In this post, weʻll explore some of the different ideas you could use to help teach the different principles within the The Restoration Proclamation.
1. God Loves All His Children
Principle: Heavenly Father loves everyone.
- Practical Life Activity: Caring for the World
- Provide a small globe and child-safe cleaning materials (like a soft cloth). Show them how to “care for the world” while explaining that God loves all His children.
- Include a basket of small multicultural doll figures or figurines. Allow the children to handle the figures while saying, “God loves this child.”
- Sensorial Matching Activity: Faces of Children
- Print photos of children from around the world. Create a matching activity with paired photos.
- Encourage discussion: “Where do you think this child lives? Do you think Heavenly Father loves them?”
2. Jesus Christ is Our Savior
Principle: Jesus loves us and sacrificed for us.
- Art and Craft: Heart Tracing
- Use heart-shaped Montessori tracing templates. As the children trace, explain that Jesus loves them with all His heart.
- Practical Life: Pouring Activity
- Use red and white liquids (e.g., water dyed with food coloring) to represent Jesus’ love and purity. As they pour, explain that Jesus “poured out His love” for us.
- Nature Connection: Planting Seeds
- Provide seeds, soil, and small pots. Teach that Jesus helps us grow, just like the seeds we plant.
3. Joseph Smith Prayed
Principle: Joseph sought answers through prayer.
- Sensorial Experience: Sacred Grove
- Create a sensory tray with small tree figures, green felt, and other natural materials. Let children arrange the trees and imagine Joseph praying in the grove.
- Add small figurines to represent Joseph and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
- Practical Life: Preparing for Prayer
- Teach the steps to reverent prayer (folding arms, bowing head). Provide a small prayer rug or mat for them to practice kneeling and “praying.”
4. Heavenly Messengers Restored Jesus’ Church
Principle: God sent helpers to Joseph Smith.
- Practical Life: Delivering Messages
- Use a small pouch or bag to represent a messenger’s satchel. Provide paper “messages” (simple drawings or symbols). Let children practice delivering these messages around the classroom.
- Discuss how heavenly messengers brought important messages to Joseph.
- Fine Motor Activity: Angel Shapes
- Provide angel-shaped stencils for tracing or coloring. As they work, talk about how angels helped Joseph.
5. Jesus Christ Speaks to Us
Principle: Jesus speaks through scriptures and prayer.
- Language: Book Handling
- Set up a book corner with copies of the Bible and Book of Mormon. Show children how to gently turn the pages and explore pictures.
- Highlight stories where Jesus speaks, like His visit to the Nephites.
- Practical Life: Listening Activity
- Play an auditory “message game” where you whisper kind phrases (e.g., “Jesus loves you”) for them to pass on.
- Use a child-sized bell or chime to indicate when it’s time to listen quietly, teaching reverence.
6. We Belong to Jesus’ Church
Principle: Jesus restored His Church for everyone.
- Building Activity: Church Blocks
- Provide wooden blocks or materials for constructing a “church.” Include figures for people who can “attend” the church.
- Practical Life: Candle Lighting
- Use electric candles or safe alternatives to show light spreading. Explain that Jesus’ Church brings light to the world.
- Grace and Courtesy: Welcoming Others
- Practice greeting others with a kind handshake or smile, saying, “Welcome to Jesus’ Church.”