following divine order.
4. The Name Tag and Permission Slip (Acting with Authority)
- Materials Needed: A name tag or a signed permission slip.
- Demonstration: Show how a name tag or permission slip gives someone authority to act in a certain role (e.g., a teacher in a school or a security badge at work). Compare this to how the Aaronic Priesthood gives individuals the authority to perform sacred ordinances in Christ’s name.
- Lesson: Just as authority is required to act in certain roles, the Aaronic Priesthood gives men the authority to act in God’s name and perform ordinances.
5. The Power Cord (Priesthood as a Connection to God’s Power)
- Materials Needed: A power cord and an unplugged electronic device.
- Demonstration: Show the device unplugged, explaining that without connection to power, it cannot function. Then plug it in and turn it on, illustrating how priesthood authority connects us to God’s power.
- Lesson: The Aaronic Priesthood allows worthy men to connect others to God’s power by performing necessary ordinances like baptism and the sacrament.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when you witnessed or participated in a priesthood ordinance, such as baptism or the sacrament. How did that experience help you appreciate the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood?
- Think of a time when you received or gave a priesthood blessing. How did that moment strengthen your testimony of the priesthood’s power and purpose?
- Think of a time when you saw a young Aaronic Priesthood holder faithfully fulfill his duty. How did his service help you understand the importance of the priesthood?
- Think of a time when you taught or helped someone prepare for baptism. How did that experience deepen your gratitude for the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood?
- Think of a time when you took the sacrament and felt a renewed sense of the Savior’s love. How did understanding the role of the Aaronic Priesthood in administering the sacrament strengthen your faith?
- Think of a time when you saw the priesthood bring someone closer to Christ. How did that experience help you recognize its divine purpose?
- Think of a time when you studied or reflected on John the Baptist’s role in preparing the way for Jesus Christ. How does his role in restoring the Aaronic Priesthood inspire you today?
- Think of a time when you supported a young man preparing for or receiving the Aaronic Priesthood. How did that experience help you see the Lord’s hand in preparing future leaders?
- Think of a time when you attended or participated in a baptism performed by proper priesthood authority. How did witnessing that ordinance confirm your testimony of the priesthood’s restoration?
- Think of a time when you felt the power of priesthood service in your life. How did that experience help you recognize Jesus Christ’s role in restoring His authority on the earth?
Ordinances give me access to God’s power.
Engaging Questions:
- What does it mean to you that ordinances give you access to God’s power? How have you seen this in your life?
- How did the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood in Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75 help prepare the way for the ordinances of baptism and the sacrament?
- What role does the Aaronic Priesthood play in providing essential ordinances to God’s children today?
- Doctrine and Covenants 13 mentions that the Aaronic Priesthood holds the “keys of the ministering of angels.” What do you think this means, and how have you seen it fulfilled?
- How has participating in ordinances such as baptism, the sacrament, or temple ordinances strengthened your connection to Jesus Christ?
- Why do you think God requires ordinances as part of our spiritual progress rather than just personal belief?
- How can you prepare yourself spiritually to receive future ordinances, such as the temple endowment or sealing?
- How can you help others, including friends or family members, prepare to receive sacred ordinances?
- What is one ordinance you feel especially grateful for, and why?
- What can you do this week to better appreciate and honor the ordinances you have already received?
Object Lessons:
1. The Power Cord (Ordinances Connect Us to God’s Power)
- Materials Needed: A power cord and an unplugged electronic device.
- Demonstration: Show how the device (representing us) has no power when unplugged. Plug it in and turn it on, explaining that ordinances—such as baptism, the sacrament, and temple ordinances—connect us to God’s power and blessings.
- Lesson: Just as a power cord connects a device to electricity, ordinances connect us to God’s divine power, enabling us to receive His strength and guidance.
2. The Key and the Lock (Ordinances Unlock Blessings)
- Materials Needed: A key and a locked door or box.
- Demonstration: Try to open the door or box without the key, then use the key to unlock it. Explain that ordinances are like keys that unlock spiritual blessings, such as forgiveness (baptism), guidance (confirmation), and eternal promises (temple ordinances).
- Lesson: Without ordinances, we cannot access certain blessings from God, just as a key is required to unlock a door.
3. The Recipe and the Cake (Following God’s Pattern)
- Materials Needed: A simple recipe and a finished treat (or a picture of one).
- Demonstration: Show the recipe and explain that following it exactly results in a delicious cake. Skipping steps or changing ingredients can lead to failure. Compare this to how ordinances must be performed in God’s way to access His power.
- Lesson: Ordinances must be performed by proper authority and in the correct manner to bring the full blessings God intends.
4. The Ladder (Ordinances Help Us Progress Spiritually)
- Materials Needed: A small ladder or a picture of one.
- Demonstration: Show how each step on a ladder represents an ordinance, such as baptism, confirmation, priesthood ordination, and temple ordinances. Explain that ordinances help us progress toward God’s presence.
- Lesson: Ordinances are essential steps that bring us closer to God, just as each rung on a ladder helps us reach higher.
5. The Bridge (Ordinances Connect Us to God)
- Materials Needed: A picture or model of a bridge.
- Demonstration: Explain how a bridge allows us to cross from one side to another, just as ordinances bridge the gap between us and God’s power. Without the bridge, we cannot reach the other side.
- Lesson: Ordinances provide a necessary connection between us and the blessings of heaven, enabling us to return to God’s presence.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when you felt the Lord’s power in your life after being baptized or witnessing a baptism. How did that ordinance change you or someone else spiritually?
- Think of a time when you took the sacrament and felt a deep sense of renewal, peace, or strength. How did that experience remind you of the power of ordinances?
- Think of a time when you participated in or received a priesthood blessing. How did that ordinance help you feel God’s love and power in your life?
- Think of a time when you attended the temple and felt the Spirit in a powerful way. How did temple ordinances help you feel closer to God?
- Think of a time when you saw someone prepare for or receive a priesthood ordinance, like confirmation or ordination. How did witnessing that moment strengthen your testimony of God’s power on earth?
- Think of a time when performing proxy ordinances in the temple gave you a special feeling of connection to God and your ancestors. How did that experience help you appreciate the eternal significance of ordinances?
- Think of a time when you were struggling with a challenge, and participating in an ordinance brought you unexpected strength or guidance. How did that experience deepen your trust in God?
- Think of a time when you supported someone preparing for a mission, marriage, or another sacred ordinance. How did their journey help you see the power of covenants and ordinances in action?
- Think of a time when you reflected on your own priesthood ordinances—like baptism, confirmation, or temple covenants—and realized how they have shaped your life. How did remembering those sacred moments strengthen your testimony?
- Think of a time when an ordinance helped you overcome fear, doubt, or discouragement. How did participating in that ordinance bring peace, confidence, or direction from the Lord?
Bringing souls unto Christ is of great worth.
Engaging Questions:
- Doctrine and Covenants 15–16 emphasize how bringing souls to Christ is “of great worth.” Why do you think this work is so important to the Lord?
- What experiences have you had where someone helped bring you closer to Christ? How did it impact you?
- How can you share the gospel and bring others to Christ even if you’re not serving a full-time mission?
- What does Doctrine and Covenants 12:8 teach about the qualities needed to help others come to Christ? How can you develop these attributes?
- How can your example—through kindness, service, or testimony—help someone feel the love of Christ?
- What do you learn from Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75 about the importance of ordinances like baptism in bringing people to Christ?
- What are some small and simple ways you can invite others to learn more about Jesus Christ and His gospel?
- How can prayer and personal revelation help you know who needs your help in coming unto Christ?
- Why do you think the Lord considers missionary work and sharing the gospel to be of such great worth?
- What is one action you can take this week to help someone come closer to Christ?
Object Lessons:
1. The Lost Coin (Every Soul is Valuable)
- Materials Needed: A coin or small valuable object hidden in the room.
- Demonstration: Tell the group that you’ve hidden a valuable object and ask someone to find it. Once found, discuss how much effort they put into searching for it. Compare this to how much the Lord values every soul and desires them to be “found.” (See Luke 15:8–10, the parable of the lost coin.)
- Lesson: Just as we search diligently for something valuable, bringing a soul to Christ is of great worth to Him.
2. The Domino Effect (One Soul Influences Many)
- Materials Needed: A set of dominoes lined up in a row.
- Demonstration: Knock over the first domino and let the chain reaction occur. Explain that when we bring one soul to Christ, they can influence others, creating a ripple effect of faith and conversion.
- Lesson: Bringing even one soul to Christ has far-reaching effects, blessing not only that person but many others in the future.
3. The Starfish Story (Every Effort Counts)
- Materials Needed: A picture of a starfish or a short version of the Starfish Story (where a person throws one starfish at a time back into the ocean, making a difference for each one).
- Demonstration: Share the story and discuss how even if we only help one person come to Christ, it is of great worth to them and to the Lord.
- Lesson: We may not bring multitudes to Christ, but each individual soul we help is infinitely valuable.
4. The Candle and the Flame (Sharing Christ’s Light)
- Materials Needed: A candle and matches or a flashlight.
- Demonstration: Light one candle and then use it to light another, showing that the original candle’s light is not diminished. Compare this to how sharing the gospel does not take away from us but rather spreads Christ’s light.
- Lesson: Sharing the gospel brings light into others’ lives and increases the overall brightness in the world.
5. The Bridge (Helping Others Cross to Christ)
- Materials Needed: A model or picture of a bridge.
- Demonstration: Show the bridge and explain how it connects two places that would otherwise remain separate. Compare this to how bringing souls to Christ helps them cross from uncertainty and sin to faith and salvation.
- Lesson: We act as bridges when we share Christ’s gospel, helping others access His love and atonement.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when you helped someone come closer to Christ through your words or actions. How did that experience strengthen your testimony of missionary work?
- Think of a time when you invited someone to church, a gospel discussion, or a spiritual event. How did extending that invitation help you feel the joy of bringing souls unto Christ?
- Think of a time when someone’s testimony or example helped you come closer to Christ. How did their influence inspire you to share the gospel with others?
- Think of a time when you bore your testimony, even in a small way, and later realized it had an impact on someone. How did that moment teach you the worth of sharing truth?
- Think of a time when you prayed for an opportunity to share the gospel and saw the Lord open a door. How did that experience confirm that He prepares people to receive His message?
- Think of a time when you served someone with love and later saw how it helped them feel Christ’s presence. How did that moment help you understand the power of Christlike service?
- Think of a time when you studied the worth of souls in the scriptures. How did learning about God’s love for each of His children inspire you to help bring others unto Christ?
- Think of a time when you felt the Spirit while sharing or teaching a gospel principle. How did that experience affirm to you that bringing souls unto Christ is a sacred work?
- Think of a time when you supported a new member, less-active friend, or family member in their journey back to Christ. How did witnessing their progress strengthen your own faith?
- Think of a time when you felt the Savior’s joy as you helped someone draw closer to Him. How did that experience help you understand the great worth of every soul?
The Lord uses witnesses to establish His word.
Engaging Questions:
- Why do you think the Lord uses witnesses to establish His word, as seen in Doctrine and Covenants 17?
- How do the experiences of the Three Witnesses (Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris) strengthen your testimony of the Book of Mormon?
- What does 2 Corinthians 13:1 teach about the importance of witnesses? How does this principle apply to the Restoration?
- How has the testimony of others (family, friends, prophets, or scriptures) helped you strengthen your own faith?
- What responsibilities do we have as modern-day witnesses of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel?
- How can you be a witness of Christ in your daily life? What are some small but meaningful ways to share your testimony?
- What do you learn from Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75 about the importance of witnesses in establishing truth?
- How does the Lord confirm truth to you personally? What experiences have strengthened your testimony?
- Why do you think the Lord calls multiple witnesses instead of just one person to testify of sacred truths?
- What can you do this week to bear testimony and be a witness of God’s word?
Object Lessons:
1. The Three Ropes (Strength in Multiple Witnesses)
- Materials Needed: Three small ropes or strings, one individual string.
- Demonstration: Show how a single string can be broken easily, but when three are braided together, they become much stronger. Compare this to how multiple witnesses strengthen the truth and credibility of God’s word, just as the Three Witnesses strengthened the testimony of the Book of Mormon.
- Lesson: The Lord establishes His word through multiple witnesses to ensure strength, credibility, and unity.
2. The Two or Three Flashlights (Confirming the Truth)
- Materials Needed: Two or three flashlights or phone lights.
- Demonstration: Shine one flashlight in a dark room. Then, turn on another, and then a third. Discuss how adding more light eliminates doubt and makes it easier to see. Compare this to how God uses multiple witnesses to bring clarity and truth to His word.
- Lesson: Just as more light brings clearer vision, multiple witnesses confirm and clarify God’s truth.
3. The Courtroom Witnesses (Reliable Testimony)
- Materials Needed: A simple sign that says “Witness” or a gavel if available.
- Demonstration: Discuss how in a courtroom, one witness alone may not be enough to establish a case, but multiple credible witnesses strengthen the argument. Compare this to the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon (D&C 17) and the biblical principle that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Corinthians 13:1).
- Lesson: The Lord follows divine law by providing multiple witnesses to establish His truth.
4. The Puzzle Pieces (Each Witness Contributes to the Whole)
- Materials Needed: A simple puzzle with three key pieces missing.
- Demonstration: Show the incomplete puzzle and explain that each missing piece represents an important witness. Place each missing piece one at a time to complete the picture, illustrating how witnesses help bring the full truth into focus.
- Lesson: Each witness contributes to a clearer understanding of God’s word, just as the Three Witnesses helped establish the truth of the Book of Mormon.
5. The Echo (Repeating Truth)
- Materials Needed: A large room or outdoor space where an echo can be heard.
- Demonstration: Say a phrase loudly and listen for the echo. Discuss how an echo repeats the original sound, just as God calls multiple witnesses to repeat and confirm His truth.
- Lesson: The Lord uses witnesses to establish His truth, just as an echo reinforces and repeats the original message.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
- Think of a time when hearing someone’s testimony strengthened your own faith. How did their witness help you feel closer to the Lord?
- Think of a time when you bore your testimony and felt the Spirit confirm its truth. How did that experience help you understand the power of being a witness for Christ?
- Think of a time when you studied or reflected on the testimonies of the Three or Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon. How did their experience strengthen your belief in the Restoration?
- Think of a time when you received a confirmation from the Spirit that something was true. How did that personal witness help you remain steadfast in your faith?
- Think of a time when you felt inspired to share a gospel truth with someone. How did sharing your witness bless both you and the person you spoke to?
- Think of a time when you saw multiple testimonies of a gospel principle work together to strengthen faith. How did that experience help you understand why the Lord calls upon witnesses?
- Think of a time when you struggled with a gospel principle but found clarity through the testimony of others. How did their witness help you gain your own testimony?
- Think of a time when you were inspired by the testimonies of prophets, apostles, or scriptural witnesses. How did their words guide you in your faith journey?
- Think of a time when you saw the power of multiple witnesses confirming a truth, whether in scripture, history, or personal experience. How did that help you trust in the Lord’s pattern of establishing His word?
- Think of a time when you felt called to stand as a witness of Christ, whether formally or in everyday life. How did that experience deepen your commitment to Him?