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"Love is Spoken Here" by Elder Gerrit W. Gong Relief Society Teacher Lesson Ideas

LDS Come Follow Me Love is Spoken Here

Embark on a journey through Elder Gerrit W. Gong's touching talk, "Love is spoken here," where he unravels the diverse languages of gospel love. Inspired by Elder Gong's insights, we'll delve into engaging questions, relatable object lessons, and practical activities tailored for Relief Society teachings. You're well on your way to planning a very impactful lesson on Sunday!

Engaging Questions:

  1. Elder Gong speaks of different languages of gospel love. How do you personally experience and express love in your life?

  2. Reflecting on Morse code and Mandarin Chinese, Elder Gong shares a message of "I love you." How can different cultures and languages enhance our understanding of love in the Church?

  3. How do you think the principles of warmth and reverence contribute to the atmosphere of sacrament meetings and other gatherings in the Church?

  4. Elder Gong mentions how children around the world express feeling loved by their families. How do cultural differences influence the ways families show love?

  5. Share an experience where you felt warmth and reverence in a Church meeting or activity. How did it impact your spiritual experience?

  6. How can we ensure that the words we use draw us closer to other Christians and friends, promoting unity and understanding?

  7. Reflect on your experience with Church vocabulary. How can we be more understanding and patient as we learn new languages of love together?

  8. Elder Gong talks about the gospel language of service and sacrifice. How has accepting and fulfilling Church callings influenced your spiritual growth?

  9. How do you respond to the idea that Church service is a privilege that often includes sacrifice?

  10. Share an experience where you felt the love of the Lord and others as you served in the Church.

  11. How can Church leaders inspire members to accept and magnify their callings with dignity and inspiration?

  12. Elder Gong mentions that, despite political and social differences, harmony is found as we sing together in the ward choir. How can music and worship contribute to unity in our communities?

  13. How can ward activities, when planned with gospel purpose, help build enduring gospel bonds among members?

  14. In your experience, how has sociality and service gone hand in hand, creating lasting connections with others?

  15. How does the principle of covenant belonging strengthen our relationships with God and each other in a self-centered world?

  16. Reflect on the idea of losing one's life for the Savior's sake and finding it. How does covenant belonging lead to a richer, more fulfilling life?

  17. In what ways have you experienced the power and wisdom of God blessing you with every good gift through covenant belonging?

  18. Elder Gong mentions that generative AI learns a language more effectively by repeating extensive examples. How can our own repeated experiences in the gospel teach us its languages more effectively?

  19. How and where do you hear Jesus Christ speaking to you in love in your life?

  20. Share a personal experience where you felt the love of Jesus Christ spoken in your heart or home.

  21. Elder Gong encourages us to learn to speak and hear His love in our gospel callings. How has your calling helped you better understand the language of love?

  22. How can we create an environment in our homes that fosters the language of warmth, reverence, and covenant belonging?

  23. Reflect on the concept of transitioning from this life to the next. How can the assurance that Jesus Christ's love is spoken here bring comfort and peace?

  24. What role does ministering play in learning and speaking the language of gospel love?

  25. In what ways can we help one another learn and communicate the languages of love, especially in diverse cultural settings?

  26. Share an example of how you've seen the principles of warmth and reverence, service and sacrifice, and covenant belonging in action in your community.

  27. How can we navigate challenges in expressing love and understanding when cultural and language differences come into play?

  28. Elder Gong emphasizes learning through direct, repeated experiences. How can we actively seek and create experiences that reinforce the languages of gospel love?

  29. Share a personal testimony or experience where you felt the reality of covenant belonging, knowing that God knows and loves you deeply.

  30. How can the knowledge that Jesus Christ's love is spoken here influence the way we interact with others in our daily lives?


Come Follow Me Relief Society Lesson Ideas


Object Lesson and Activity Ideas:

  1. Symbolic Morse Code Bracelets:

  • Provide participants with small beads and string. Assign each bead a color or symbol representing a letter in Morse code. Participants can create bracelets spelling out words like "love" or "faith." Discuss the symbolism of Morse code and how it relates to expressing love.

  1. Sacred Collage Reflection:

  • Provide magazines, scissors, and glue sticks. Ask participants to create collages reflecting the language of warmth and reverence. Encourage them to focus on images and words that convey the sacred nature of their relationships with God and family. Allow time for quiet reflection and sharing.

  1. Service Puzzle Reflection:

  • Provide puzzle pieces and ask participants to write or draw examples of service and sacrifice. As they assemble the puzzle, discuss how service and sacrifice contribute to a reverent atmosphere within the Church. Share personal stories of meaningful service experiences.

  1. Covenant Belonging Craft:

  • Provide materials for making simple crafts, such as personalized bookmarks or keychains. Discuss the concept of covenant belonging and how these small crafts can serve as reminders of their commitment to God and each other within the Church community.

  1. Sacrament Covenant Commitment Journal:

  • Distribute small notebooks or journals. Ask participants to reflect on their weekly sacrament covenant commitments. Encourage them to set personal goals for the upcoming week based on their reflections. Allow time for silent writing and individual pondering.

  1. Church Language Pictionary:

  • Play a reverent game of Pictionary using Church-related terms. Participants take turns drawing and guessing while maintaining a reverent atmosphere. Use this activity as an opportunity to discuss the importance of reverent language and behavior at church.

  1. Ward Community Reflection:

  • Provide small plant pots and seeds. As participants plant seeds, discuss the symbolism of nurturing growth within the ward community. Emphasize how weekly worship, service, and activities contribute to the spiritual growth of individuals and the ward as a whole.

  1. Gospel Art Reflection:

  • Choose a piece of sacred artwork related to the gospel. Allow participants time to quietly reflect on the artwork and its spiritual significance. Encourage them to share their insights and feelings, fostering a reverent atmosphere of shared testimony.

  1. Covenant Belonging Storytelling:

  • Invite participants to share brief, reverent stories of when they felt a sense of belonging within the Church. Emphasize the sacred nature of covenant relationships and how these stories contribute to a collective testimony of love and belonging.

  1. Sacrament Covenant Commitment Chart:

  • Create a visually appealing chart representing the sacrament covenant commitment. Use visual elements to depict the sacred nature of the covenant. Discuss the symbolism and importance of renewing covenants weekly, fostering a reverent and reflective mood.

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