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2 Nephi 3-5 Come Follow Me Primary Activities for Children's Daily Study

LDS Primary Come Follow Me Primary Lesson Help

Whether you hold a calling in Primary or are a mother to young children, this article is sure to help you find your next idea in teaching your children the Gospel! This week, we're focusing on Come Follow Me's 2 Nephi 3-5 and it's filled with deep Gospel principles that can be taught in some super fun ways! Check it out below!


2 Nephi 3

2 And may the Lord consecrate also unto thee this land, which is a most precious land, for thine inheritance and the inheritance of thy seed with thy brethren, for thy security forever, if it so be that ye shall keep the commandments of the Holy One of Israel.
  • Nature Walk - Appreciating God's Creations:

    • Activity: Take toddlers on a nature walk in a park or garden.

    • Encourage them to observe and appreciate the beauty of the land, discussing how it is a precious gift from God.

  • Artistic Exploration - Painting the Land:

    • Art supplies (paper, paint, brushes, chalk)

    • Create art together with the children resembling the land or Americas Nephi and his family arrived to.

  • Gardening - Planting Seeds:

    • Small pots, soil, seeds

    • Teach the children how to plant seeds and take care of their plants. Discuss how this was something Nephi and his family did once they arrived to the Promised Land.

  • Puzzle Play - Land Puzzle:

    • Together with the children, solve and complete a land-themed puzzle.

  • Sand and Water Play - Building the Land:

    • Allow the children some time in a sand pit or a similar substance. Help them to build with the land. Discuss how the Promised Land was a gift from God to Nephi and his family.r

8 And I will give unto him a commandment that he shall do none other work, save the work which I shall command him. And I will make him great in mine eyes; for he shall do my work.
  • Listening to Commands:

  • Play a simple game where toddlers listen to and follow basic commands, emphasizing the importance of following instructions.

  • Puppet Show:

  • Create simple puppets representing characters from the scriptures.

  • Act out a short puppet show highlighting the concept of receiving and obeying commandments.

  • Visual Commandments:

  • Prepare visual aids with images representing different commandments.

  • Engage toddlers in a fun activity where they match the images to simple commandments.

  • Commandment Craft:

  • Provide materials for a craft activity related to following commandments.

  • For example, create a craft where toddlers "build" or "construct" something based on specific instructions.

  • Simple Chore Time:

  • Introduce age-appropriate "chores" or tasks for toddlers to perform.

  • Emphasize the idea of completing assigned tasks as a way of following instructions.

  • Follow the Leader Game:

  • Play a gentle game of "Follow the Leader" where toddlers mimic simple actions.

  • Explain that following the leader is like following commandments.

  • Picture Matching:

  • Prepare a set of picture cards depicting various actions.

  • Toddlers match the pictures to corresponding commandments.

  • Commandment Puzzles:

  • Create or provide simple puzzles with images related to following commandments.

  • Toddlers can engage in puzzle-solving while learning about obedience.

13 And out of weakness he shall be made strong, in that day when my work shall commence among all my people, unto the restoring thee, O house of Israel, saith the Lord.
  • Strength Building:

  • Engage toddlers in simple physical activities that promote strength-building, such as crawling, standing, or holding lightweight objects.

  • Storytelling with Puppets:

  • Create puppets representing characters from the scriptures, and tell a simple story about a character who becomes strong after facing challenges.

  • Obstacle Course:

  • Set up a small, safe obstacle course for toddlers to navigate, promoting physical activity and emphasizing the idea of overcoming obstacles.

  • Simple Craft:

  • Provide materials for a simple craft activity where toddlers create a visual representation of strength, such as decorating a "strong" character.

  • Building with Blocks:

  • Use building blocks to create structures together, emphasizing the strength and stability of the structures.

  • Balancing Act:

  • Set up a balance beam or create a makeshift one on the floor using tape.

  • Guide toddlers in walking across the balance beam, highlighting the need for balance and strength.

  • Superhero Play:

  • Introduce simple superhero play where toddlers pretend to be strong and powerful characters overcoming challenges.

  • Interactive Storytime:

  • Read a short, interactive story where toddlers participate by making movements associated with strength and growth.

  • Strength Chart:

  • Create a visual chart that represents growth and strength.

  • Use simple symbols or drawings to depict progress and achievements.

  • Positive Affirmations:

  • Introduce positive affirmations to toddlers, emphasizing their strengths and abilities.

  • Repeat phrases like "I am strong" during the activities.

  • Building with Playdough:

  • Provide playdough for toddlers to shape and mold, reinforcing the idea that they can build and create strong things.

  • Celebration Dance:

  • End the activities with a celebration dance, where toddlers can move and dance freely, expressing joy and strength.


2 Nephi 4

4 For the Lord God hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; and inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence.
  • Sorting Game:

    • Use colored objects or toys and assign a color to represent keeping commandments and another for not keeping commandments.

    • Guide toddlers to sort the items into the respective categories.

  • Commandment Puppets:

    • Create simple puppets representing characters who keep or don't keep commandments.

    • Act out short stories or scenarios and discuss the outcomes.

  • Commandment Chart:

    • Design a visual chart with simple images representing commandments (e.g., sharing, being kind).

    • Use stickers to mark when toddlers engage in positive behaviors.

  • Coloring Commandments:

    • Provide coloring sheets with simple commandments illustrations.

    • Talk about each commandment while toddlers color.

  • Storytime with Morals:

    • Read a short story with a clear moral or lesson.

    • Discuss the consequences of characters following or not following the right path.

  • Sharing Activity:

    • Bring toys or snacks and encourage toddlers to share with each other.

    • Discuss how sharing aligns with keeping commandments.

  • Song and Dance:

    • Sing a simple song about following rules or being kind.

    • Incorporate simple dance moves to make it fun.

20 My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
21 He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.
22 He hath confounded mine enemies, unto the causing of them to quake before me.
23 Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the night-time.
  • Supportive Craft:

    • Create a simple craft where toddlers can make a support symbol (like a handprint) and decorate it.

    • Discuss who supports them, emphasizing love and care.

  • Love Collage:

    • Provide magazines, papers, and glue.

    • Help toddlers cut out pictures or words that represent love and create a collage.

  • Quaking Jelly Activity:

    • Make jelly and place it in a container.

    • Discuss how enemies "quake" when they encounter God's power while toddlers shake the container.

  • Night Sky Craft:

    • Create a night sky craft using black paper and glow-in-the-dark stars.

    • Discuss the idea of receiving knowledge through visions in the night.

  • Crying Feelings:

    • Use emotion cards to discuss different feelings.

    • Talk about how expressing feelings, like crying, can be heard by those who care for us.

  • Dreamy Bedtime Routine:

    • Create a calming bedtime routine with soft music and dim lights.

    • Emphasize that just like Nephi, we can receive knowledge and peace in our dreams.

  • Visionary Coloring:

    • Provide coloring sheets with simple night scenes and encourage toddlers to color as they talk about dreams and visions.

35 Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen.

  • Rock Painting:

  • Decorate small rocks with colorful paints or markers.

  • Discuss how rocks can be a symbol of strength and stability, just like God.

  • Gratitude Jar:

  • Decorate a jar and label it the "Gratitude Jar."

  • Encourage toddlers to drop in small notes expressing things they are thankful for.

  • Cloud Craft:

  • Create simple cloud cutouts from paper.

  • Write or draw things toddlers are grateful for on each cloud.


2 Nephi 5

5 And it came to pass that the Lord did warn me, that I, Nephi, should depart from them and flee into the wilderness, and all those who would go with me.
  • Wilderness Adventure Play:

  • Set up a mini "wilderness" area in your backyard or living room with plants, blankets, and soft toys.

  • Encourage toddlers to pretend they are going on a wilderness adventure.

  • Nature Scavenger Hunt:

  • Take toddlers on a nature scavenger hunt in a nearby park or outdoor area.

  • Discuss the different elements of nature they find.

  • Hide-and-Seek:

  • Play a gentle game of hide-and-seek, pretending to "flee into the wilderness."

  • Talk about the importance of listening to warnings.

10 And we did observe to keep the judgments, and the statutes, and the commandments of the Lord in all things, according to the law of Moses.
11 And the Lord was with us; and we did prosper exceedingly; for we did sow seed, and we did reap again in abundance. And we began to raise flocks, and herds, and animals of every kind.

  • Seed Planting:

  • Provide small pots, soil, and seeds for toddlers to plant.

  • Discuss the concept of sowing seeds and watching them grow.

  • Harvesting Play:

  • Create a mini "harvest" area with toy fruits and vegetables.

  • Let toddlers "harvest" the crops and talk about abundance.

  • Animal Sounds Exploration:

  • Introduce different animal sounds through toys or recordings.

  • Discuss the variety of animals mentioned in the verses.

  • Farm Animal Crafts:

  • Use craft materials to create simple farm animal crafts (e.g., sheep, cows).

  • Discuss the animals Nephi's family raised.

  • Family Garden Poster:

  • Create a poster depicting a family garden with drawings of plants and animals.

  • Discuss the importance of working together as a family.

  • Counting Fruits:

  • Provide toy fruits and encourage toddlers to count them.

  • Discuss the idea of abundance and plenty.

15 And I did teach my people to build buildings, and to work in all manner of wood, and of iron, and of copper, and of brass, and of steel, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious ores, which were in great abundance.
16 And I, Nephi, did build a temple; and I did construct it after the manner of the temple of Solomon save it were not built of so many precious things; for they were not to be found upon the land, wherefore, it could not be built like unto Solomon’s temple. But the manner of the construction was like unto the temple of Solomon; and the workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine.
17 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did cause my people to be industrious, and to labor with their hands.

  • Building Blocks Play:

  • Provide building blocks of different materials (wood, plastic) for toddlers to construct buildings.

  • Encourage imaginative play and creativity.

  • Temple Construction Craft:

  • Create a simple craft where toddlers can construct a small paper temple.

  • Discuss the importance of temples.

  • Play Tools Exploration:

  • Introduce toy tools (plastic hammers, screwdrivers) for hands-on play.

  • Talk about the different materials used in construction.

  • Nature Art:

  • Collect natural materials like sticks, leaves, and rocks.

  • Encourage toddlers to create art by arranging these materials.

  • Gold and Silver Sensory Play:

  • Set up a sensory bin with gold and silver-colored materials (fabric, beads).

  • Let toddlers explore and feel the different textures.

  • Fine Motor Skills Activity:

  • Provide small items for toddlers to pick up and manipulate, enhancing fine motor skills.

  • Discuss the importance of being diligent and using hands to work.

  • Temple Coloring Page:

  • Offer a coloring page featuring a temple for toddlers to color.

  • Discuss the concept of building holy places.

  • Playdough Construction:

  • Provide playdough for toddlers to create various shapes and structures.

  • Talk about the joy of creating things with hands.

  • Construction Worker Dress-Up:

  • Have dress-up time with construction worker-themed props (vests, hard hats).

  • Discuss the roles of builders and workers.

  • Outdoor Exploration:

  • Take toddlers outside to explore nature and collect leaves or small rocks.

  • Discuss how nature is part of God's creation.

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