If you’re wanting to create a very memorable and fun…. And let’s be real, NOT cheesy…. Valentine’s Day Activity for the youth, consider this 5 Love Languages activity!
Activity Breakdown: Two teams will battle against each other in different competitions inspired by the five love languages: Acts of Service, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts, Words of Affirmation, and Quality Time. The team to get the most points wins!
First, divide the group into team teams. Ideally, everyone in both groups will be participating in each challenge. If you have an incredibly large group, you might need to break them up into smaller teams.

To download the free planning bundle for this activity, click here: https://otherthanamom.myflodesk.com/sdihxkvy53
Words of Affirmation:
Print out photos of every young man and woman with lines below their photos. Set up the photos all around the gym. Give each player their own pen based on the team they’re on (e.g. team 1 has blue, team 2 has red, etc). To win this challenge, each player has to write something nice, or an affirmation, under each picture of the youth. Any team that writes the same words as someone else (aka copied from above) subtracts a point. Players can start at any photo but every person must write under as many pictures as they can. The team with the most compliments given and no copy-cats wins!
Acts of Service:
Service Grams. Have each youth fill out a service gram to anyone in their family or ward of an act of service they’d like to offer them. Discuss amongst your presidency how they should be delivered to their recipients. First team to have each of their members fill out a service gram wins.
Receiving Gifts:
I’m gonna put two ideas here and you and your presidency can decide which you like better and which seems more realistic with your budget/youth group.
Idea #1: Have each of the youth create a photo album on their phones for their families and invite them to share it with their loved ones. The first team to have at least 10 photos in each of their album wins.
Idea #2: Create Dove Heart Chocolate Notes for them to deliver to a member of their family. The first team to finish their notes and putting together their Dove Heart Notes wins.
Physical Touch:
Two teams will compete to create different shapes/objects using their entire teams and just their bodies. The team to get the closest to the shapes in the pictures wins.
Quality Time:
Allow the youth to spend some quality time together by having them compete in either pictionary or charades. The team with the most points wins.