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"In the Path of Their Duty" by David A. Bednar Relief Society Lesson Help

Engaging Questions:

  1. Reflection on President Clark's Message:

  • President Clark emphasizes the importance of "They of the Last Wagon." How do you feel about the recognition of those whose names are not officially recorded in Church history but played crucial roles?

  • In what ways do the characteristics and challenges faced by the pioneers in the last wagons resonate with your own journey in discipleship?

  1. Being "No Less Serviceable" - President Hunter's Message:

  • President Hunter talks about being "no less serviceable" like Helaman, even if one's role is less noticeable. How can we apply this principle in our lives, especially in a world that often values fame and recognition?

  • Can you share a personal experience where you witnessed someone serving faithfully but receiving little public acknowledgment? How did that person's service impact you?

  1. In the Path of Duty - A Modern Perspective:

  • Elder Bednar describes individuals "in the path of their duty" in various roles. Which of these roles resonates with you personally, and why?

  • How can we find joy and purpose in fulfilling our duties, even if they seem ordinary or unnoticed by the world?

  1. Covenant-Keeping Discipleship:

  • Elder Bednar highlights the strength of the Savior's restored Church coming from covenant-keeping disciples. How do you see the importance of covenants in your own life and the strength of the Church?

  • In what ways can we support each other in keeping covenants and pressing forward on the covenant path?

  1. The Impact of "They of the Last Wagon" Today:

  • Elder Bednar expresses gratitude for those who are "pressing forward in the path of duty" today. Can you share examples from your life or community of individuals who exemplify this commitment?

  • How can we ensure that the seemingly small and unnoticed acts of service and discipleship have a lasting impact on individuals and families?

  1. Personal Sanctification and Growth:

  • Elder Bednar mentions growing "firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ" and experiencing joy and consolation through yielding hearts unto God. How have you personally experienced this growth and sanctification?

  • What practices help you maintain spiritual resilience and humility as you press forward on your own discipleship journey?

Additional Questions:

  1. How does President J. Reuben Clark's tribute to "They of the Last Wagon" resonate with you personally?

  2. In what ways do you think the characteristics of the pioneers in the last wagons parallel the challenges faced by individuals today on their spiritual journey?

  3. Reflecting on President Howard W. Hunter's message, how can we be "no less serviceable" in our roles, even if they are less noticeable?

  4. Can you share an experience where you witnessed someone serving diligently and faithfully with little public acknowledgment? How did it impact you?

  5. Elder Bednar emphasizes being "in the path of duty." What aspects of your life fall within this description, and how do they contribute to your discipleship?

  6. How do you interpret the phrase "in the path of their duty" as it relates to spouses and children supporting those in leadership positions in the Church?

  7. Share an example from your life where you have witnessed someone humbly returning to the covenant path and the impact it had on them.

  8. How do you see the phrase "in the path of their duty" applying to individuals yearning to make covenants but facing circumstances beyond their control?

  9. What are your thoughts on Elder Bednar's promise that personal anguish will be relieved as individuals patiently submit their will to God?

  10. How can we express appreciation for the inspired translators and interpreters who serve diligently, selflessly, and often anonymously to help people access the word of God in their own language?

  11. In what ways do faithful married couples honor their covenant responsibility to multiply and replenish the earth, especially in the face of societal challenges and priorities?

  12. Share an experience where a child's simple act of kindness or service had a profound impact on those around them.

  13. How can we create environments in our homes and Church units that foster the principles of love, service, and learning mentioned by Elder Bednar?

  14. Reflect on the phrase "in the path of their duty" concerning individuals waiting upon the Lord and trusting in God's timing. How can this perspective bring comfort and peace?

  15. In what ways can we support individuals who may feel alone or disconnected in Church meetings and other settings, embodying the principles of "comfort those that stand in need of comfort"?

  16. How do you interpret the metaphor of the lioness at the gate and its application to mothers comforting their children in times of fear?

  17. Reflect on the impact of dedicated nursery leaders and Primary teachers in the Church. How does their service contribute to the spiritual foundation of children?

  18. How can we balance the reverence for the sanctity of life with the secular voices promoting self-centeredness in today's world?

  19. Share a personal experience where you observed someone setting up or taking down chairs for Church meetings, exemplifying service without expecting acknowledgment.

  20. How do individuals who invite others to come and see, come and help, and come and stay contribute to the growth and strength of the Church?

  21. Reflect on the phrase "in the path of their duty" concerning individuals who humbly return to God, repent of their sins, and seek the cleansing and healing power of the Savior's Atonement.

  22. How does the phrase "in the path of their duty" inspire you to serve faithfully and quietly, even if your actions may not make you very famous?

  23. In your opinion, what makes someone "great in faith, great in work, great in righteous living, great in fashioning our priceless heritage" as President Clark described?

  24. How can we ensure that we are pressing forward in the path of our duty and not being deterred by the distractions or challenges that may come our way?

  25. Share an example from your life or community where seemingly small and unnoticed acts of service and discipleship had a lasting impact on individuals and families.

  26. Reflect on the phrase "unwearied diligence" as it relates to those who strive to bring their brethren to the knowledge of the truth. How can this diligence be applied in our lives?

  27. How do you interpret the phrase "the more part of them are in the path of their duty"? What does it mean to walk circumspectly before God and observe to keep His commandments and statutes?

  28. How can we find joy and purpose in fulfilling our duties, even if they seem ordinary or go unnoticed by the world?

  29. Share a personal experience where your strong faith in Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ inspired you to be a better person and disciple.

  30. How can we ensure that the strength of the Savior's restored Church comes from covenant-keeping disciples, and what role do covenants play in our individual and collective spiritual journeys?



Object Lessons:

  1. The Covered Wagon:

  • Obtain a small model or image of a covered wagon. Discuss the challenges faced by those who traveled in the last covered wagon, emphasizing the qualities of faith, perseverance, and commitment. Relate this to the challenges individuals may face today and how faith can help overcome them.

  1. Building a Heritage Wall:

  • Create a "heritage wall" display with images and quotes from the pioneers and other faithful individuals mentioned in the talk. Encourage participants to contribute images and quotes from their own family history or personal experiences that reflect faithfulness and service.

  1. Invisible Service Chains:

  • Provide participants with paper chain links and ask them to write or draw examples of service they have rendered or witnessed. Assemble the paper chains and discuss how individual acts of service, though often unseen, contribute to the strength of the Church and the building of God's kingdom.

  1. The Unseen Symphony:

  • Use the analogy of an orchestra to represent the diverse and often unnoticed contributions of individuals. Discuss how each instrument, though different, contributes to the beauty of the whole. Relate this to the varied and essential roles played by members of the Church, even when their efforts may go unrecognized.

  1. Seeds of Faith Planting:

  • Provide participants with small pots, soil, and seeds. As they plant the seeds, discuss the analogy of planting and nurturing faith. Emphasize that, like pioneers, individuals may not see immediate results, but their efforts will bear fruit over time.

  1. Building Bridges of Support:

  • Use building blocks or craft sticks to construct a bridge. Discuss the concept of being a support to others and how each piece contributes to the strength and stability of the whole structure. Relate this to the idea of supporting one another on the covenant path.

  1. Hearts Yoked Together:

  • Provide participants with heart-shaped puzzle pieces. As they assemble the pieces into a larger heart, discuss the importance of being yoked together in the service of God. Emphasize that each person, like a puzzle piece, has a unique role in the collective effort to build God's kingdom.

  1. The Whispering Wind:

  • Use a fan or create a gentle breeze to represent the "still, small voice" of the Holy Spirit. Discuss the importance of finding quiet places to seek direction from the Spirit. Encourage participants to identify their personal "holy spaces" where they can listen to the Spirit.

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