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“Pillars and Rays” by Elder Alexander Dushku - Sunday Lesson Help

April 2024 General Conference

This lesson help is intended for Relief Society and Elders Quorum Teacher and is taken from the April 2024 General Conference.

The structure of this lesson help is as follows: Section of the talk followed by engaging questions, object lessons and activity ideas, and personal sharing prompts to help inspire any of your past experiences and apply it to the lesson.

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Relief Society Lesson Help

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My message is for those who worry about their testimony because they haven’t had overwhelming spiritual experiences. I pray that I can provide some peace and assurance.

Engaging Questions:

  • Defining Spiritual Experiences:

  • What do you consider a spiritual experience? How do you differentiate between an overwhelming spiritual experience and more subtle, everyday moments of inspiration?

  • Personal Testimony:

  • How do you feel about your personal testimony? What aspects of your faith bring you the most peace and assurance, even if they aren’t overwhelming?

  • Recognizing Small Blessings:

  • Can you think of small, everyday moments where you felt God’s presence or guidance in your life? How do these moments contribute to your overall testimony?

  • Comparison with Others:

  • How do you handle feelings of inadequacy when comparing your spiritual experiences to those of others? What helps you focus on your own unique journey of faith?

  • Patience in Spiritual Growth:

  • How do you practice patience in your spiritual growth? Are there particular scriptures or teachings that help you remain patient and hopeful?

  • Finding Peace in Simplicity:

  • What simple practices or habits help you feel connected to God and your faith? How do these practices reinforce your testimony?

  • Understanding God's Love:

  • How do you remind yourself of God’s love and presence in your life, even if you haven’t had dramatic spiritual experiences? What assurances do you find in the scriptures or teachings of the Church?

  • Strengthening Testimony through Service:

  • How does serving others help you strengthen your testimony? Can you share an experience where serving someone else brought you closer to God?

  • Personal Reflections:

  • Reflect on a time when you felt unsure about your testimony. What helped you find peace and assurance during that period?

  • Sharing Your Journey:

  • How can sharing your personal journey and testimony with others, including your doubts and small spiritual experiences, be beneficial to both you and those you share with?

  • The Role of Prayer:

  • How does prayer play a role in your spiritual journey? What do you feel when you pray, and how does it impact your faith?

  • Seeking Spiritual Guidance:

  • What steps do you take to seek spiritual guidance and inspiration? How do you recognize answers to your prayers and promptings from the Holy Ghost?

  • Finding Assurance in Community:

  • How does being part of a faith community provide you with peace and assurance? In what ways do you find support and strength from fellow members?

  • Embracing Your Unique Path:

  • How do you embrace your unique spiritual path and experiences? What helps you feel confident in the authenticity of your own journey?

  • Continuous Learning and Growth:

  • What ongoing practices of learning and growth do you engage in to strengthen your testimony? How do you stay committed to your faith even when spiritual experiences feel scarce?

Object Lessons and Activity Ideas:

  • Object Lesson: The Seed of Faith

  • Materials: Seeds, soil, a small pot.

  • Activity: Plant a seed in the soil and explain that faith, like a seed, grows gradually with care and nourishment. Emphasize that even small experiences and consistent efforts help our testimony grow over time.

  • Activity: Daily Blessings Journal

  • Materials: Journals, pens.

  • Activity: Encourage participants to keep a journal of daily blessings and small spiritual experiences. Reflect on how recognizing these moments can build a strong testimony over time.

  • Object Lesson: The Quiet Lighthouse

  • Materials: A small model of a lighthouse or a picture.

  • Activity: Explain that a lighthouse provides steady, consistent light, much like the small, steady spiritual experiences we have. Discuss how these moments guide us and keep us on the right path.

  • Activity: Testimony Trees

  • Materials: Paper, markers, scissors.

  • Activity: Have participants draw a tree and write small spiritual experiences on the leaves. Discuss how each experience contributes to the overall growth and strength of their testimony.

  • Object Lesson: The Puzzle Piece

  • Materials: A puzzle with a few pieces missing.

  • Activity: Show how each piece of the puzzle is necessary to complete the picture. Explain that small spiritual experiences are like puzzle pieces that come together to create a complete testimony.

  • Activity: Testimony Building Blocks

  • Materials: Building blocks or LEGO bricks.

  • Activity: Have participants write down small spiritual experiences on blocks and then build a structure with them. Discuss how each block, no matter how small, contributes to the overall strength of their testimony.

  • Object Lesson: The Gentle Whisper

  • Materials: A picture of a whispering ear.

  • Activity: Explain that the Holy Ghost often speaks in a still, small voice. Discuss how paying attention to these gentle promptings can strengthen our testimony over time.

  • Activity: Spiritual Experience Sharing

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Create a safe space for participants to share small spiritual experiences. Emphasize that each experience, no matter how small, is valuable and contributes to their testimony.

  • Object Lesson: The Steady Candle

  • Materials: A candle and matches.

  • Activity: Light a candle and explain how a steady, small flame can light up a room over time. Discuss how consistent small spiritual experiences can illuminate our lives and strengthen our testimony.

  • Activity: Gratitude Walk

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Take a walk and encourage participants to silently reflect on the small things they are grateful for and how God has blessed them. After the walk, discuss how recognizing these blessings can strengthen their testimony.

Personal Sharing Prompts:

  • Think of a time when you felt a small but significant confirmation of your faith. How did this experience help you realize that spiritual growth can happen in subtle ways?

  • Think of a time when you saw the hand of God in your life through everyday blessings. How did recognizing these moments strengthen your belief even without a dramatic spiritual experience?

  • Think of a time when someone else's simple act of kindness or testimony impacted your faith journey. How did this experience help you understand the power of quiet, everyday spiritual moments?

  • Think of a time when you felt peace or comfort during a difficult situation. How did this inner stillness reassure you of God’s presence in your life?

  • Think of a time when consistent, small spiritual practices (like daily prayer or scripture study) gradually built your faith. How did these regular habits shape your testimony over time?

  • Think of a time when you doubted or felt unsure about your faith but chose to continue your spiritual practices anyway. What did you learn from persisting through those feelings of uncertainty?

  • Think of a time when you felt a sense of community or belonging within your faith, even if you hadn’t had a powerful spiritual experience. How did the support and fellowship of others help strengthen your testimony?

  • Think of a time when reflecting on past experiences helped you recognize God's influence in your life. How did looking back on these moments, even if they seemed small at the time, help build your faith?

  • Think of a time when a simple answer to prayer provided you with direction or comfort. How did this experience help you trust in the value of everyday spiritual interactions?

  • Think of a time when you learned something new about your faith through study or conversation. How did this intellectual or emotional discovery contribute to your overall testimony?

The Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ began with an explosion of light and truth! A teenage boy in upstate New York, with the very ordinary name of Joseph Smith, enters a grove of trees to pray. He’s worried about his soul and his standing before God. He seeks forgiveness for his sins. And he’s confused about which church to join. He needs clarity and peace—he needs light and knowledge.
As Joseph kneels to pray and “offer up the desires of [his] heart to God,” a thick darkness envelops him. Something evil, oppressive, and very real tries to stop him—to bind his tongue so he cannot speak. The forces of darkness get so intense that Joseph thinks he’s going to die. But he “exert[s] all [his] powers to call upon God to deliver [him] out of the power of this enemy which [has] seized upon [him].” And then, “at the very moment when [he’s] ready to sink into despair and abandon [him]self to destruction,” when he doesn’t know if he can hang on any longer, a glorious brilliance fills the grove, scattering the darkness and the enemy of his soul.
A “pillar of light” brighter than the sun gradually descends upon him. One personage appears, and then another. Their “brightness and glory defy all description.” The first, our Heavenly Father, speaks his name, “pointing to the other—[Joseph!] This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
And with that overwhelming burst of light and truth, the Restoration has begun. A veritable flood of divine revelation and blessings will follow: new scripture, restored priesthood keys, apostles and prophets, ordinances and covenants, and the reestablishment of the Lord’s true and living Church, which will someday fill the earth with the light and witness of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel.
All that, and much more, began with a boy’s desperate prayer and a pillar of light.
We too have our own desperate needs. We too need freedom from spiritual confusion and worldly darkness. We too need to know for ourselves. That is one reason President Russell M. Nelson has invited us to “immerse [ourselves] in the glorious light of the Restoration.”
One of the great truths of the Restoration is that the heavens are open—that we too can receive light and knowledge from on high. I testify that is true.

Engaging Questions:

  1. Personal Reflection on the First Vision:

  • How does Joseph Smith's experience in the Sacred Grove resonate with you personally? Have you ever had a moment of seeking clarity and peace through prayer?

  1. The Power of Prayer:

  • How has prayer helped you in times of confusion or darkness? Can you share an experience where prayer brought you light and knowledge?

  1. Facing Spiritual Opposition:

  • Joseph Smith faced intense spiritual opposition before experiencing the First Vision. Have you ever felt similar opposition in your spiritual journey? How did you overcome it?

  1. Receiving Personal Revelation:

  • The Restoration began with a boy’s desperate prayer and a divine response. How do you seek and recognize personal revelation in your life?

  1. Importance of Light and Truth:

  • What does it mean to you to "immerse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration"? How do you incorporate the teachings and principles of the Restoration into your daily life?

  1. Impact of the Restoration:

  • How has the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ impacted your faith and understanding of God's plan? What aspects of the Restoration do you find most meaningful?

  1. Spiritual Preparation:

  • How do you prepare yourself spiritually to receive light and knowledge from God? What practices help you stay open to divine guidance?

  1. Finding Clarity and Peace:

  • Joseph Smith sought clarity and peace through his prayer. What are some ways you seek clarity and peace in your own life, especially during challenging times?

  1. Role of Prophets and Apostles:

  • How do the teachings and guidance of modern prophets and apostles help you stay connected to the light and truth of the Restoration?

  1. Experiencing Divine Light:

  • Can you describe a time when you felt a profound sense of divine light and guidance in your life? How did this experience strengthen your faith?

  1. Overcoming Darkness:

  • What strategies do you use to overcome spiritual darkness or confusion in your life? How does focusing on the light of the Restoration help you in this process?

  1. Sharing Your Testimony:

  • How do you share your testimony of the Restoration and the First Vision with others? What impact has sharing your testimony had on you and those you share it with?

  1. Strength from the Restoration:

  • In what ways does the knowledge of the Restoration give you strength and hope in your daily life? How do you draw upon this strength during difficult times?

  1. Building a Strong Foundation:

  • How does building your spiritual foundation on the truths of the Restoration help you navigate life's challenges and stay firm in your faith?

  1. Living the Principles of the Restoration:

  • What specific principles of the Restoration do you strive to live by each day? How do these principles influence your actions and decisions?

Object Lessons and Activity Ideas:

  1. Object Lesson: The Power of Prayer

  • Materials: A flashlight with batteries removed, batteries.

  • Activity: Show the flashlight without batteries and explain how it cannot function. Insert the batteries and turn on the light, illustrating how prayer and seeking God's help brings light and knowledge into our lives, just as Joseph Smith's prayer brought forth the First Vision.

  1. Activity: Creating a Personal Sacred Grove

  • Materials: Paper, pens, a quiet space.

  • Activity: Have participants write down their own questions or concerns and then find a quiet place to pray about them, seeking their own "pillar of light" moment. Encourage them to record any impressions or answers they receive.

  1. Object Lesson: Scattering Darkness

  • Materials: A dark room, a bright lamp or flashlight.

  • Activity: Turn off the lights to make the room dark, then turn on the bright lamp or flashlight. Discuss how the light scatters the darkness, symbolizing how the Restoration brought light and truth to the world and how personal revelation can do the same in our lives.

  1. Activity: Restoration Timeline

  • Materials: Large paper or poster board, markers.

  • Activity: Create a timeline of key events in the Restoration, starting with the First Vision. Have participants add events and discuss the significance of each one, focusing on how each event brought more light and knowledge.

  1. Object Lesson: The Burning Bush

  • Materials: A picture of a burning bush, a candle.

  • Activity: Show the picture and light the candle, explaining how both Moses and Joseph Smith received divine guidance through miraculous events involving light. Discuss how God continues to guide us today.

  1. Activity: Sharing Restoration Stories

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Invite participants to share stories from their own lives or from church history that illustrate how the Restoration has brought light and knowledge. Discuss how these stories inspire and strengthen faith.

  1. Object Lesson: The Compass of Revelation

  • Materials: A compass.

  • Activity: Show how a compass always points north, providing direction. Explain how personal revelation, like the Restoration, provides spiritual direction and helps us navigate through life’s challenges.

  1. Activity: Studying the First Vision

  • Materials: Scriptures, study guides.

  • Activity: Have participants study the account of the First Vision in Joseph Smith—History. Encourage them to ponder and write about how this event has influenced their understanding of God and His plan for us.

  1. Object Lesson: The Candle and the Sun

  • Materials: A candle, a picture of the sun.

  • Activity: Light the candle and explain how it provides some light, but compare it to the brightness of the sun. Discuss how the Restoration brought a fullness of light and truth, far surpassing what was previously known.

  1. Activity: Creating Restoration Art

  • Materials: Art supplies (paper, paints, markers).

  • Activity: Have participants create artwork that represents the First Vision or another key event in the Restoration. Display the artwork and discuss how each event brought light and knowledge to the world.

Personal Sharing Prompts:

  • Think of a time when you sought clarity and peace through sincere prayer. How did this experience bring light and understanding into your life, similar to Joseph Smith's First Vision?

  • Think of a time when you felt surrounded by darkness or confusion but found hope and direction through faith. How did you persevere, and what was the outcome of your experience?

  • Think of a time when a particular scripture or spiritual teaching provided you with the knowledge and comfort you needed. How did this revelation influence your spiritual journey?

  • Think of a time when you experienced a personal revelation that strengthened your testimony of the Restoration. What was revealed to you, and how did it impact your faith and actions?

  • Think of a time when you felt the presence of the Holy Ghost guiding you during a challenging situation. How did this guidance help you overcome obstacles and find peace?

  • Think of a time when you shared your testimony of the Restoration with someone else. How did this sharing of faith strengthen both you and the person you were speaking to?

  • Think of a time when you participated in an ordinance or covenant that deepened your understanding of the Restoration. How did this experience help you feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

  • Think of a time when you felt inspired by the example of Joseph Smith and his unwavering faith. How did his story motivate you to seek your own spiritual experiences?

  • Think of a time when you faced a moment of spiritual crisis or doubt but found strength through the teachings of the restored gospel. What helped you regain your faith and continue on your path?

  • Think of a time when you felt a strong connection to the early Saints and their sacrifices for the Restoration. How did reflecting on their experiences inspire you to live your faith more fully?

But we must be wary of a spiritual trap. Sometimes faithful Church members become discouraged and even drift away because they haven’t had overwhelming spiritual experiences—because they haven’t experienced their own pillar of light. President Spencer W. Kimball warned, “Always expecting the spectacular, many will miss entirely the constant flow of revealed communication.”
President Joseph F. Smith likewise recalled, “The Lord withheld marvels from me [when I was young], and showed me the truth, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little.”

Engaging Questions:

  • Expectation vs. Reality:

  • How do you balance your expectations of having overwhelming spiritual experiences with recognizing and appreciating the smaller, everyday moments of inspiration?

  • Personal Revelations:

  • Can you share an example of a subtle but meaningful revelation or communication from God that you’ve experienced? How did it impact your faith?

  • Line Upon Line:

  • How do you understand the principle of receiving truth “line upon line, precept upon precept”? How has this gradual process been evident in your spiritual journey?

  • Avoiding Discouragement:

  • What strategies do you use to avoid feeling discouraged when you don’t have spectacular spiritual experiences? How do you maintain your faith during such times?

  • Recognizing Daily Guidance:

  • In what ways do you recognize the constant flow of revealed communication in your daily life? How do you stay attuned to these subtle promptings?

  • Learning from Leaders:

  • How do the experiences and teachings of Church leaders like President Spencer W. Kimball and President Joseph F. Smith help you understand and appreciate the more gradual aspects of spiritual growth?

  • Cultivating Patience:

  • What helps you cultivate patience and trust in God’s timing and methods of revealing truth? How do you remind yourself to be patient in your spiritual development?

  • Value of Small Moments:

  • Why do you think small, consistent moments of inspiration and guidance are important in our spiritual lives? How do these moments contribute to your overall testimony?

  • Supporting Each Other:

  • How can we support each other in recognizing and appreciating the small, everyday spiritual experiences? What role does the community play in this process?

  • Personal Reflection:

  • Reflect on a time when you expected a spectacular spiritual experience but received a more subtle form of guidance instead. How did you come to appreciate the value of that experience?

  • Spiritual Growth Over Time:

  • How do you track and reflect on your spiritual growth over time? What helps you see the gradual progress you’re making in your faith journey?

  • Encouraging Consistency:

  • What practices or habits help you stay consistent in seeking and recognizing daily spiritual guidance? How do these habits strengthen your relationship with God?

  • Finding Peace in Simplicity:

  • How do you find peace and assurance in the simplicity of everyday spiritual experiences? What teachings or scriptures help reinforce this perspective?

  • Overcoming Comparison:

  • How do you overcome the temptation to compare your spiritual experiences with those of others? What helps you stay focused on your unique journey with God?

  • Embracing the Journey:

  • How do you embrace the journey of spiritual growth, appreciating both the small and significant moments? What helps you stay committed and faithful through all stages of this journey?

Object Lessons and Activity Ideas:

  • Object Lesson: The Dripping Faucet

  • Materials: A faucet, a bowl.

  • Activity: Set up a dripping faucet with a bowl underneath to catch the drops. Explain how each drop represents small spiritual experiences. Over time, the bowl fills up, just as our testimonies grow stronger with consistent, small spiritual experiences.

  • Activity: Daily Spiritual Journal

  • Materials: Journals, pens.

  • Activity: Encourage participants to write down small spiritual impressions or experiences they have each day for a week. Discuss how these small moments contribute to a deeper, more consistent flow of revelation and testimony.

  • Object Lesson: Building Blocks

  • Materials: Building blocks or LEGO bricks.

  • Activity: Have participants build a structure using one block at a time. Emphasize that just as a strong structure is built piece by piece, our testimonies are built through small, consistent spiritual experiences.

  • Activity: Scripture Reflection

  • Materials: Scriptures, notebooks.

  • Activity: Study 2 Nephi 28:30 together, which talks about learning line upon line. Have participants reflect on and write about how they have received knowledge and testimony incrementally in their own lives.

  • Object Lesson: The Growing Plant

  • Materials: A potted plant or seeds, soil, a small pot.

  • Activity: Plant a seed and explain how it grows slowly over time with consistent care. Compare this to how our testimonies grow through regular spiritual nourishment, rather than sudden, overwhelming experiences.

  • Activity: Gratitude Tree

  • Materials: A large paper tree, sticky notes.

  • Activity: Have participants write down small spiritual experiences or things they are grateful for on sticky notes and place them on the paper tree. Discuss how these small blessings accumulate and strengthen our faith.

  • Object Lesson: The Puzzle Piece

  • Materials: A puzzle with individual pieces.

  • Activity: Give each participant a piece of the puzzle and explain how each piece is necessary to complete the picture. Discuss how each small spiritual experience is a piece of our overall testimony.

  • Activity: Line Upon Line Art

  • Materials: Paper, markers, rulers.

  • Activity: Have participants draw a picture using only straight lines. Emphasize that just as the picture is created line by line, our spiritual understanding and testimony are built gradually through small, consistent experiences.

  • Object Lesson: The Candle and the Sun

  • Materials: A small candle, a picture of the sun.

  • Activity: Light the candle and explain how its small light can provide guidance in the darkness. Compare it to the sun, which represents overwhelming spiritual experiences. Discuss how both forms of light are valuable and necessary.

  • Activity: Sharing Testimonies

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Encourage participants to share short testimonies or spiritual experiences. Emphasize that even small testimonies are powerful and contribute to the strength of the group’s collective faith.

Personal Sharing Prompts:

  • Think of a time when you felt the quiet, consistent guidance of the Holy Ghost rather than a dramatic revelation. How did these small, steady impressions influence your decisions and strengthen your faith?

  • Think of a time when you recognized God's hand in your life through small, everyday blessings. How did acknowledging these blessings help you feel closer to Him?

  • Think of a time when your testimony grew gradually through regular scripture study and prayer. How did this slow and steady growth shape your spiritual journey?

  • Think of a time when you were inspired by someone else's simple act of faith or kindness. How did this experience teach you about the power of quiet examples?

  • Think of a time when you felt discouraged but found encouragement in remembering past spiritual experiences, however small they seemed. How did reflecting on these moments help you regain your faith and hope?

  • Think of a time when you felt reassured by the teachings of Church leaders about the nature of revelation and spiritual growth. How did their words help you appreciate the "line upon line" process of receiving truth?

  • Think of a time when a simple testimony or prayer brought you peace and assurance. How did this experience help you understand that spiritual experiences don't always have to be overwhelming to be meaningful?

  • Think of a time when you felt a sense of spiritual progress by serving others. How did acts of service help you feel closer to God and recognize His influence in your life?

  • Think of a time when you found spiritual strength in a moment of quiet reflection or meditation. How did this stillness contribute to your understanding of God’s presence in your life?

  • Think of a time when you realized that spiritual growth often comes through consistent effort rather than spectacular events. How did this realization change your perspective on your own faith journey?

That is the Lord’s typical pattern, brothers and sisters. Rather than sending us a pillar of light, the Lord sends us a ray of light, and then another, and another.
Those rays of light are continuously being poured down upon us. The scriptures teach that Jesus Christ “is the light and … life of the world,” that His “Spirit giveth light to every man [and woman] that cometh into the world,” and that His light “fill[s] the immensity of space,” giving “life to all things.” The Light of Christ is literally all around us.
If we have received the gift of the Holy Ghost and are striving to exercise faith, repent, and honor our covenants, then we are worthy to receive these divine rays constantly. In Elder David A. Bednar’s memorable phrase, “we are ‘living in revelation.’”

Engaging Questions:

  1. Understanding Rays of Light:

  • What does it mean to you to receive rays of light continuously from the Lord? How do you recognize these rays of light in your daily life?

  1. Experiencing the Light of Christ:

  • How have you experienced the Light of Christ in your life? Can you share a specific moment where you felt His light guiding you?

  1. Daily Spiritual Practices:

  • What daily practices help you stay attuned to the constant rays of light from the Lord? How do these practices enhance your spiritual well-being?

  1. Role of the Holy Ghost:

  • How does the gift of the Holy Ghost help you receive and recognize divine rays of light? Can you describe a time when the Holy Ghost provided you with guidance or comfort?

  1. Faith and Revelation:

  • How do you exercise faith and strive to live in a state of continuous revelation? What challenges do you face in this effort, and how do you overcome them?

  1. Scriptural Insights:

  • What scriptures inspire you to seek and recognize the continuous light from the Lord? How do these scriptures influence your daily actions and decisions?

  1. Honoring Covenants:

  • How does honoring your covenants help you remain open to receiving divine guidance? What role do your covenants play in your relationship with God?

  1. Recognizing Small Blessings:

  • How do you train yourself to notice and appreciate the small blessings and rays of light in your life? How do these small moments contribute to your overall testimony?

  1. Living in Revelation:

  • What does it mean to you to be “living in revelation,” as described by Elder David A. Bednar? How do you incorporate this concept into your daily life?

  1. Community Support:

  • How can we as a community support each other in recognizing and appreciating the continuous rays of light from the Lord? What role does fellowship play in this process?

  1. Reflecting on Spiritual Growth:

  • How do you reflect on and measure your spiritual growth over time? What helps you see the cumulative effect of the small rays of light you receive?

  1. Finding Light in Difficult Times:

  • How do you find and hold onto the rays of light during challenging or dark times in your life? What practices or perspectives help you stay connected to the Light of Christ?

  1. Sharing Light with Others:

  • How do you share the light you receive with others? Can you think of a time when your actions or words brought light to someone else’s life?

  1. Balancing Expectations:

  • How do you balance the expectation of receiving spectacular spiritual experiences with appreciating the everyday rays of light? What helps you stay grounded and grateful?

  1. Personal Testimonies:

  • How has your understanding of the Lord’s pattern of sending rays of light strengthened your testimony? Can you share a personal story that illustrates this pattern in your life?

Object Lessons and Activities:

  • Object Lesson: The Sunbeam and Mirror

  • Materials: A small mirror, a flashlight or sunlight.

  • Activity: Use the mirror to reflect the light from a flashlight or sunlight onto different areas of the room. Explain how each reflection represents a ray of light from the Lord. Discuss how small reflections of light can illuminate our lives and guide us.

  • Activity: Light Journals

  • Materials: Journals, pens.

  • Activity: Encourage participants to keep a journal of daily moments when they felt guided or enlightened by the Holy Ghost. Reflect on how these small rays of light contribute to their overall spiritual understanding and growth.

  • Object Lesson: The Growing Light

  • Materials: A dimmable lamp.

  • Activity: Gradually increase the brightness of the lamp to illustrate how revelation often comes incrementally. Discuss how each increase in light represents additional understanding and guidance from the Lord.

  • Activity: Scripture Study Groups

  • Materials: Scriptures, study guides.

  • Activity: Form small groups to study scriptures that describe the light of Christ (e.g., John 8:12, D&C 88:6-13). Have each group share insights and discuss how these scriptures illustrate the continuous nature of divine revelation.

  • Object Lesson: The Prism

  • Materials: A prism, sunlight or flashlight.

  • Activity: Use the prism to split light into its component colors. Explain how each color represents different aspects of revelation and guidance we receive. Discuss how combining these rays of light helps us see the full spectrum of God's truth.

  • Activity: Candlelight Reflection

  • Materials: Candles, matches.

  • Activity: Light a candle and pass the flame from one candle to another in a circle. Discuss how each person’s light can influence and enlighten others, representing the continuous flow of revelation.

  • Object Lesson: The Lighthouse

  • Materials: A picture or model of a lighthouse.

  • Activity: Explain how a lighthouse provides consistent guidance to ships, much like the continuous rays of light from the Lord. Discuss how regular spiritual practices help us stay on course.

  • Activity: Creating a Light Collage

  • Materials: Paper, magazines, glue, scissors.

  • Activity: Have participants create a collage of images that represent light and guidance in their lives. Share and discuss how each image symbolizes moments of divine revelation and inspiration.

  • Object Lesson: The Steady Drip

  • Materials: A dripping faucet or a container with a small hole, water.

  • Activity: Show how a steady drip of water fills a container over time. Compare this to the steady flow of revelation and guidance we receive from the Lord. Discuss how consistent spiritual practices help us receive this continuous flow.

  • Activity: Light Walk

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Take a walk outside and observe the natural light around you. Reflect on how the light of Christ is present in all aspects of life. Discuss how being aware of this light can enhance your spiritual sensitivity and openness to revelation.

Personal Sharing Prompts

  • Think of a time when a small insight or impression provided you with guidance or comfort. How did this "ray of light" help you navigate a particular situation or decision?

  • Think of a time when you felt the cumulative effect of small, consistent spiritual experiences. How did these experiences build up your faith and understanding over time?

  • Think of a time when you recognized the Lord’s hand in your life through a series of small, everyday events. How did these moments contribute to your overall spiritual growth?

  • Think of a time when you felt inspired to make a positive change in your life through a series of gentle promptings. How did following these promptings lead you to greater peace or fulfillment?

  • Think of a time when a scripture or sermon spoke to your heart in a way that provided a needed ray of light. How did this specific message impact your faith or actions?

  • Think of a time when regular spiritual practices, like prayer and scripture study, brought you consistent light and understanding. How did maintaining these practices help you feel the Lord's presence daily?

  • Think of a time when you felt uplifted by the beauty of nature or a simple moment of stillness. How did this experience help you recognize the Light of Christ in the world around you?

  • Think of a time when you felt strengthened by the Holy Ghost during a challenging period, even if it wasn’t an overwhelming experience. How did these small but steady reassurances help you persevere?

  • Think of a time when you shared a small spiritual insight with someone else and it made a difference. How did this experience help you understand the value of every ray of light you receive?

  • Think of a time when reflecting on past spiritual experiences helped you see how the Lord has guided you through your life. How did recognizing these rays of light strengthen your testimony?

And yet, every one of us is different. No two people experience God’s light and truth in exactly the same way. Take some time to think about how you experience the light and Spirit of the Lord.
You may have experienced these bursts of light and testimony as “peace [spoken] to your mind concerning [a] matter” that has worried you.
Or as an impression—a still, small voice—that settled “in your mind and in your heart” and urged you to do something good, such as helping someone.
Perhaps you’ve been in a class at church—or at a youth camp—and felt a strong desire to follow Jesus Christ and stay faithful. Maybe you even stood and shared a testimony that you hoped was true and then felt it was.
Or maybe you’ve been praying and felt a joyful assurance that God loves you.
You may have heard someone bear testimony of Jesus Christ, and it touched your heart and filled you with hope.
Perhaps you were reading in the Book of Mormon and a verse spoke to your soul, as if God had put it there just for you—and then you realized that He did.
You may have felt the love of God for others as you served them.
Or maybe you struggle to feel the Spirit in the moment because of depression or anxiety but have the precious gift and the faith to look back and recognize past “tender mercies of the Lord.”
My point is that there are many ways to receive heavenly rays of testimony. These are just a few, of course. They may not be dramatic, but all of them form part of our testimonies.

Engaging Questions:

  • Personal Experiences with Divine Light:

  • How do you personally experience the light and Spirit of the Lord? Can you share a specific instance that stands out to you?

  • Peace and Guidance:

  • Have you ever experienced peace spoken to your mind concerning a matter that worried you? How did this experience influence your faith and actions?

  • Impressions and Promptings:

  • Can you recall a time when a still, small voice urged you to do something good? How did you respond, and what was the outcome?

  • Desire to Follow Christ:

  • Have you ever felt a strong desire to follow Jesus Christ and stay faithful during a class at church, youth camp, or similar setting? How did this desire impact your testimony?

  • Joyful Assurance in Prayer:

  • How has prayer brought you joyful assurance of God’s love? Can you share a moment when you felt particularly close to God through prayer?

  • Testimonies of Others:

  • How have the testimonies of others touched your heart and filled you with hope? Can you share an experience where someone else's testimony strengthened your faith?

  • Scriptural Insights:

  • Have you ever read a verse in the Book of Mormon (or other scripture) that felt as if it was meant just for you? How did this experience affect your understanding of God’s love and guidance?

  • Service and God's Love:

  • How have you felt the love of God for others as you served them? Can you describe a service experience that deepened your testimony?

  • Overcoming Spiritual Struggles:

  • If you struggle to feel the Spirit due to depression or anxiety, how do you look back and recognize the tender mercies of the Lord in your life? What helps you maintain your faith during these times?

  • Different Forms of Testimony:

  • What are some other ways you have received heavenly rays of testimony that may not be dramatic but are meaningful to you? How do these experiences contribute to your overall testimony?

  • Recognizing God's Hand:

  • How do you recognize God's hand in your daily life? What small moments or experiences remind you of His presence and care?

  • Sharing Your Testimony:

  • How do you feel when you share your testimony with others? Have you ever shared a testimony that you hoped was true and then felt its truthfulness?

  • Collective Experiences:

  • How do the diverse ways we experience God’s light and truth enrich our collective faith community? How can we support each other in recognizing and valuing these different experiences?

  • Reflecting on Past Experiences:

  • How do you reflect on past spiritual experiences to strengthen your current faith? What role do these reflections play in your ongoing spiritual growth?

  • Gratitude for Spiritual Experiences:

  • How do you express gratitude for the various ways you receive divine light and truth? What practices help you stay mindful and appreciative of these experiences?

Object Lessons and Activity Ideas:

  • Object Lesson: The Light Spectrum

  • Materials: A prism, sunlight or flashlight.

  • Activity: Use the prism to show how light splits into different colors. Explain that just as light can be experienced in different ways, so can spiritual experiences. Discuss the various ways participants have felt God's light in their lives.

  • Activity: Personal Reflection Journals

  • Materials: Journals, pens.

  • Activity: Have participants write about their personal experiences with feeling God's light and truth. Encourage them to think about different settings and circumstances where they have felt the Spirit. Share and discuss insights.

  • Object Lesson: The Toolbox

  • Materials: A toolbox with various tools.

  • Activity: Show the different tools and explain how each one serves a unique purpose. Relate this to how each person experiences God’s light and truth in different ways. Discuss how everyone’s unique experiences are valuable and necessary.

  • Activity: Testimony Sharing Circle

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Create a circle and invite participants to share brief testimonies or experiences of when they felt God’s light. Emphasize that every experience is valid and contributes to their testimony.

  • Object Lesson: The Music of the Spirit

  • Materials: Various musical instruments or recordings.

  • Activity: Play different instruments or recordings to show how each produces unique sounds. Discuss how the Spirit speaks to each person in a unique way, just as music can be experienced differently. Reflect on personal experiences.

  • Activity: Service Reflection

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Organize a service project and afterward, have participants reflect on how they felt during the service. Discuss how serving others can be a way to experience God’s love and light.

  • Object Lesson: The Quilt of Testimonies

  • Materials: Fabric squares, markers.

  • Activity: Have each participant write or draw their testimony or a spiritual experience on a fabric square. Combine the squares to create a “quilt” that represents the diverse ways the Spirit touches lives.

  • Activity: Scripture Exploration

  • Materials: Scriptures, study guides.

  • Activity: Have participants read and share a verse from the scriptures that has personally spoken to them. Discuss how different verses can touch hearts in unique ways and how this contributes to personal testimony.

  • Object Lesson: The Candle and the Mirror

  • Materials: A candle, a mirror.

  • Activity: Light the candle and use the mirror to reflect the light around the room. Explain how each reflection is different yet comes from the same source, just as everyone’s spiritual experiences are unique but come from God.

  • Activity: Guided Meditation on Past Experiences

  • Materials: Comfortable seating, soft background music.

  • Activity: Lead a guided meditation where participants reflect on past moments when they felt God’s light. Encourage them to think about different types of experiences and settings. Share reflections afterward.

Personal Sharing Prompts:

  • Think of a time when you felt peace about a matter that had been worrying you. How did this sense of peace come to you, and what impact did it have on your situation?

  • Think of a time when you felt a strong impression to do something good for someone else. How did acting on this impression influence you and the person you helped?

  • Think of a time when you were in a church class or at a camp and felt a deep desire to follow Jesus Christ. What was happening at that moment, and how did it strengthen your commitment to your faith?

  • Think of a time when you stood to share a testimony that you hoped was true, and then felt it was. How did this experience shape your faith and confidence in your beliefs?

  • Think of a time when you were praying and felt a joyful assurance of God's love for you. How did this assurance affect your relationship with God and your outlook on life?

  • Think of a time when someone else's testimony touched your heart and filled you with hope. What was it about their words or spirit that resonated with you, and how did it influence your own testimony?

  • Think of a time when a verse from the Book of Mormon or another scripture spoke directly to your soul. How did this experience make you feel, and what did you learn from it?

  • Think of a time when serving others helped you feel the love of God more deeply. What kind of service were you involved in, and how did it enhance your understanding of God's love?

  • Think of a time when you struggled to feel the Spirit due to depression or anxiety but later recognized past tender mercies of the Lord. How did this reflection help you to see God's hand in your life?

  • Think of a time when you experienced God's light and truth in a unique way that was personal to you. How did this experience differ from others, and what did it teach you about the diverse ways God communicates with us?

Brothers and sisters, I have not seen a pillar of light, but, like you, I have experienced many divine rays. Over the years, I’ve tried to treasure such experiences. I find that as I do, I recognize and remember even more of them. Here are some examples from my own life. They may not be very impressive to some, but they are precious to me.
I remember being a rowdy teenager at a baptism. As the meeting was about to begin, I felt the Spirit urge me to sit down and be reverent. I sat down and stayed quiet the rest of the meeting.
Before my mission, I was afraid my testimony wasn’t strong enough. No one in my family had ever served a mission, and I didn’t know if I could do it. I remember studying and praying desperately to receive a more certain witness of Jesus Christ. Then one day, as I pled with Heavenly Father, I felt a powerful sense of light and warmth. And I knew. I just knew.
I remember being awakened one night years later by a feeling of “pure intelligence” telling me I would be called to serve in the elders quorum. Two weeks later I was called.
I remember a general conference where a beloved member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke the exact words of testimony I had told a friend I hoped to hear.
I remember kneeling with hundreds of brethren to pray for a dear friend who lay unconscious on a ventilator in a small, faraway hospital after his heart had stopped. As we united our own hearts to plead for his life, he woke up and pulled the ventilator out of his own throat. He serves today as a stake president.
And I remember waking up with strong spiritual feelings after a vivid dream of a dear friend and mentor who passed away far too early, leaving an enormous hole in my life. He was smiling and joyful. I knew he was OK.

Engaging Questions:

  • Treasuring Spiritual Experiences:

  • How do you treasure your spiritual experiences? What practices help you remember and recognize these divine rays of light in your life?

  • Personal Moments of Guidance:

  • Can you share a time when you felt the Spirit urging you to take a specific action, similar to Elder Dushku’s experience at the baptism? How did you respond, and what was the outcome?

  • Building Testimony:

  • How do you strengthen your testimony when you feel uncertain? What experiences have brought you a powerful sense of light and warmth, reassuring your faith?

  • Divine Impressions:

  • Have you ever experienced a moment of “pure intelligence” or a strong impression about a future event? How did this experience influence your faith and actions?

  • Confirmation through Others:

  • Have you ever heard someone speak words that confirmed something you had been praying or thinking about, similar to Elder Dushku’s experience at general conference? How did this confirmation affect you?

  • Power of Collective Prayer:

  • How have you experienced the power of collective prayer in your life? Can you share a moment when united prayer brought about a significant change or miracle?

  • Comfort through Dreams:

  • Have you ever received comfort or guidance through a dream, as Elder Dushku did with his dear friend and mentor? How did this dream impact your feelings and understanding?

  • Recognizing Small Moments:

  • What small, everyday moments have you experienced that you consider divine rays of light? How do these moments contribute to your overall testimony?

  • Facing Fears with Faith:

  • How do you face your fears and uncertainties with faith, similar to Elder Dushku before his mission? What practices help you find courage and assurance in these times?

  • Importance of Reverence:

  • How do you practice reverence and attentiveness in spiritual settings? How do these practices help you recognize and treasure divine experiences?

  • Documenting Spiritual Experiences:

  • Do you keep a journal or record of your spiritual experiences? How does documenting these experiences help you remember and reflect on them?

  • Sharing Testimonies:

  • How does sharing your spiritual experiences with others strengthen your own testimony and faith? Can you share an instance where telling someone about your experience impacted you or them?

  • Reflecting on Past Experiences:

  • How do you reflect on past spiritual experiences to draw strength and guidance for current challenges? What role do these reflections play in your ongoing spiritual growth?

  • Recognizing Divine Timing:

  • How have you seen God’s timing in your life through spiritual experiences? Can you share an example where an experience happened at just the right moment?

  • Gratitude for Spiritual Guidance:

  • How do you express gratitude for the spiritual guidance and divine rays of light you receive? What role does gratitude play in your relationship with God?

Object Lessons and Activity Ideas:

  • Object Lesson: The Treasure Box

  • Materials: A small box, decorative items (e.g., stickers, markers), paper, pens.

  • Activity: Have participants decorate a small box and write down their personal spiritual experiences on pieces of paper to place inside. Explain how each experience, no matter how small, is a treasure that contributes to their testimony.

  • Activity: Spiritual Experience Journal

  • Materials: Journals, pens.

  • Activity: Encourage participants to keep a journal dedicated to recording their spiritual experiences. Reflect on how writing down these moments helps to recognize and remember them. Share entries if comfortable.

  • Object Lesson: The Puzzle of Life

  • Materials: A puzzle with pieces.

  • Activity: Have participants each take a piece of the puzzle and write a spiritual experience on the back. As they share their experiences, fit the pieces together to form the complete puzzle, illustrating how each small experience contributes to the bigger picture of their spiritual journey.

  • Activity: Reflection Walk

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Take a quiet walk and encourage participants to reflect on past spiritual experiences. After the walk, gather and discuss the importance of recognizing these moments and how they have influenced their faith.

  • Object Lesson: The Candle Flame

  • Materials: A candle and matches.

  • Activity: Light the candle and explain how each small experience is like a flame that contributes to the light of our testimony. Discuss how multiple small flames can create a strong, bright light.

  • Activity: Testimony Building Blocks

  • Materials: Building blocks or LEGO bricks.

  • Activity: Have participants write their spiritual experiences on building blocks and construct a structure together. Emphasize how each experience builds upon the others to strengthen their testimony.

  • Object Lesson: The Quilt of Experiences

  • Materials: Fabric squares, markers, fabric glue.

  • Activity: Have participants write or draw their spiritual experiences on fabric squares. Combine the squares to create a quilt, symbolizing how each experience, no matter how small, adds warmth and beauty to their lives.

  • Activity: Group Prayer for Insight

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Organize a group prayer session where participants pray for the ability to recognize and appreciate their spiritual experiences. Reflect afterward on any new insights or feelings received during the prayer.

  • Object Lesson: The Steady Drip

  • Materials: A container with a small hole, water.

  • Activity: Show how water dripping steadily into a container can fill it over time. Discuss how small, consistent spiritual experiences can accumulate to create a strong foundation of faith.

  • Activity: Sharing Circle

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Form a circle and invite participants to share brief accounts of their spiritual experiences. Emphasize that each experience is precious and contributes to their collective understanding and faith.

Personal Sharing Prompts:

  • Think of a time when you felt prompted by the Spirit to change your behavior in a small but significant way. How did responding to this prompting affect you and those around you?

  • Think of a time when you were preparing for a significant life event and sought a stronger testimony. How did your prayers and study bring you the reassurance or witness you needed?

  • Think of a time when you received a clear impression or revelation about a future event or responsibility. How did this experience prepare you for what was to come?

  • Think of a time when a message from a Church leader during a conference or talk spoke directly to your heart. How did this experience strengthen your testimony or resolve?

  • Think of a time when you joined with others in prayer for someone in need and witnessed a miraculous outcome. How did this shared spiritual experience impact your faith and sense of community?

  • Think of a time when you had a vivid dream or spiritual experience that brought you peace about a loved one who had passed away. How did this experience help you cope with your loss and strengthen your belief in the afterlife?

  • Think of a time when a seemingly ordinary experience turned into a treasured spiritual memory for you. What made this moment special, and how has it influenced your faith?

  • Think of a time when you felt an overwhelming sense of peace and assurance during a moment of uncertainty or fear. How did this divine reassurance guide your actions and decisions?

  • Think of a time when you looked back on your life and recognized a pattern of divine guidance and support. How did seeing this pattern help you appreciate the Lord's influence in your life?

  • Think of a time when you felt inspired to share your testimony or beliefs with someone else, and it made a significant difference. How did this experience reinforce the importance of your own faith journey?

These are some of my rays. You have had your own experiences—your own light-filled bursts of testimony. As we recognize, remember, and gather these rays “together in one,” something wonderful and powerful begins to happen. “Light cleaveth unto light”—“truth embraceth truth.” The reality and power of one ray of testimony reinforces and combines with another, and then another, and another. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a ray and there a ray—one small, treasured spiritual moment at a time—there grows up within us a core of light-filled, spiritual experiences. Perhaps no one ray is strong enough or bright enough to constitute a full testimony, but together they can become a light that the darkness of doubt cannot overcome.
“O then, is not this real?” Alma asks. “I say unto you, Yea, because it is light.”
“That which is of God is light,” the Lord teaches us, “and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”
That means, brothers and sisters, that in time and through “great diligence,” we too can have our own pillar of light—one ray at a time. And in the midst of that pillar, we too will find a loving Heavenly Father calling us by name, pointing us to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and inviting us to “Hear Him!”
I bear witness of Jesus Christ, that He is the light and life of the whole world—and of your personal world and mine.
I testify that He is the true and living Son of the true and living God and that He stands at the head of this true and living Church, guided and directed by His true and living prophets and apostles.
May we recognize and receive His glorious light and then choose Him over the darkness of the world—always and forever.

Engaging Questions:

  • Recognizing Rays of Light:

  • How do you recognize the small rays of light and bursts of testimony in your daily life? Can you share a recent experience where you felt a divine ray of light?

  • Remembering Spiritual Moments:

  • What practices help you remember and reflect on your spiritual experiences? How do these practices reinforce your testimony over time?

  • Gathering Experiences:

  • How do you gather and combine your spiritual experiences to build a stronger testimony? Can you describe how different experiences have come together to strengthen your faith?

  • Light Cleaving to Light:

  • How do you see the principle of “light cleaveth unto light” in your own life? What impact does recognizing this principle have on your spiritual growth?

  • Overcoming Doubt:

  • How do you use your collection of spiritual experiences to overcome moments of doubt or darkness? Can you share an example where your core of light-filled experiences helped you through a challenging time?

  • Building Line Upon Line:

  • How have you experienced the process of building your testimony “line upon line, precept upon precept”? What small, treasured moments have contributed to this process?

  • Combining Truths:

  • How do you combine the truths you receive from various spiritual experiences to form a cohesive testimony? What role does continuous learning and revelation play in this process?

  • Brighter and Brighter Light:

  • How do you continue to receive and nurture spiritual light in your life? What actions or attitudes help you ensure that your light grows “brighter and brighter until the perfect day”?

  • Personal Pillar of Light:

  • How do you envision your personal pillar of light growing over time? What steps do you take to diligently seek and gather more rays of divine light?

  • Hearing Him:

  • How do you respond to the invitation to “Hear Him” in your daily life? What helps you stay attuned to the guidance of the Savior and Heavenly Father?

  • Testimonies of Jesus Christ:

  • How do your personal experiences and rays of light contribute to your testimony of Jesus Christ as the light and life of the world? Can you share a specific experience that strengthened this aspect of your testimony?

  • Choosing Light Over Darkness:

  • How do you actively choose light over the darkness of the world in your decisions and actions? What helps you remain committed to this choice?

  • Sharing Rays of Light:

  • How do you share your spiritual experiences and rays of light with others? What impact has sharing your testimony had on you and those you share it with?

  • Reflecting on Alma’s Words:

  • How do Alma’s words “O then, is not this real?” resonate with you in relation to your spiritual experiences? How do you find reality and truth in the light you receive?

  • Living in Revelation:

  • How do you strive to live in a state of continuous revelation? What practices help you stay open and receptive to ongoing divine guidance?

Object Lessons and Activity Ideas:

  1. Object Lesson: The Lantern of Testimony

  • Materials: A lantern, small candles or LED lights.

  • Activity: Light each candle or LED light one by one and place them inside the lantern. Explain how each light represents a spiritual experience. As the lights combine, they create a bright glow, symbolizing how small spiritual experiences build a strong testimony.

  1. Activity: Testimony Mosaic

  • Materials: Small colored tiles or pieces of paper, glue, a large canvas or board.

  • Activity: Have participants write down their spiritual experiences on the tiles or pieces of paper. Arrange and glue them onto the canvas to create a mosaic. Discuss how each piece, though small, contributes to the overall beauty and strength of the testimony.

  1. Object Lesson: The Beam of Light

  • Materials: A flashlight, small mirrors.

  • Activity: Use the flashlight to shine light onto the mirrors, which reflect the light onto different parts of the room. Explain how each reflection represents a spiritual experience that illuminates our lives. Discuss how gathering these experiences creates a stronger light.

  1. Activity: Spiritual Timeline

  • Materials: Paper, markers, a long piece of string.

  • Activity: Create a timeline on the string, marking significant spiritual experiences along the way. Discuss how each experience contributes to the overall journey of building a testimony.

  1. Object Lesson: The Growing Plant

  • Materials: A small potted plant, water, sunlight.

  • Activity: Show how the plant grows with consistent care and light. Explain how our testimonies grow similarly with consistent spiritual experiences and nurturing. Discuss the importance of recognizing and gathering these experiences.

  1. Activity: Light and Truth Journal

  • Materials: Journals, pens.

  • Activity: Encourage participants to keep a journal where they record their spiritual experiences and insights. Reflect regularly on how these experiences build their testimony. Share entries if comfortable.

  1. Object Lesson: The Patchwork Quilt

  • Materials: Fabric squares, markers, fabric glue.

  • Activity: Have participants write or draw their spiritual experiences on fabric squares. Combine the squares to create a patchwork quilt, symbolizing how each experience, no matter how small, adds warmth and strength to their testimony.

  1. Activity: Testimony Chain

  • Materials: Strips of paper, pens, glue or tape.

  • Activity: Have participants write down their spiritual experiences on strips of paper and link them together to form a chain. Display the chain to illustrate how each experience connects to build a strong testimony.

  1. Object Lesson: The Rays of the Sun

  • Materials: A picture of the sun with rays, paper, markers.

  • Activity: Have participants write their spiritual experiences on the rays of the sun picture. Discuss how each ray contributes to the overall light and warmth, symbolizing how each experience builds their testimony.

  1. Activity: Group Sharing Circle

  • Materials: None needed.

  • Activity: Form a circle and invite participants to share brief accounts of their spiritual experiences. Emphasize how each experience is a valuable ray of light that strengthens their collective testimony.

Personal Sharing Prompts:

  • Think of a time when a small spiritual experience gave you strength during a difficult period. How did this experience become a foundational ray of light in your testimony?

  • Think of a time when you felt an impression or guidance from the Holy Ghost that led you to make a good decision. How did this moment contribute to your growing testimony?

  • Think of a time when you recognized God's hand in your life through a series of small blessings or coincidences. How did these moments collectively strengthen your faith?

  • Think of a time when you received an answer to prayer that provided clarity or comfort. How has this answer remained a significant part of your spiritual foundation?

  • Think of a time when you felt inspired by the testimony or actions of someone else. How did this influence your own faith journey and add to your collection of spiritual experiences?

  • Think of a time when a specific scripture passage spoke to your heart and provided guidance or reassurance. How has this scripture continued to be a source of light for you?

  • Think of a time when you participated in an ordinance or covenant that deepened your understanding of the gospel. How did this experience become a key ray of light in your testimony?

  • Think of a time when you felt the presence of the Holy Ghost during a quiet moment of reflection or meditation. How did this feeling of peace and assurance impact your spiritual growth?

  • Think of a time when you shared a simple testimony or spiritual experience with others and felt its truth more deeply as you spoke. How did this act of sharing reinforce your own faith?

  • Think of a time when you felt a gradual accumulation of spiritual insights over a period of study or service. How did these accumulated rays of light help you build a strong core of testimony?

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