In this post, we’re gonna deep dive into the engaging questions, object lesson ideas, and personal sharing prompts that can be found throughout the October 2024 General Conference Talk, “Live Up to Your Privileges” by President Emily Belle Freeman.
In order to more easily digest all the information we could take from this talk, we’ll be separating it by sections, focusing on one point from the talk at a time.
Let’s dive in!

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Recently my husband, Greg, received a diagnosis that would require an intensive surgery and months of chemotherapy. Like many of you who have faced a similar situation, we immediately began praying for heaven’s help and God’s power. The Sunday following Greg’s surgery, the sacrament was delivered to our hospital room.
On this occasion, I was the only one taking the sacrament. One piece of bread. One cup of water. At church, my mind often focuses on the delivery system of the sacrament—the preparing, the blessing, and the passing. But on that afternoon, I pondered the gift of God’s power available to me through the sacred ordinance itself and the covenant promise I was making as I took that piece of bread and that cup of water. This was a time when I needed power from heaven. In the midst of great heartache, exhaustion, and uncertainty, I wondered about this gift that would allow me to draw upon the power from Him that I so desperately needed. Partaking of the sacrament would increase my companionship with the Spirit of the Lord, allowing me to draw upon the gift of God’s power, including the ministering of angels and the Savior’s enabling strength to overcome.
Engaging Questions:
- How has the sacrament brought you strength during difficult times? Can you share a moment when this sacred ordinance helped you feel closer to God’s power?
- When you partake of the sacrament, how do you focus on the covenant promises you are making? What helps you make this moment meaningful?
- How do you feel the gift of God’s power can support you in times of exhaustion, heartache, or uncertainty? What role does faith play in accessing this power?
- How do you prepare yourself each week to partake of the sacrament with a focused heart? What difference does this preparation make in your experience?
- Have you ever felt the companionship of the Spirit increase after partaking of the sacrament? How did that influence your feelings or decisions afterward?
- How do you think about the promise that partaking of the sacrament allows us to draw upon “the ministering of angels and the Savior’s enabling strength”? How has this promise been fulfilled in your life?
- How can we deepen our understanding of the sacrament’s significance beyond its delivery, focusing more on its spiritual power and meaning?
- What does it mean to you to draw upon the power of the Savior’s Atonement through the sacrament? How does this understanding affect your relationship with Him?
- How do you find strength in sacred ordinances during times of physical or emotional challenge? What has helped you draw closer to God in such moments?
- How do you support others who might be going through similar challenges and need to draw upon God’s power? What words or actions have you found helpful?
- In what ways can we better recognize and appreciate the sacredness of the sacrament in our everyday lives, even outside of Sunday meetings?
- How do you find hope and reassurance in the sacrament when facing uncertainties in life? What helps you feel that the Savior is with you in those moments?
- How do you see the sacrament as a means of renewing your strength for the coming week? What specific aspects of the ordinance help you feel recharged spiritually?
- When you face challenges, how do you turn to the power of sacred ordinances for support? How do you know that the power you need is available through these means?
- How can we make the experience of taking the sacrament more personal and meaningful, whether we are in a large congregation or alone?
Object Lessons:
- The Cup of Strength
- Materials: Two cups—one empty, one filled with water.
- Activity: Show the empty cup and discuss how we may feel empty or depleted during trials. Then pour water into it, symbolizing how the sacrament fills us with God’s power and strength. Discuss how partaking of the sacrament can bring renewal and spiritual sustenance during difficult times.
- The Anchor of the Sacrament
- Materials: A small anchor or a picture of an anchor.
- Activity: Explain how an anchor keeps a ship steady in a storm. Relate this to how the sacrament can anchor our souls during trials, providing stability through God’s power. Share examples of times when the sacrament has provided strength during personal challenges.
- The Seed of Renewal
- Materials: Seeds, soil, a small pot.
- Activity: Plant a seed and discuss how just as the seed needs nourishment to grow, our spirits need the renewing power of the sacrament to thrive. Explain how partaking of the sacrament regularly helps us grow spiritually and draw closer to God.
- The Warm Blanket
- Materials: A blanket.
- Activity: Wrap the blanket around a participant and explain how it represents the comfort and warmth that comes from feeling the Spirit through the sacrament. Discuss how God’s power, accessed through the sacrament, can comfort us in times of heartache and uncertainty.
- The Candle of Hope
- Materials: A candle and matches.
- Activity: Light the candle and discuss how the sacrament can be a source of light and hope during dark times. Explain that just as the candle dispels darkness, the power of God received through the sacrament can bring hope and peace to our hearts.
- Sacrament Reflection Journal
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Encourage participants to keep a journal where they reflect on their experiences with the sacrament each week. Have them write about how the sacrament helps them feel God’s power in their lives and how it renews their strength.
- Quiet Time of Prayer
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Create a quiet space where participants can pray individually, focusing on their need for God’s power and strength. Encourage them to ponder the promises they make during the sacrament and how those promises invite God’s help in their lives.
- Sacrament Symbol Activity
- Materials: Bread, water, a small tray.
- Activity: Display the bread and water as symbols of the sacrament. Discuss what each element represents and how the act of partaking invites the Spirit into our lives. Share how the sacrament allows us to access the Savior’s enabling power.
- Strength from the Sacrament Cards
- Materials: Index cards, pens.
- Activity: Have participants write down one way they have felt strengthened or comforted through the sacrament. Share these cards with the group to create a collection of testimonies about the power of the sacrament.
- Group Discussion: Drawing on God’s Power
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Hold a discussion about times when participants have needed extra strength from God and how the sacrament has played a role in providing that strength. Encourage sharing of personal experiences and reflections.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when partaking of the sacrament provided you with strength and comfort during a challenging period. How did the ordinance help you feel more connected to the Savior’s power?
Think of a time when you felt a need for heavenly help and turned to the sacrament for peace and strength. How did this experience deepen your understanding of the covenant promises you make each week?
Think of a time when you were able to draw upon God’s power through a sacred ordinance, such as the sacrament or a blessing. How did this experience help you face uncertainty or heartache?
Think of a time when you felt a renewed sense of hope and spiritual strength after taking the sacrament. How did this renewal help you continue forward in faith?
Think of a time when the sacrament became a deeply personal experience for you. What was different about that occasion, and how did it help you feel the Savior’s enabling strength?
Think of a time when you felt the ministering of angels in your life during a moment of need. How did this experience remind you of the power that comes through the Savior’s sacrifice?
Think of a time when you were reminded of the covenant you made as you partook of the sacrament during a difficult trial. How did remembering that covenant promise provide the support you needed?
Think of a time when the sacrament was administered to you in a non-traditional setting, like a hospital or at home. How did this experience change your perspective on the sacredness of the ordinance?
Think of a time when you realized that partaking of the sacrament was more than just a routine, but a way to draw closer to the Savior’s power. How did this realization transform your approach to this ordinance?
Think of a time when you felt the Spirit of the Lord uplift you during or after taking the sacrament. How did this spiritual companionship help you overcome feelings of exhaustion or doubt?
I don’t think I had ever realized with this much clarity before that it’s not only who officiates in the ordinance that matters—what the ordinance and our covenant promise unlock also deserves the focus of our attention. Priesthood ordinances and covenant promises allow God to sanctify us and then work wonders in our lives. But how does this happen?
First, in order for an ordinance to manifest the power of God in our lives, it must be done with authority from the Son of God. The delivery system is important. The Father entrusted Jesus Christ with the keys and authority to oversee the delivery of His priesthood ordinances. Under His direction, within the order of His priesthood, the sons of God have been ordained to stand in place of the Son of God.
Second, we don’t just make covenant promises—we must keep them. In many gospel ordinances, we make sacred covenants with God; He promises to bless us as we keep those covenants. Do we realize it is the combination of priesthood ordinances along with the keeping of covenant promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power?
That afternoon I wondered if I, a covenant daughter of God, fully understood how to access the gift of God’s power through priesthood ordinances and if I truly recognized how God’s power works within me.
Engaging Questions:
- How do you view the relationship between priesthood ordinances and accessing God’s power in your life? Can you share an experience where this connection became clear to you?
- Why do you think it is important to focus not only on who officiates in an ordinance but also on what the ordinance and covenant promises unlock in our lives?
- How do you prepare yourself to participate in priesthood ordinances with a deeper understanding of their significance? What helps you focus on the blessings that follow?
- What does it mean to you to keep your covenant promises, and how have you seen blessings unfold as a result of your efforts to do so?
- How does understanding that the authority for priesthood ordinances comes directly from Jesus Christ affect your appreciation for these sacred experiences?
- Can you think of a time when you felt God’s power working within you after faithfully keeping a covenant promise? How did that experience strengthen your faith?
- How do you ensure that you not only make but also keep the covenants you have made with God? What helps you stay committed to those promises?
- How do priesthood ordinances serve as a “delivery system” for God’s power in your life? What aspects of this process stand out to you as most important?
- How do you teach or explain the significance of priesthood ordinances and covenant keeping to others, especially those who are new to the gospel or preparing for an ordinance?
- How do you deepen your understanding of what it means to be a covenant daughter or son of God? What practices help you stay mindful of this identity?
- How do you recognize God’s power working in your life through the ordinances you have received? What are some signs that you look for?
- How do you view the role of the priesthood in delivering the blessings of the gospel to individuals and families? How has this role impacted your own spiritual journey?
- What are some ways you can remind yourself of the power that comes from keeping covenant promises, especially during challenging times?
- How do you feel God’s power differs when you are actively striving to live in accordance with your covenants versus when you may be struggling to keep those commitments?
- What advice would you give to someone who wants to better understand how to access the gift of God’s power through priesthood ordinances and covenant keeping?
Object Lessons:
- The Key and the Lock
- Materials: A key and a lock.
- Activity: Show how a key is needed to unlock a lock. Explain how priesthood ordinances and our covenant-keeping act as the key that unlocks the power of God in our lives. Discuss how the key alone isn’t enough—it must be used properly to access what’s inside.
- The Unplugged Lamp
- Materials: A lamp and an electrical outlet.
- Activity: Show how a lamp must be plugged in to receive power. Compare this to how ordinances connect us to God’s power. Emphasize that simply having a lamp (or making a covenant) is not enough—we must keep our promises (plug in) to access the power.
- The Empty Cup and the Pouring Water
- Materials: A cup and a pitcher of water.
- Activity: Pour water into the cup, symbolizing how ordinances fill us with God’s power. Discuss how the cup represents our hearts, which need to be open (covenant-keeping) to receive God’s blessings and strength.
- The Filtered Water
- Materials: A water filter and a glass.
- Activity: Show how water is purified through a filter. Explain that just as the filter removes impurities, priesthood ordinances and covenants purify our hearts, allowing God’s power to work more fully within us. Discuss how staying faithful keeps us spiritually “clean.”
- The Seed and the Sunlight
- Materials: A seed, soil, a small pot.
- Activity: Plant a seed and explain how it needs sunlight to grow, just as we need ordinances and covenant-keeping to grow spiritually. Discuss how the seed’s growth is like the blessings and power that come through keeping our covenants.
- Covenant Power Journal
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Encourage participants to reflect on a priesthood ordinance they’ve received (e.g., baptism, sacrament, temple endowment) and write about how it has blessed their life. Discuss how keeping their covenant promises helps them access God’s power.
- Priesthood Authority Role Play
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Role-play scenarios where participants learn about the importance of priesthood authority in ordinances. Discuss how following the correct “delivery system” of ordinances ensures that we access God’s promised blessings.
- Promise and Blessing Cards
- Materials: Index cards, pens.
- Activity: Have participants write down a covenant promise they have made on one side of the card and a blessing they have received from keeping that covenant on the other side. Share these cards in groups to see how God’s power has been manifest in their lives.
- Prayerful Ordinance Reflection
- Materials: A quiet space, soft background music (optional).
- Activity: Create a reverent environment where participants can pray and reflect on a specific ordinance they have received. Encourage them to ask for greater understanding of the power available to them through that ordinance. Share insights afterward.
- Covenant Walk
- Materials: Paper, markers.
- Activity: Create “stepping stones” on the floor, each labeled with a different covenant or ordinance (e.g., baptism, sacrament, temple). Have participants walk across the stepping stones while discussing how each ordinance helps us access divine power in our daily lives.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when you felt the power of God working in your life through a priesthood ordinance. How did this experience help you understand the importance of priesthood authority in receiving blessings?
Think of a time when you kept a covenant promise during a difficult situation. How did honoring that promise help you feel closer to God and access His strength?
Think of a time when you recognized the significance of the person officiating in a priesthood ordinance. How did this understanding deepen your appreciation for the sacredness of the ordinance?
Think of a time when you experienced a powerful spiritual change after participating in a priesthood ordinance. How did this change impact your faith and your actions moving forward?
Think of a time when you felt God’s power manifest in your life as you strove to keep your covenants. How did this experience help you see the connection between your efforts and His blessings?
Think of a time when you realized that the blessings of an ordinance depended not just on the act itself but on your commitment to live by the covenants you made. How did this realization influence your dedication to those promises?
Think of a time when you felt inspired to reflect on the covenants you made and how they have guided your life. What blessings or changes did you see as a result of keeping those covenants?
Think of a time when you saw someone else draw upon God’s power through a priesthood blessing or ordinance. How did witnessing their experience strengthen your understanding of how God works through His authorized servants?
Think of a time when a priesthood blessing provided you with comfort or guidance that you needed at that moment. How did this blessing help you feel God’s direct involvement in your life?
Think of a time when you felt a renewed commitment to your covenants during a particular sacrament or temple experience. How did this recommitment enable you to feel a greater sense of God’s power working within you?
In 2019 a prophetic invitation was extended to the women of the Church, teaching us how to draw the Savior’s power into our lives. President Russell M. Nelson invited us to study Doctrine and Covenants 25, a revelation given to Emma Smith in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Accepting that invitation changed my life.
Last month I had an unexpected opportunity to visit Harmony. There, under the maple trees, the priesthood was restored to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Close to those trees is the front door of Joseph and Emma’s home. Across from the fireplace in that home there is a window. I stood at that window and wondered what Emma might have thought as she looked out across the trees.
In July of 1830, Emma was 26 years old; she was so young. She was three and a half years into her marriage. She had lost a baby boy—her first. His little grave is just down the lane from her home. As I stood at that window, it was not hard for me to imagine what might have filled her thoughts. Surely she worried about their finances, about the increasing persecution that threatened their safety, about their future. And yet the work of God was everywhere around her. Did she also wonder about her place in the plan, her purpose in His kingdom, and her potential in the eyes of God?
I think she may have.
Just across the way, the gift of God’s priesthood authority and keys had been restored to the earth. This was a time when Emma actually needed power from heaven. In the midst of great heartache, exhaustion, and uncertainty, I imagine Emma wondered about this gift of God’s priesthood that could unlock the power from Him that she so desperately needed.
Engaging Questions:
- How has studying Doctrine and Covenants 25 influenced your understanding of drawing the Savior’s power into your life? What insights have you gained from this revelation given to Emma Smith?
- What do you think Emma might have felt as she stood in her home in Harmony, facing heartache and uncertainty? How do you relate to her experience of seeking purpose and peace during challenging times?
- How do you seek to understand your place in God’s plan, especially during times of difficulty or uncertainty? What helps you recognize your purpose in His kingdom?
- In what ways do you draw upon the power of the priesthood in your life, even when you are not directly involved in officiating priesthood ordinances? How do you see its influence in your everyday experiences?
- How do you find strength and power from heaven when facing your own heartache, exhaustion, or uncertainty? Can you share a time when you felt divine help during such moments?
- How has President Russell M. Nelson’s invitation to study specific scriptures deepened your understanding of God’s love and power? What other scripture passages have brought you closer to the Savior’s power?
- What can Emma Smith’s story teach us about finding faith and resilience in the midst of trials? How do you apply these lessons to your own challenges?
- How do you see the connection between the restoration of the priesthood and the spiritual strength that Emma and others needed during difficult times? How do you experience this connection today?
- How do you recognize the “work of God” in your life, even when surrounded by challenges or uncertainty? What practices help you stay focused on God’s blessings?
- How do you balance feelings of worry and doubt with faith and hope in God’s plan for you? What scriptures or teachings give you comfort during these times?
- How do you access the power of God’s priesthood to help you through moments when you feel overwhelmed? What role does prayer play in this process?
- How do you envision the role of women in the Church in drawing upon the Savior’s power and participating in the work of salvation? What examples inspire you?
- What advice would you give to someone struggling to find their place in God’s plan or to feel connected to His power? How can Emma’s example guide them?
- How do you cultivate a sense of spiritual confidence when facing difficult decisions or uncertain paths? What helps you trust that God has a plan for you?
- How do you seek spiritual strength from the legacy of those who have gone before, like Emma Smith, who faced great trials with faith? How do their stories shape your perspective on your own journey?
Object Lessons:
- The Window of Faith
- Materials: A picture frame or a small window.
- Activity: Show the window and invite participants to think about Emma Smith looking out her window, pondering her challenges and the power of God. Discuss how, like Emma, we can look through the “windows” in our lives to see God’s hand, even during difficult times. Reflect on how focusing on God’s power can change our perspective.
- The Seed of Hope
- Materials: Seeds, soil, a small pot.
- Activity: Plant a seed and discuss how Emma’s life, full of trials, was also filled with hope in God’s promises. Just as the seed requires time and care to grow, faith in God’s power can take root and flourish through our patience and reliance on Him.
- The Locked Box
- Materials: A small box with a lock and key.
- Activity: Show the locked box and explain how the priesthood is like a key that unlocks the power of God. Discuss how Emma might have felt the need for this key in her life and how we, too, can use the priesthood power to unlock blessings and strength during challenges.
- The Candle in the Dark
- Materials: A candle and matches.
- Activity: Light the candle in a dark room and discuss how Emma might have found light through the priesthood blessings in her darkest times. Discuss how the power of God can illuminate our lives, offering guidance and strength when we feel lost.
- The Quilt of Promises
- Materials: A small quilt or pieces of fabric.
- Activity: Use the quilt as a symbol of the promises in Doctrine and Covenants 25. Discuss how each piece represents a promise from God or a principle Emma might have clung to. Share how we can create our own “quilt” of God’s promises in our lives.
- Doctrine and Covenants 25 Study Group
- Materials: Scriptures, study guides.
- Activity: Organize a study group focused on Doctrine and Covenants 25. Discuss how Emma’s experiences apply to our lives today and how we can draw on the same strength and power she sought from God’s priesthood.
- Personal Reflection Journal
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Encourage participants to write about a time when they needed extra strength and how God’s priesthood power helped them through it. Reflect on what they learned and how they can continue to draw on that power.
- Window of Gratitude
- Materials: Paper, markers, a large window drawing.
- Activity: Have participants write or draw things they are grateful for or ways they’ve seen God’s power in their lives on sticky notes. Place these on the window drawing, symbolizing how looking out for God’s hand can fill us with gratitude and hope.
- Faith Walk
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Take participants on a quiet walk outside, encouraging them to reflect on Emma’s journey and the challenges she faced. Have them ponder how they can seek God’s power in their own lives. Afterward, gather to share insights from the walk.
- Priesthood Power Testimony Meeting
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Hold a testimony meeting where participants can share experiences of how they have felt the power of God’s priesthood in their lives. Discuss how these experiences strengthen faith and provide comfort in times of need.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when you felt prompted to study a specific scripture or revelation that brought you comfort and direction. How did that study change your perspective or strengthen your faith, like Doctrine and Covenants 25 did for Emma?
Think of a time when you faced heartache, exhaustion, or uncertainty and needed to draw upon God’s power. How did you find the strength to continue, and what role did prayer, scripture study, or priesthood blessings play in your experience?
Think of a time when you wondered about your place in God’s plan, much like Emma might have. How did you find answers or reassurance during that time?
Think of a time when a prophetic invitation or challenge led you to make meaningful changes in your life. How did accepting that invitation help you access divine strength?
Think of a time when you felt the support of God’s priesthood power during a difficult period. How did this power help you face the challenges before you?
Think of a time when you felt a strong connection to someone from Church history, like Emma Smith, who faced trials with faith. How did their story inspire you to endure your own challenges?
Think of a time when you felt surrounded by difficulties but also saw the work of God happening around you. How did this recognition give you hope and purpose?
Think of a time when studying a particular scripture or revelation helped you see your divine potential more clearly. What insights did you gain, and how did they influence your life?
Think of a time when you received a priesthood blessing that brought you the comfort or guidance you needed. How did that experience help you understand the power of God’s priesthood in your life?
Think of a time when you felt called to support or uplift someone else during their struggles, similar to how Emma supported Joseph. How did this opportunity to serve strengthen your own faith and understanding of God’s work?
But Emma didn’t just stand at that window and wonder.
While the Prophet Joseph was being tutored in keys, offices, ordinances, and how to assist in the service of the priesthood, the Lord Himself, through His prophet, gave a revelation to Emma. Not Nauvoo-Relief-Society-president Emma—this revelation was given to 26-year-old Emma in Harmony. Through revelation, Emma would learn about the inward sanctification and covenant connection that would increase the ability of those priesthood ordinances to work in her life.
First, the Lord reminded Emma of her place in His plan, including who she was and whose she was—a daughter in His kingdom. She was invited to “walk in the paths of virtue,” a path that included ordinances that would unlock God’s power if Emma held on to her covenants.
Second, in her season of deep mourning, the Lord gave her purpose. Emma didn’t just have a front-row seat to the Restoration; she was an essential participant in the work taking place. She would be set apart “to expound scriptures, and to exhort the church.” Her time would “be given to writing, and to learning much.” Emma was given a sacred role to help prepare the Saints to worship; their songs unto the Lord would be received as prayers and “answered with a blessing upon their heads.”
Last, the Lord outlined a process of inward sanctification that would prepare Emma for exaltation. “Except thou do this,” the Lord explained to her, “where I am you cannot come.”
Engaging Questions:
- How does Emma’s story of receiving revelation during a challenging time inspire you in your own moments of uncertainty? What lessons can you take from her experience?
- What does it mean to you to be reminded of “who you are and whose you are” in God’s plan? How does this understanding impact your daily life?
- How do you strive to “walk in the paths of virtue” as Emma was invited to do? What practices help you stay true to this path?
- How do you see the connection between holding on to your covenants and unlocking God’s power in your life? Can you share an example where this connection was clear to you?
- In what ways do you feel you are an essential participant in the Lord’s work, as Emma was in the Restoration? How do you contribute to the work of salvation in your community?
- How does the idea of inward sanctification resonate with you? What practices or ordinances help you feel closer to the process of becoming more like Christ?
- How do you find purpose in your life during seasons of mourning or difficulty, as Emma did? What helps you stay focused on your role in God’s plan during these times?
- How do you balance the call to serve others with the need for personal learning and growth, as Emma was called to do? What role does learning play in your spiritual journey?
- How do you make time for sacred activities like writing, studying, or preparing for worship? How do these activities bring you closer to God?
- How do you find joy and purpose in participating in worship, whether through singing, scripture study, or other means? What role does music or other forms of worship play in your spiritual life?
- How do you interpret the Lord’s reminder to Emma that “except thou do this, where I am you cannot come”? What does this teach you about the importance of personal sanctification?
- How do you feel the Lord’s guidance helps you understand your unique role in the Church and in His work? What experiences have helped you recognize your specific contributions?
- How do you cultivate a deeper sense of inward sanctification in your life? What helps you focus on spiritual growth rather than just outward achievements?
- How do you find peace and direction when facing uncertainties about your purpose, as Emma might have done at the window in Harmony? What role does revelation play in these moments?
- How can you support others in their journey of understanding their role in God’s plan and accessing His power through covenants? What advice would you offer based on Emma’s example?
Object Lessons:
- The Mirror of Identity
- Materials: A mirror.
- Activity: Invite participants to look into the mirror and reflect on who they are as sons or daughters in God’s kingdom. Discuss how Emma was reminded of her divine identity in her revelation. Emphasize how understanding our divine worth helps us connect more deeply with God’s power.
- The Lantern and the Path
- Materials: A lantern or flashlight, a path outlined with tape or paper.
- Activity: Use the lantern to illuminate the path, symbolizing the “path of virtue” that Emma was invited to walk. Discuss how ordinances and covenant-keeping provide light and direction in our lives, helping us navigate challenging times.
- The Seed of Purpose
- Materials: Seeds, soil, a small pot.
- Activity: Plant a seed and discuss how God planted a sense of purpose in Emma’s life, even in her mourning. Compare this to how God can give each of us a sense of purpose, helping us grow through challenges as we hold to our covenants.
- The Blank Sheet of Paper
- Materials: Blank paper, pens.
- Activity: Show the blank sheet and discuss how Emma was invited to give her time to writing, learning, and teaching. Invite participants to write down their thoughts on how they can use their talents and time to further God’s work, just as Emma did.
- The Music Note
- Materials: A musical note cutout or a hymnbook.
- Activity: Display the music note or hymnbook and discuss how Emma’s role included preparing hymns for worship. Share how music and worship can bring us closer to God and unlock His power in our lives. Consider singing a hymn together as a group.
- Doctrine and Covenants 25 Study Circle
- Materials: Scriptures, study guides.
- Activity: Study Doctrine and Covenants 25 together, focusing on the instructions and blessings given to Emma. Discuss how these principles apply to participants’ lives today, especially in finding purpose and connecting with God’s power.
- Covenant Walk
- Materials: Paper, markers.
- Activity: Create “stepping stones” labeled with different aspects of covenant-keeping (e.g., prayer, scripture study, attending the temple). Walk the path together and discuss how each step brings us closer to God’s power and prepares us for greater spiritual blessings.
- Personal Reflection Journal
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Encourage participants to write about a time when they felt God’s power in their lives through an ordinance or their covenant connection. Reflect on how that experience helped them grow spiritually and find purpose.
- Role Play: Emma’s Revelation
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Divide participants into groups and have them role-play a modern-day version of receiving a revelation like Emma’s. Discuss what God might invite them to focus on today—whether it’s inward sanctification, using their talents, or deepening their covenant connection.
- Musical Devotional
- Materials: Hymnbooks, musical instruments (optional).
- Activity: Organize a devotional where participants share favorite hymns or spiritual songs and discuss how these songs help them feel closer to God and stay true to their covenants. Reflect on Emma’s role in preparing hymns and how music can be a source of spiritual power.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when you felt God remind you of your divine identity and place in His plan. How did this reminder change your perspective during a difficult season?
Think of a time when you found a deeper sense of purpose during a period of mourning or challenge, much like Emma. How did this purpose help you move forward with faith?
Think of a time when participating in sacred ordinances deepened your covenant connection to the Lord. How did this connection help you access God’s power in your life?
Think of a time when you felt inspired to serve in a role that seemed daunting, like Emma’s call to expound scriptures and exhort the church. How did you grow through accepting that responsibility?
Think of a time when you felt the process of inward sanctification guiding you toward greater peace and spiritual growth. What specific practices or experiences helped you along that path?
Think of a time when the Lord gave you a special role or responsibility that felt uniquely yours. How did fulfilling this role help you feel more connected to His work?
Think of a time when you realized that God’s power could be unlocked through keeping your covenants. How did this understanding influence your commitment to those covenants?
Think of a time when you found strength in your divine role, even during challenging or uncertain circumstances. How did this strength help you support those around you?
Think of a time when studying a revelation or scripture provided you with clarity and direction, similar to how Doctrine and Covenants 25 guided Emma. How did this guidance help you through a particular challenge?
Think of a time when you felt God preparing you for something greater through a season of spiritual growth or learning. How did this preparation change your understanding of your potential and role in His plan?
If we read section 25 carefully, we discover an important progression taking place. Emma would go from being a daughter in the kingdom to “elect lady” to queen. Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances, combined with the keeping of her covenant promises, would increase her companionship with the Spirit and with angels, empowering her to navigate her life with divine guidance. Through His divine power, God would heal her heart, enlarge her capacity, and transform her into the version of herself He knew she could become. And through the ordinances of the Melchizedek Priesthood, “the power of godliness [would be] manifest” in her life, and the Lord would part the veil so she could receive understanding from Him. This is what it looks like for God’s power to work within us.
Engaging Questions:
- How do you see the progression from being a “daughter in the kingdom” to an “elect lady” to a “queen” in your own spiritual journey? What steps have helped you grow closer to God’s vision for you?
- How have Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances impacted your life? Can you share an experience where these ordinances brought you closer to the Spirit?
- What does it mean to you to keep your covenant promises, and how has this commitment increased your companionship with the Spirit?
- How do you seek to understand your role as an “elect lady” in God’s plan? What qualities do you think define someone as elect in God’s eyes?
- How have you felt the Lord heal your heart or enlarge your capacity during difficult times? What role did priesthood ordinances or covenant keeping play in this process?
- How do you feel empowered to navigate your life with divine guidance? What practices help you stay open to the promptings of the Spirit?
- In what ways have you felt the power of godliness manifest in your life through the ordinances of the Melchizedek Priesthood? Can you share a specific example?
- How do you understand the promise that “the Lord would part the veil” to give you understanding? What experiences have helped you feel closer to God’s guidance?
- How do you find strength and encouragement in the process of becoming who God knows you can be? What helps you trust this journey, even when it is challenging?
- How do you ensure that you are continually growing in your role as a covenant-keeping disciple of Christ? What helps you stay committed to this path?
- How do you feel about the idea that God’s power can transform us into a better version of ourselves? How have you experienced this transformation in your own life?
- How do you approach the study of Doctrine and Covenants 25 in a way that helps you apply its lessons to your own life? What insights have you gained from this section?
- How do you cultivate a deeper companionship with the Spirit in your daily life? What practices or habits help you maintain this connection?
- How can we support each other in our efforts to grow from “daughters in the kingdom” to “elect” and “queens”? What role does community play in this spiritual progression?
- What advice would you give to someone seeking to feel more of God’s power in their life through ordinances and covenant keeping? How can they begin this journey?
Object Lessons:
- The Growing Tree
- Materials: A small potted tree or plant.
- Activity: Show how a tree grows from a small seed into a strong tree, symbolizing Emma’s growth from a daughter in the kingdom to an “elect lady” and eventually a “queen.” Discuss how priesthood ordinances and keeping covenants nourish our spiritual growth, just like water and sunlight help the tree grow.
- The Crown of Promises
- Materials: A simple paper crown and a marker.
- Activity: Write words like “faith,” “obedience,” “service,” and “covenant-keeping” on the crown. Discuss how these principles help us progress spiritually, transforming us into the best version of ourselves, as God envisions. Relate this to how Emma progressed through her roles and received divine guidance.
- The Ladder of Progression
- Materials: A small ladder or a series of steps drawn on paper.
- Activity: Label each step with stages of spiritual growth (e.g., “Daughter in the Kingdom,” “Elect Lady,” “Queen”). Discuss how each step represents deeper commitment to covenants and increased companionship with the Spirit. Emphasize how each stage builds on the last through faithfulness.
- The Mirror of Transformation
- Materials: A mirror.
- Activity: Have participants look into the mirror and reflect on their current spiritual state. Discuss how God’s power can transform us, just as He transformed Emma through priesthood ordinances. Ask them to consider what spiritual qualities they would like to develop with God’s help.
- The Veil and the Light
- Materials: A veil or sheer fabric and a flashlight.
- Activity: Shine the flashlight through the veil and explain how priesthood ordinances and covenant-keeping help part the veil, allowing greater spiritual understanding. Discuss how Emma’s faithfulness allowed her to receive divine guidance and how we can experience similar spiritual clarity.
- Covenant Walk
- Materials: Paper, markers.
- Activity: Create stepping stones labeled with principles of spiritual progression (e.g., “Faith in Jesus Christ,” “Baptism,” “Temple Covenants”). Walk through the steps, discussing how each one brings us closer to God and allows His power to work more fully within us.
- Scripture Study Circle: D&C 25
- Materials: Scriptures, study guides.
- Activity: Study Doctrine and Covenants 25 together, focusing on the progression from “daughter” to “elect lady” and beyond. Discuss how this progression applies to participants today and what steps they can take to progress spiritually.
- Hearts of Transformation
- Materials: Paper hearts, markers.
- Activity: Have participants write down qualities or strengths they would like to develop with God’s help on paper hearts. Discuss how priesthood ordinances and covenant-keeping can help us develop these qualities, just as Emma was transformed through her faithfulness.
- Royal Journey Reflection
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Invite participants to reflect in their journals about their own spiritual journey. Have them write about how they have grown through making and keeping covenants and how they have seen God’s power work in their lives. Share insights if comfortable.
- Group Prayer for Spiritual Growth
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Organize a group prayer session focused on asking for God’s help to progress spiritually and become the best version of themselves, as He envisions. After the prayer, discuss how they can seek divine guidance through the Spirit and priesthood ordinances in their daily lives.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when you felt a significant spiritual progression in your life, like moving from one stage of understanding to another. How did this growth change your perspective on your relationship with God?
Think of a time when you experienced the healing power of God after a period of heartache or difficulty. How did this healing process help you become a stronger version of yourself?
Think of a time when you felt empowered through a priesthood ordinance, like the sacrament or a temple ordinance. How did this experience increase your ability to navigate challenges with greater spiritual strength?
Think of a time when you felt a deeper companionship with the Holy Spirit as you kept your covenants. How did this increased spiritual connection guide you in your daily decisions?
Think of a time when you felt that God was helping you reach your divine potential. What experiences or practices helped you see yourself through His eyes?
Think of a time when you felt a sense of purpose in a new calling or role, similar to Emma’s transition to becoming an ‘elect lady.’ How did this purpose shape your spiritual journey?
Think of a time when you experienced a moment of clarity or understanding from the Lord, as if the veil was parted. How did this revelation influence your faith and actions?
Think of a time when you felt your capacity to serve or love others was enlarged through divine help. How did this increased capacity impact those around you?
Think of a time when you recognized the power of godliness manifesting in your life through the priesthood. How did this manifestation of divine power help you overcome a specific challenge?
Think of a time when you felt you were becoming the person God intended you to be through a series of spiritual experiences. How did these experiences transform your understanding of your divine role and purpose?
President Russell M. Nelson taught:
“Everything that happened in [Harmony] has profound implications for your lives. The restoration of the priesthood, along with the Lord’s counsel to Emma, can guide and bless each of you. …
“… Accessing the power of God in your life requires the same things that the Lord instructed Emma and each of [us] to do.”
There were important things happening on both sides of that window in Harmony, including the revelation given to the elect lady whom the Lord had called—a revelation that would strengthen, encourage, and instruct Emma Smith, God’s daughter.
Engaging Questions:
- How does the counsel given to Emma in Doctrine and Covenants 25 apply to your life today? What specific instructions have been meaningful to you?
- President Nelson emphasized that the events in Harmony have profound implications for us. What do you think these implications are, and how do they influence your approach to the gospel?
- How do you access the power of God in your life, following the same principles that the Lord taught Emma? What practices help you stay focused on these principles?
- How do you feel the restoration of the priesthood has blessed your life? Can you share a moment when the power of the priesthood made a difference for you or your family?
- What stands out to you about the revelation given to Emma Smith in Harmony, and how does it inspire you in your own spiritual journey?
- How do you find strength and encouragement from the counsel given to Emma during challenging times? What specific verses or messages resonate with you the most?
- How do you see the Lord’s instructions to Emma as guiding principles for accessing His power today? How do these instructions shape your daily decisions?
- What lessons can we learn from the events on both sides of the window in Harmony? How do you think Emma’s experience complements the restoration of the priesthood?
- How do you draw upon the power of God when facing trials or uncertainties in your life? What role does prayer, scripture study, or priesthood blessings play in this process?
- How do you seek to be a modern-day “elect lady” or disciple in the context of your own life and responsibilities? What helps you live up to this calling?
- How do you find comfort and direction from the revelations given through prophets, both ancient and modern? How do these revelations impact your relationship with God?
- How do you encourage others to access God’s power through following the counsel given in scripture, like the revelations to Emma? What advice would you give to someone struggling to feel connected to God’s power?
- How do you see the importance of being open to personal revelation, as Emma was? How do you seek to receive revelation for your own life and circumstances?
- How does the story of Emma and the restoration of the priesthood in Harmony deepen your understanding of the Restoration as a whole? What new insights have you gained?
- What role does faith play in accessing God’s power? How do you strengthen your faith to follow the Lord’s instructions and trust in His promises?
Object Lessons:
- The Window to Revelation
- Materials: A picture frame or a small window.
- Activity: Use the frame as a symbol of the window in Harmony, where Emma received her revelation. Discuss how the Lord’s instructions to Emma offer a window into how we can access God’s power in our own lives. Invite participants to reflect on what instructions they might receive from the Lord if they were looking through that window today.
- The Seed of Instruction
- Materials: Seeds, soil, a small pot.
- Activity: Plant a seed and discuss how the instructions given to Emma were like seeds that, when nurtured, could grow into strength and power. Emphasize how following the Lord’s guidance helps us grow spiritually and access His power in our lives.
- The Mirror of Self-Reflection
- Materials: A mirror.
- Activity: Have participants look into the mirror and reflect on their spiritual state, considering what instructions from Doctrine and Covenants 25 apply to them. Discuss how self-reflection and following God’s counsel can help us access His power, just as it did for Emma.
- The Key of Obedience
- Materials: A key and a small lock.
- Activity: Show how a key unlocks a lock, symbolizing obedience to the Lord’s instructions. Discuss how the key represents the specific counsel given to Emma and how applying such principles in our lives can unlock blessings and spiritual power.
- The Lamp of Guidance
- Materials: A lantern or flashlight.
- Activity: Shine the light and discuss how the revelation to Emma acted as a guiding light for her life. Emphasize how following divine instructions can illuminate our path and help us access the power of God, even during times of difficulty.
- Doctrine and Covenants 25 Study Group
- Materials: Scriptures, study guides.
- Activity: Study Doctrine and Covenants 25 as a group, focusing on the instructions given to Emma Smith. Discuss how these instructions apply to our lives today and how they help us access divine power. Share personal experiences of following similar guidance.
- Journal of Divine Instructions
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Encourage participants to keep a journal where they record personal revelations or instructions they feel from God. Reflect on how these insights can guide them in accessing God’s power and strength, much like the Lord’s instructions guided Emma.
- Reflection Walk: Harmony’s Lessons
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Take a walk in a peaceful area and invite participants to reflect on the significance of what happened in Harmony for their lives. Have them think about the instructions given to Emma and how they might apply those principles in their own circumstances. Share insights after the walk.
- Emma’s Song
- Materials: Hymnbooks or printed lyrics.
- Activity: Sing a hymn that Emma might have found comforting or inspiring, such as “As Sisters in Zion.” Discuss how music and hymns played a role in her spiritual journey and how they can help us feel God’s power in our lives as well.
- Prayerful Reflection on Personal Revelation
- Materials: A quiet space.
- Activity: Create a space for silent prayer where participants can ask God for guidance in their own lives, much like Emma sought guidance through revelation. Invite them to write down any impressions or thoughts they receive, focusing on how to access God’s power through obedience and faith.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when following specific instructions from the Lord helped you access His power in your life. How did these instructions guide you through a challenging situation?
Think of a time when you felt the Lord encouraging and instructing you through a revelation or scripture study. How did this guidance strengthen you during that season of your life?
Think of a time when a personal revelation gave you the encouragement you needed to face a difficult challenge. How did this experience help you feel God’s presence and support?
Think of a time when you felt a connection to Emma Smith’s journey as you worked to fulfill your own divine role. What aspects of her story resonated with your own experience?
Think of a time when you sought to access God’s power through prayer, scripture study, or temple worship. How did this effort help you feel closer to the Savior and His guiding influence?
Think of a time when you felt the Lord’s counsel and direction guiding you through a period of uncertainty. How did this divine counsel impact the decisions you made?
Think of a time when you felt strengthened by the teachings and promises found in a particular scripture or revelation. How did applying those teachings to your life help you overcome a challenge?
Think of a time when you needed to remember your divine identity and role in God’s plan, as Emma did. How did this remembrance give you the confidence to move forward with faith?
Think of a time when you felt God’s power in your life after following a specific instruction or prompting. What impact did this experience have on your faith and understanding of His will?
Think of a time when you found comfort in knowing that God sees you as He saw Emma—someone with a unique role and purpose in His kingdom. How did this understanding change how you approached your responsibilities?
When our granddaughter Isabelle was given a name and a blessing, her father blessed her with an understanding of the priesthood; that she would continue to grow in and learn about the blessing it would provide in her life; and that her faith in the priesthood would grow as she continued to grow in understanding.
It is not often a little girl is blessed to understand the priesthood and to learn how those priesthood ordinances and covenant promises will help her to access God’s power. But I remembered Emma and thought to myself, Why not? This tiny daughter has the potential to become an elect lady in His kingdom and eventually a queen. Through His priesthood ordinances and the keeping of her covenant promises, God’s power will work in and through her to help her overcome whatever life brings and become the woman God knows she can become. This is something I want each girl in the kingdom to understand.
Engaging Questions:
- How do you help the young women in your life understand the role of the priesthood and its blessings? What messages do you think are most important for them to hear?
- What does it mean to you that young women have the potential to become “elect ladies” and eventually “queens” in God’s kingdom? How does this perspective shape your view of their divine potential?
- How can understanding priesthood ordinances help young women feel more connected to God’s power in their lives? What examples or experiences can you share that illustrate this?
- What are some ways you can encourage young women to keep their covenant promises as they grow in the gospel? How can these promises help them overcome challenges?
- How has your understanding of the priesthood grown over time, and how has this understanding impacted your faith? Can you think of a time when the priesthood brought you strength or comfort?
- How do you see the role of priesthood ordinances in helping young women develop their own relationship with God? What advice would you give to a young woman seeking to deepen her understanding of these ordinances?
- Why do you think it’s important for young women to understand the power and potential they have as daughters of God? How can this understanding guide their choices and actions?
- How do you feel about the idea that God’s power can work in and through young women, helping them become who He knows they can be? How can this belief be nurtured in a gospel setting?
- How can leaders and parents help young women recognize their divine potential and the role of the priesthood in their lives? What examples have you seen that have been especially effective?
- How can we better teach young women about the significance of their covenant promises and the blessings that come from keeping those promises?
- What role do you think priesthood blessings can play in helping young women feel supported and guided in their personal challenges and aspirations?
- How can we create opportunities for young women to learn about the priesthood in a way that is both inspiring and relevant to their lives today?
- How do you teach young women about the connection between keeping their covenants and accessing God’s power? What experiences or insights have helped you explain this?
- How can understanding their role in God’s kingdom give young women greater confidence and purpose in facing the challenges of the world today?
- What message would you want to share with a young woman about her potential to access God’s power and become all that He knows she can be?
Object Lessons:
- The Seed of Potential
- Materials: Seeds, soil, a small pot.
- Activity: Plant a seed and discuss how just as a seed has the potential to grow into a beautiful flower or tree, each girl has the potential to become an elect lady in God’s kingdom. Explain how priesthood ordinances and covenant-keeping act as spiritual nourishment, helping them grow and access God’s power.
- The Key and the Treasure Box
- Materials: A small locked box and a key.
- Activity: Show the box and the key, explaining that the key represents an understanding of the priesthood. Just as the key unlocks the box, understanding the priesthood and keeping covenants unlocks God’s blessings and power in their lives.
- The Crown of Covenant
- Materials: A paper crown and markers.
- Activity: Have each girl decorate a paper crown with words like “Faith,” “Covenants,” and “Priesthood Blessings.” Discuss how these elements help them grow into the divine role God has for them and prepare them to become queens in His kingdom.
- The Shield of Faith
- Materials: A toy shield or a cardboard cutout.
- Activity: Show how a shield provides protection. Discuss how the priesthood acts as a spiritual shield, offering protection and strength through ordinances like the sacrament and temple covenants. Explain how understanding the priesthood helps them use this shield more effectively.
- The Lamp of Guidance
- Materials: A lantern or flashlight.
- Activity: Turn on the light and discuss how the priesthood is like a guiding light in their lives. Emphasize that as they learn about the priesthood, they will better understand how to follow God’s guidance and access His power during difficult times.
- Priesthood Power Journal
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Encourage the girls to keep a journal where they record experiences where they felt God’s power through priesthood blessings or ordinances. Reflect on these experiences to see how God is working in their lives.
- Covenant Path Walk
- Materials: Paper, markers, and a path drawn on the floor.
- Activity: Create a path labeled with different priesthood ordinances and covenants (e.g., “Baptism,” “Sacrament,” “Temple”). Have the girls walk along the path, discussing how each step helps them grow in understanding and power. Emphasize that walking this path helps them become the woman God sees in them.
- Decorating “Elect Lady” Cards
- Materials: Cardstock, markers, stickers.
- Activity: Have the girls design cards that say “Elect Lady in God’s Kingdom.” Encourage them to decorate their cards and write down ways they can grow in understanding of the priesthood and keep their covenant promises.
- Group Discussion: How Does the Priesthood Help Me?
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Hold a discussion where the girls share what they know about the priesthood and how it has blessed their lives. Guide the discussion to include how they can continue learning and growing in their understanding of how the priesthood helps them access God’s power.
- Building the Temple of My Heart
- Materials: Building blocks or LEGO bricks.
- Activity: Have the girls build a small structure representing a temple. As they build, discuss how each piece symbolizes a principle of faith, obedience, or a priesthood ordinance. Explain how understanding these principles helps them become stronger spiritually and prepares them for greater blessings.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when you first began to understand the role of the priesthood in your life. How did this understanding change the way you viewed your relationship with God?
Think of a time when a priesthood blessing brought you comfort, guidance, or strength. How did this experience help you appreciate the power of the priesthood in a new way?
Think of a time when you felt empowered through the promises you made at baptism or in the temple. How did keeping those promises help you access God’s power during a challenging time?
Think of a time when you recognized your divine potential as a daughter of God. How did this realization help you face challenges with greater confidence and faith?
Think of a time when you saw God’s power work through you as you lived your covenants. How did this experience help you understand the importance of the promises you’ve made?
Think of a time when you helped a young girl or a woman understand the blessings of the priesthood in her life. How did this opportunity to teach and share impact your own faith and understanding?
Think of a time when you felt like God was helping you become the person He knows you can be. What role did priesthood ordinances or covenants play in that growth?
Think of a time when you saw the influence of the priesthood in your family or community. How did witnessing this influence deepen your faith in its power and purpose?
Think of a time when you needed divine strength to overcome a challenge, and you turned to your covenants for help. How did those covenants provide the power and support you needed?
Think of a time when you felt like an “elect lady” in God’s kingdom—someone with a unique role and purpose. How did this feeling inspire you to serve others and grow in your faith?
Learn how priesthood ordinances and covenant promises will allow God’s power to flow into your life with greater efficacy, working in and through you, empowering and equipping you to reach your full purpose and potential.
Carefully study and ponder the Aaronic and the Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances, the covenant promises we make with each, and the power of God we access through those ordinances.
Remember, it’s not only who officiates in the ordinance that matters; what the ordinance and your covenant promise unlock also deserves the focus of your attention.
Partaking of the bread and water is a weekly reminder of His power working in you to help you overcome. Wearing the garment of the holy priesthood is a daily reminder of the gift of His power working in you to help you become.
We all have access to the gift of God’s power.
Every time we partake of the sacrament.
Every time we cross the threshold of a temple.
This is the highlight of my Sabbath. This is why I cherish my temple recommend.
“In the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest.”
Of this gift I bear witness in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Engaging Questions:
- What does it mean to you to “live up to your privileges” in the context of the gospel? How do you strive to do this in your daily life?
- How have priesthood ordinances and covenant promises allowed God’s power to flow into your life? Can you share a time when you felt particularly strengthened through these means?
- How do you focus on what ordinances and covenant promises unlock, rather than just on who officiates in the ordinances? Why is this focus important?
- What insights have you gained from studying the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances? How do these insights influence your approach to these sacred experiences?
- How does partaking of the sacrament each week help you feel the power of God working in your life? What reminders do you find in this ordinance?
- How do you view the temple and its ordinances as sources of strength in your life? What makes your temple experiences meaningful to you?
- How does wearing the garment of the holy priesthood remind you of God’s power working within you each day? How does this influence your actions and thoughts?
- What role do covenant promises play in helping you reach your full purpose and potential? How do they guide your decisions and priorities?
- How can we better appreciate and cherish the ordinances that help us access God’s power? What practices help you keep these experiences sacred in your heart?
- How do you encourage others to study and understand the power that comes through priesthood ordinances? What advice would you give to someone seeking a deeper understanding?
- What does it mean to you that “in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest”? How have you seen this power in your own life?
- How do you keep your focus on the spiritual gifts and growth that ordinances and covenants bring, rather than just the routine aspects of worship?
- How does holding a temple recommend influence your daily decisions and actions? Why is it such a cherished possession for you?
- How do you recognize God’s power working through you as you keep your covenants? Can you think of a recent experience that helped you feel this power?
- What steps do you take to ensure that you are fully accessing the power available to you through priesthood ordinances and covenant promises?
Object Lessons:
- The Flowing Fountain
- Materials: A small fountain or a pitcher of water.
- Activity: Use the flowing water as a representation of God’s power. Explain how priesthood ordinances and covenant promises act like a channel, allowing God’s power to flow into our lives, helping us overcome challenges and reach our potential. Discuss how living up to our privileges means keeping the channels open through obedience and faith.
- The Locked Door and Key
- Materials: A locked door or small box with a key.
- Activity: Show how a key opens a locked door, symbolizing how understanding and keeping our covenants unlocks God’s power in our lives. Emphasize that focusing on what ordinances and covenants unlock helps us live up to our divine privileges.
- The Lamp and the Battery
- Materials: A flashlight and batteries.
- Activity: Remove the batteries from the flashlight to show that without power, it cannot function. Compare this to how we need God’s power through ordinances to fulfill our purpose. Discuss how ordinances like the sacrament and temple worship provide spiritual “batteries” that empower us daily.
- The Armor of Privilege
- Materials: A small shield or picture of armor.
- Activity: Discuss how the priesthood and covenants are like spiritual armor, equipping us to face challenges. Explain that wearing the garment and partaking of the sacrament are reminders of this armor, helping us to stand strong and become who God intends us to be.
- The Gift Box
- Materials: A beautifully wrapped box.
- Activity: Inside the box, place slips of paper with words like “Strength,” “Peace,” “Guidance,” and “Healing.” Explain how priesthood ordinances and covenants are like opening a gift box from God, revealing the blessings and power He offers us. Emphasize that we access these gifts by keeping our covenants.
- Sacrament Reflection Journal
- Materials: Journals, pens.
- Activity: Encourage participants to write about their experiences with the sacrament and how it helps them feel God’s power working in their lives. Ask them to reflect on what they can do to make the sacrament a more meaningful part of their weekly worship.
- Ordinance Study Group
- Materials: Scriptures, study guides.
- Activity: Form a study group to delve into the significance of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances. Focus on the covenant promises associated with each and discuss how these ordinances allow God’s power to manifest in our lives.
- Temple Threshold Reminder
- Materials: Index cards, pens, tape.
- Activity: Have participants write a short message or scripture about the power of temple ordinances on an index card. Encourage them to place the card near their door at home as a reminder to carry the temple’s influence with them every time they cross the threshold.
- Visualizing the Covenant Path
- Materials: Large paper, markers.
- Activity: Draw a path labeled with ordinances like “Baptism,” “Sacrament,” “Temple Endowment,” and “Marriage.” Discuss how each step on the path brings more access to God’s power. Reflect on how living up to these privileges helps us become our best selves.
- Priesthood Blessing Testimony Meeting
- Materials: None needed.
- Activity: Hold a testimony meeting where participants share experiences of how priesthood ordinances or blessings have strengthened them. Emphasize how these experiences are examples of living up to the privileges of divine power and guidance.
Personal Sharing Prompts:
Think of a time when you felt empowered by a priesthood ordinance, like the sacrament or a temple ordinance. How did that experience help you feel God’s power working in your life?
Think of a time when you felt inspired to “live up to your privileges” as a covenant-keeping member of the Church. How did embracing this mindset change the way you approached your daily challenges?
Think of a time when partaking of the sacrament helped you feel renewed strength and determination to overcome a trial. How did this weekly reminder of the Savior’s power help you press forward?
Think of a time when you were reminded of the power of the covenants you have made as you put on the garment of the holy priesthood. How did this daily reminder influence your actions and decisions?
Think of a time when crossing the threshold of the temple felt particularly significant to you. How did that experience deepen your appreciation for the power of godliness manifest in the temple?
Think of a time when you carefully studied the meaning of a priesthood ordinance and discovered new insights. How did this understanding help you access God’s power more effectively in your life?
Think of a time when you felt a profound sense of God’s power working through you after renewing your covenants through the sacrament. How did this sense of renewal affect your week?
Think of a time when you felt equipped to meet a challenge because of the promises you made in the temple. How did this confidence help you face what lay ahead with faith?
Think of a time when you experienced the fulfillment of a covenant promise in your life. How did this experience strengthen your belief in the power of keeping your covenants?
Think of a time when you felt that your temple recommend was a precious reminder of the privileges you have in accessing God’s power. How did this recognition inspire you to continue living up to your privileges?
I just got called to teach RS and came across this lesson help. Its awesome! I was wondering though where the picture at the top is from? I can’t find it anywhere but it fits the talk perfectly!
Teaching RS has been my favorite calling, I’m sure you’re going to love it! The photo is AI generated and only exists here but can be downloaded if you right click and press “save image as”!